Thursday, February 6, 2025

Luanshya Council bans pirate taxis


The entrance A female security guard keeps vigil at entrance to the Roan Antelope health facility in Luanshya’s Roan Township

Luanshya Municipal Council has with immediate effect banned pirate taxis from operating in the mining town following the expiry of the month grace period which was passed by the Council.

During a Full Council Meeting, which was held on April 20, 2017, the Councilors resolved that pirate taxis operators be given a one month grace
period in which to legalise their business after having their vehicles registered as taxis at the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA).

The decision to effect than ban on the operations of pirate taxis follows the Submission of the report by the the Adhoc Committee on the Street
Vending Bus and Taxis Operations and Public Health to the full Council.

The Roy Chulumanda chaired Committee recommended that banning pirate taxis operations and street vending posed a short term pain for those to be re-allocated and long term benefits for all concerned, and these
were to be addressed immediately.

The Full Council resolved to take the following action whose enforcement has started today and Council police, state police and officers from the RTSA have been deployed in strategic parts of the town where they are undertaking routine patrols and impounding vehicles found pirating.

Following the resolution of the Full Council Luanshya Municipal Council has
resolved to take the following action:

To stop illegal pirating by allowing pirate taxis operators to register their cars with RTSA following the end of the one (1) month grace period as per the recommendation of the Adhoc Committee.

The Council facilitated for the voluntary relocation of street vendors into markets making the town free from the anarchy which came with the illegal occupation of shop corridors and road sides by the vendors.

The other Full Council resolutions are the second had clothes (salaula) traders be re-located to COMESA trading area after full Council.

The former Saturday Market (Datura Avenue) be turned into a Bus Stop to accommodate people coming from Kitwe and Ndola.

The resolutions passed by the 28 Luanshya Municipal Council Ward Councilors, during the Full Council meeting, which was chaired by Mayor Nathan Chanda also include, the expansion of Buseko and Mpatamatu market trading spaces for accommodation of street vendors, and that Luanshya Municipal Council should immediately work on the toilets and engage Kafubu Water and Sewerage to rectify the water problems in markets.

The Adhoc Committee on the Street Vending, Bus and Taxis Operations and Public Health was constituted to specifically address concerns to deal with street vending, markets operations, bus stations and public health and report back to Council within the first quarter of 2017.


  1. This is rubbish action by council, do u even know hw many taxes people pay from a taxi? Now u wanna add other nonses!

  2. This is the right move …these taxis should never even be on the road for safety, insurance purposes….why is it council outside the capital cities are more proactive…next time people vote wisely you could have elected Mrs Mwanawasa but we put empty tins!!

  3. This is wise indeed these taxis, noahs, load up to 11 passengers as opposed to the spec of 7 passengers. lawlessness at it best.

  4. ban street vending too; good sign to keep the hospital; but i can see rubbish on the ground.

  5. They Voted for PF. Very good, they should be paying Taxes. Kitwe, Ndola, Lusaka , Chingola, Mufulira See how you friends are working in Luanshya. Sadness will be to Traffic Officers.

  6. What is going to happen if you register your car are they going to arrow them to operate on intermine or just locally.can some one update me on that one please.

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