Friday, March 21, 2025

ZNBC now sold to China ?



A Zambian High Court has ruled in favour of satellite pay television company MultiChoice Zambia over the joint venture between the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and Chinese digital television service provider TopStar Communications.

The joint venture, entered into by the two companies earlier this year, means TopStar owns 60% shares in ZNBC and empowers the company to collect all ZNBC advertising and tower rental revenue for the next 25 years.

[pullquote]TopStar owns 60% shares in ZNBC and empowers the company to collect all ZNBC advertising and tower rental revenue for the next 25 years.[/pullquote]

The revenue collected will go towards the servicing of a US$273 million loan secured by the Zambian government from the Export-Import Bank of China for investment in the digital broadcasting networking and the building of provincial studios.

The alliance also paves the way for the rollout of TopStar-branded set top boxes for digital television and has reportedly resulted in the prevention of over 400,000 subscribers from watching local channels on MultiChoice’s GOtv decoders – despite a longstanding agreement with ZNBC regarding the free-to-air channels.

Although the deal sparked anger among stakeholders, including opposition political parties, the government, through the Minister of Information and Broadcasting services Kampamba Mulenga, said its decision on the joint venture “will never be reversed.”

Following the standoff, MultiChoice Zambia, via GOtv, decided to take the matter to court seeking a declaration that the operation of a public signal network by TopStar is illegal and unlawful.

The satellite TV company also wants the court to grant it an injunction restraining ZNBC from interfering with the local channels airing as free-to-air until the matter is fully determined.

TopStar had applied to the court for the matter to be dismissed because it lacked merit.

However, High Court judge Gertrude Chawatama ruled that the matter should proceed to trial because GOtv had shown sufficient grounds.



  1. uko, fight has started, where is ZICTA? consumer protection authority? where are they?

    this is confusion, talk about ISPS in Zambia.

  2. “TopStar owns 60% shares in ZNBC and empowers the company to collect all ZNBC advertising and tower rental revenue for the next 25 years….”


    The NEW colonialists have bought the country.

  3. I am not bothered by this development. Since deadNBC is now majority owned by a private entity, they should not collect TV levy. GrZ should level the playing field.
    Same goes for Zesc0 this company is funded by tax payers money but the major shareholder is never given consideration.

    • That was my first thought Dr Chaos Theory! Why should we pay a TV levy when we don’t own the public broadcaster? What is the TV levy for? Wow, people in PF are making money from sleeping Zambians.

    • Why do you Tongas fear to blog with names from you region? Is it because people would know that your views are regional?

    • Mwebabemba mwaliba sana tribal nangu musonta imitundu imbi. I have never heard these other tribes mentioning bemba, bemba but for you its always Lozi this, Tonga that, why. That can never put food on your tables. grow up , get a life. talk of productive things. Your PF ministers were the ones promoting tribalism during last years campaigns including your directionless president.

    • Kaputo Davies have you just parachuted from Mars? Bemba’s are attacked every minute right here and on all social media and you want to pretend not to see the insults? You must be blind biased and tribal

    • for the service the foreign company offers you. I guess when star times brings subscription, the tv levy wont be necessary. because one should only be able to access tv channels with the set top box or star times decoder.

  4. Guys, if you think about how ZNBC has been run, I think its ok. Politicians have abused the institution by using it as a campaign tool, sidelining opposed views for selfish interests. If only 60% foreign shareholding influence can help level the field, the institution could run better.

    The only sad part is revenue slipping off our hands. Why are muzungus always rulling us? Maybe because we are too selfish.

    • Muzungu’s are white not Chinese, no other country allows foreigners to own national media. even Murdoch had to become a US citizen to operate in the US, (Sky Tv ect) you would never see the BBC sold in the UK. soon the Zambian national language will be Mandarin (Chinese)

  5. Mulenga, your views are tribal … Am Bemba…. look at my fellow bemba talk in PF
    Fube, Frank bwalya, Mumbi,Amos chanda,Davies Mwila,Sunday chanda…
    Actually , it is normal for us bemba to insult…

  6. THSI IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SELFISH INTERESTS SET IN. Malema at some point asked ANC why their current leadership was borrowing money to be paid after 20+ years.He asked how many among the ANC central committee will live that long. These guys are just preparing for their families only not for Zambia. Why are easterners seling Zambia? Look at RB, he sold ZAMTEL , now ECL ZNBC.!!! soon all roads will be under the CHINESE. The toll fees will be collected to offset the NKONGOLE. Frank Bwalya and Mumbi Phiri have not seen anything wrong yet……!!! NATUKWATA UWESU ALEISA UKUFUMA KU KOPALA.

  7. A nation that has exposed its bedroom to foreigners.Where is our pride as a nation?The voice of the nation has been bequeathed to foreign nationals.We are completely stripped naked and we are walking with our faces crestfallen.Whoever came up with this idea,is a big curse to our nation.We are a big joke to other nations.

    • I can assure you one day we’ll take back our country. Zambia will never be part of any foreign power. We’ll find a way to deal with these traitors.

  8. Who are the real colonialist? Chinese, British, Americans, Maimane of DA, UPND or PF?
    Zambians , be careful with Politician’s statements. Divide and rule .In accountancy , it is APV…

  9. I only watch deadNBC during election time. The next time am switching to deadNBC is in 2021. TopStar should increase its shareholding to 80% may be I can start watching it once a month. For once I agree with Mushota, yes, great news Mr Pres!dent . We actually dont need deadNBC.

    You have removed subsidies from critical areas such mealie meal, fuel and Electricity. Do the same for TV levy.

  10. The biggest loser in the deal is the poor, rural viewer who for long since the onset of satellite Tv had relied on TVZed for a glimpse on the outside world. Soon top star and digital migration ‘ll require that they pay. No more subsidy for them to even freely watch their beloved Chipolopolo in Seol

  11. What Is This Nosense Am Hearing? 25years Servicing A Loan? 25 Years Paying An Outstanding Intrest To A Loan? And When Are You Going To Pay The Loan?
    Govt Give Us The Break Down Of How That Loan Was Used. How Many Towers Did U Construct Across The Country? How Many Towns Did U Even Digitalise?
    Am Sure 70% Of That Money Was Used To Buy Legarias For Cadres. Znbc Has Billions Of Debts, Just Let Them Have A 90% Share Maybe We Can See Improvement In Their Service Delivery.

  12. What Is This Nosense Am Hearing? 25years Servicing A Loan? 25 Years Paying An Outstanding Intrest To A Loan? And When Are You Going To Pay The Loan?
    Govt Give Us The Break Down Of How That Loan Was Used. How Many Towers Did U Construct Across The Country? How Many Towns Did U Even Digitalise?
    Am Sure 70% Of That Money Was Used To Buy Legarias For Cadres. So Znbc Will Forever Remain Slaves Of Top Star Until 2042 Sure? Infact Znbc Has Billions Of Debts, Just Let Them Have A 90% Share Maybe We Can See Improvement In Their Service Delivery.

  13. The government doesn’t know that it has privatised deadnbc. Parastatals have govt as major shareholder not the other way round

  14. ZNBC has lasted this long because it’s used as a mouthpiece by the government.The internet has now taken over so it makes sense for this cash cow to be disposed of. Muvi TV need to up their game and exploit the market share to bring quality TV to Zambian viewers.

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