By Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology
I have been very busy with work. President Trump has been in power here in the United States for about 4 months. But many of us citizens who live with his reckless actions, poor governing, and ill-conceived twitter statements feel like he has already been in power for 5 long years. We are exhausted. President Trump and his entire White House staff is under siege as the Russian hacking election scandal has cast a dark cloud on his administration. I have not been following Zambian politics since last October 2016. So when a friend sent me some news articles about politics in Zambia that perked my interest.
International News
Some of the international news articles had alarming headlines that President Lungu was becoming authoritarian; that democracy was in danger in Zambia. Some articles said Lungu was becoming a dictator locking up his opposition opponent because of trumped up charges. These articles never give you actual details because many of them are used to just throwing labels around like “authoritarian”, “dictator” on African countries without bothering about details. When I saw a headline that said the opposition leader had been charged with treason and thrown in jail for a simple traffic stop that sparked my interest to dig deeper.
What I found out just looking on line is that there were so many news stories published within Zambia reported from the government, from the police, from the opposition leaders and other public commentators. Opposing ideas, allegations of the PF and President Lungu abuse of power, public protests, court trials, demonstrations, reports of police arrests and torture, strong opinions, and even insults are being expressed freely through the press and public conversations. The international press and those who are saying President Lungu and Zambia are descending into authoritarianism and dictatorship are not telling the truth. At worst this is being disingenuous and intellectual laziness in reporting.
Treason Charge Stunning
When I looked at the events surrounding the treason charge, I was stunned. I was even more stunned when apparently one of UPND and HH’s cadres decided to put video clips of the incident on the internet on YouTube. The aim of the video tapes was to show how President’s Lungu’s motorcade police car with its flashing lights nearly rammed into Hakainde’s car. I have driven on those narrow tarred roads in rural Zambia. As recently as July 2016 I personally drove from rural Lundazi all the way to Solwezi. How can an opposition leaders’ 60 car long motorcade drive next to the President’s motorcade? This should no longer be about election results but about 14 million Zambians respecting the security of the individual who is occupying the Office of the President; whether it is Hakainde, Lungu, or any future elected Presidents. The incident looked more dangerous on the YouTube video clip than when you read descriptions about it. People who instigate these things should think seriously many times. There could easily have been a dangerous incident during the motorcade fiasco that could have sparked the whole Zambian nation on fire.
2016 Presidential Elections
During the August Presidential election the PF and Edgar Lungu won 1,860,877 which was 50.35%of the vote; the UPND and Hakainde Hichilema won 1,760,347 which was 47.35% of the votes. The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) declared the PF and Edgar Lungu the winner. The UPND lodged a petition alleging massive rigging by the PF. Both UPND and the PF were ready to present their cases in court. The Zambian Constitutional Court threw out the petition because the 14 days within which it is legally allowed to adjudicate and rule on the case had expired. The UPND supporters have staged protests and lodged court filings since then. National elections will never be squeaky clean. It might help for the opposition in Zambia to look at how opposition leaders both in Zambia and in other countries have handled similar situations.
In the 1960 American Presidential elections, President Kennedy won the national popular vote by 112,827 a narrow margin of 0.17% against Richard Nixon. After his loss, Nixon and the Republican Party discovered that in the crucial state of Illinois, thousands of dead voters had voted in that election. Richardson Nixon refused to file charges in court to protest the election result. He did not want to plunge the nation into chaos. Nixon peacefully worked very hard in opposition and won the Presidency 8 years later.
Respect the Office
Everyone understands that UPND and Hakainde have not made it a secret that they won’t recognize President Lungu. But creating a near dangerous Presidential motorcade incident should not be one of the ways to protest or resist. The courts also should never be used to overturn an election that was in August 2016.
What Mr. Hakainde Hachilema should have done during the very dangerous motorcade incident, was for him to order his own supporters in the long motorcade (See it on YouTube) to pull over and stop. His own supporters would probably have loudly opposed him. But then he should have stood up on a car with a megaphone and said something like: “We are not respecting Lungu personally as an individual but the Office of the President. He is the current leader of our country, let his motorcade pass safely.” That’s what a good strong leader and opposition would do from now up to the next election. That would improve the chances of Hakainde and UPND winning the next presidential election.
Maybe if you had a PhD in Political Science your article could have been thoughtful and balanced. I expected a well thought out argument from both sides of the arguments and your recommendation and we’ll put together conclusion to sum it up all. But your loyalty to PF is all we can read in this article.
Ni dalu mudala uyu if he is not just thinking using tribe. I wonder how Americans gave him the job of teaching their children. Anyway americans are no longer surprising looking at their leader. I always say USA has the first African president in Trump. He behaves like an African president, like someone who was poor like edgar lungu and now he has just seen riches by chance in politics.
Why are we discussing a traffic incident which even state prosecutors wouldn’t substantiate in court. Some people were born poop shot first and not head first. Fxck this author.
Go back to work Ba Mwizinge, your conclusion is so styupid, chikkala chenu. I will call you tonight.
How can some one have a chance to use a megaphone when speeding Lungu motorcade approaching like that?
If indeed you are Zambian and have lived in Zambia you have known wha the protocol for presidential motorcade is and has been since KK days. More than an hour before the presidential motorcade the road is cleared. For a distance you have police standing to prevent anyone from going on the road. This has not changed and has been in force.
His PhD is not different from LT Muahota’s
How this chap got a PHD or even worse a teaching job. I am wondering but America these days is of low quality. Please Mr. Tembo use you time productively. You argument not only show of low capacity to be objective and have a fair mindset. Who doesn’t know Lungu purposely took that road instead of using a chopper? Who could not see how Lungu feared and still fears the petition? The truth this the only way Lungu could conceal the truth about the election. Those men that went HH’s had different objectives from arresting him. One wonders what could have happened if HH came out of the bunker?
There is an alarming rate of wako ni wako. Just because someone is named “Tembo” he feels automatically compelled to support Lungu. This article is a disgrace of the fraternity this so called Professor represents. I pity the students who sit and listen to this empty tin. The article lacks substance and is very amateurish. He thinks he is a “Tembo” but his mom lied. His father is a Mr. Mushota. He is a child from the bush.
Ba Tembo you are right – stay with Trump stupidity* – if you cannot realize the wrongs being committed by your tribesman, just shut up.
what went wrong what went wrong with the UPNDs? in the beginning of this treason charge HH was like (we are talking to trup and that trup promised to help HH out of being a looser of the 2016 general erection) NDELOLESHAFYE.
An appalling misrepresentation of reality by a holder of phd in sociology. Shame on you.
Spot on!
You left email address, you done mwaiche, we send email with witchcraft.
@Nostradamus you are mad!
Please dont lowa him badly just the finger he uses to type this nonsense.
HH is a vampire and only gets satisfied once it sucks blood, but then how do you stop a vampire? Its by eliminating it from society so that it doesn’t have a chance to smell blood. Lets not forget so fast, the known perpetual loser of elections made it very clear way back in June 2016 that he will not accept the election result, the question that any reasonable person should ask is, WHY? How did this hh know the outcome of the elections which are conducted in secret ballot that he would win? Doesn’t it ring a bell that the underground dark forces who want to rape our country using small minded persons like hh were in big time? Is it a wonder that we started seeing false prophets trying to come to Zambia and buying our emerald mines? Is it a coincidence that some small political…
what went wrong what went wrong with the UPNDs? in the beginning of this treason charge HH was like (we are talking to trup and that trup promised to help HH out of being a looser of the 2016 general erection) NDELOLESHAFYE.
Is it a coincidence that some small political opposition leader tried to come and deceive the people that he was offering solidarity to the incarcerated Satanist?
Zambians, wake up, hh is a mafia, a big criminal for that matter that’s why people like GBM have bolted because they are just coming to learn that they were sleeping next to a vampire.
HH finally committed to High Court
HAKAINDE Hichilema and his treason co-accused will be committed to the High Court tomorrow, following an agreement between his lawyers and the State yesterday.
And the State welcomed the agreement, saying it had always looked forward to commencement of trial in the case while one defence counsel doubted if the matter would take off soon because the current criminal cause list was already full.
Hichilema’s lawyers u-turned last week on their objection to the committal certificate signed by Deputy Chief State Advocate Mariam Mutebi Bah-Matandala on behalf of Director of Public Prosecutions Lilian Shawa-Siyunyi. This was after they opted to abandon a judicial review Principal Resident Magistrate David Simusamba granted them to…
HH finally committed to High Court
HAKAINDE Hichilema and his treason co-accused will be committed to the High Court tomorrow, following an agreement between his lawyers and the State yesterday.
And the State welcomed the agreement, saying it had always looked forward to commencement of trial in the case while one defence counsel doubted if the matter would take off soon because the current criminal cause list was already full.
Hichilema’s lawyers u-turned last week on their objection to the committal certificate signed by Deputy Chief State Advocate Mariam Mutebi Bah-Matandala on behalf of Director of Public Prosecutions Lilian Shawa-Siyunyi. This was after they opted to abandon a judicial review Principal Resident Magistrate David Simusamba granted them to…
The two parties met before Mr. Simusamba in chambers yesterday and the State did not object to the defence’s application to have the matter brought forward to this Thursday and confirm the accused persons’ committal to the High Court.
“We are more than happy because it has always been our intention to have trial take off,” said State Advocate Chimbeka Sakala. On the other hand, defence lawyer Maimbo Haimbe said it was not clear if the treason case would await High Court sessions because the June session started yesterday and its cause list was already full.
“The matter is now in the hands of the DPP and the court…according to our criminal justice system, once the case is committed the accused person has little role to play in ensuring the case proceeds in a certain manner,” Mr…
Pastor Chanda also thanked the State and the Judiciary for allowing the due process of the law to take its course up to the current stage.
“This has confirmed what Chief Justice Irene Mambilima said last week that the Judiciary is independent. It is now up to Mr. Hichilema’s lawyers to ensure they do not disturb the flow of the case through unnecessary preliminary issues and applications because justice delayed is justice denied.”
Mr mwizenge, you have no brain my brother.
You are indeed ignorant writer! .Just watch chakolwa and co try hard to justify their misdeeds, if you are not furnished with facts listen zambia is failing on every measure and benchmark, its total dispair lusaka is the dirtest and darkest by night capital city in southern africa you pay more to travel from lusaka to livingstone or the copperbelt and lusaka/ copperbelt is now a 9hr journey for distance of 400 km.Youths graduating from teacher and health schools are no longer guaranteed of jobs tuletekwa ku fipaso twafwa mwelesa kanshi nani a tipa ichalo chesu.
As far as we Tongas are concerned we will not accept Lungu as president until HH is president.
So the intention of the Government is to eliminate the vampire as Malinso alleges. Calling HH a Satanist is purely unfounded. Calling HH a mafia is totally wrong… True Christians have kind words even to the worst enemy.
Ba Malinso, if you are a Christian , seek GOD’s repentance for your lewd statements….
Kindly prove to Zambians if HH is a Satanist , vampire or mafia…
English is good but using it correctly show that you are a decent person.
Can you evangelise to HH.
Above all Jesus can for the sinners like HH. If you are righteous , praise GOD and share your faith with us…..HOLY MAN….
Thanks, I appreciate you comment but I believe in being truthful. But you ought to understand that Zambia is about people and what hh has been doing from time immemorial is to put this country in prolonged poverty by fighting his colleagues when he loses the elections. What this does is to distract the legitimate Government from fulfilling its campaign promises of development, which you too, am certain is aware, desperately need. Hh wants to paint a picture to those outside Lusaka and world over that there is turmoil in Zambia, which a plain falsehood.
Investors world over to a large extent scan the environment based on speculation and that’s the more reason Stock Exchanges exist. You can believe what you like. Whos suffers in the end, the same poor that hh purports to…
But ba Malinso you dissapoint me
You say HH has been fighting his enemies and hindering them from delivering?Can you honestly compare what you call the fight HH has been putting up with what we saw with Sata?And where you not around to see how Mwanawasa concentreted on delivering and not talking about things like who leads the party to the next elections and other disruptive conduct like we are now seeing in PF.
Very cleary how much u wash a pig, soon it will get back to its nature- dirty. With a phd and in america a man can say what he says! Educated illiterates. Whose duty was to clear z road for ecl? With a phd and in america did z video u saw constitute treason? Even malumani with no phd and in zambia will do better. Did u hear there in america z one who shot jf kennedy dead committed treason? Put ur education to good use sir.
Useless Article devoid of research and serious analysis. Why did HH and GBM file a Petition? Is filing a Petition unconstitutional? Once a Petition is filed with Concourt what are the implications? Lungu during the Petition Hearing refused to resign and allow the Speaker of Parliament to act as Acting President. This is a clear breach of the Constitution. Cocourt dismissed the Petition. Does Concourt have legal powers to dismiss the Petition? Was Lungu’s win validated by Concourt? Was it okay to swear Lungu without a declaration and validation from Concourt? What became of Gen12 Certificates in Lusaka and CB?How did ECZ announce final results without these Certificates? A Tembo yr Article is shallow and biased. In fact it is pure hogwash and tainted with kumodzi kumawa thinking.
what went wrong what went wrong with the UPNDs? in the beginning of this treason charge HH was like (we are talking to trup and that trup promised to help HH out of being a looser of the 2016 general erection) NDELOLESHAFYE.
This is blatant contempt of Court. It’s no different from what the Chief Govt spokesperson is was accusing GBM of.
Now can we hear from Professor Hansungule? The Professor was quoted in the article by the Chitimukulu. Maybe then the selective UPNDonkeys will listen regarding the expiry of the petition? And maybe the motorcade incident too?
Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology. Who cares what you have been doing that you have been busy, that’s why you have not followed what’s been going on in Zambia. Is it necessary to mention the Trump politics before you could say anything about whatever, what an introduction, you could have at least say something about our KK, than clueless Trump. I’m not a PF or UPND, But I can not lean on one side when there is an issue. The presidential Motorcade has security along it’s way, cars are stopped before that Motorcade can get closer, almost ten kilometers of traffic should clear the way. My question is, where were the 600 police officers that were sent to patrol the area to protect and serve? The police was at fault if this was not a planned move. Yes he refused to give way,…
There is treason case is not sustainable . The grounds are weak. I am anxiously waiting to see how the prosecution shall build the case.
In Malumani ruling set the tone of the miscarriage to justice to the matter at hand.
Overt acts prior to HH’s arrest are hard to prove beyond reasonable grounds. It is like trying to prove rape in marriage. The witnessess must have evidence that HH and his five accused had concrete plans to overthrow the government of Zambia hence the activities in Mongu.
The evidence must be written laying the manner in which they want to overthrow the government. The evidence to be adduced must show the role each of the accused was to play and the manner in which they intended to rule the would be government after the plan is achieved.
A pitch of salt , my…
Oh dear, this article was written by a professor? Was he sober?
Crying over spilt milk ba upnd mwaba amakandi. Did we have a run for ECL to hand over the instrument to the chief. Think before you vomit fi upnd. Vomiting does not choose the amount that will come out of the mouth. I am non educated but I am able to understand some clauses.
Well articulated professor. HH will not win thru the courts. He has no respect for the office of the presidency. Imagine if it were him obstructed by Edgar. Edgar would have been killed there and then. Whether he respects ecl or not, ecl walks on red carpet. Mwaba amab0l0 aya sasa ba upnd.
Just noted an important point by Professor Tembo: “The Constitutional Court threw out the petition because the 14 days in which it is legally mandated to adjudicate and rule on the petition had expired”. Key words are “legally mandated” and “expired”. What this means is that the ConCourt could no longer adjudicate on the petition because the Court would break the law. It also means that the UPND might have the right to be heard as they claim, but by who else since only the Concourt is legally mandated to hear the petition? A sensible person would then act like Richard Nixon in the national interest. Or like Hilary Clinton, or like the other guy who lost to George Bush in a state governed by Bush’s brother Jeb. But not so with Chief Mukuni’s son, it has to be him in State House.
Can not comprehend what the author is trying to say… So boring and incoherent.
This guy is an Easterner and sees everything in terms of tribalism. Even after going to a very civilized country, the f00l still possesses the mind of an 1diot. I am surprised that there are PHD holders who write articles like they are using there behinds to think.
@13 amanda, I thought that the committal of U5 to the High Court for the commencement of the treason trial would help U5 and the defence lawyers to tear the treason case to shreds. But know what, U5 has again chicken out, through his lawyer John Sangwa he has now petitioned the ConCourt and High Court to “try” the evidence instead. What is U5 afraid of if you think that there is no evidence against him? Oh dear, either U5 is broken or his wealth has failed to mix with his brains. And what does Vincent Malambo SC, and other defence lawyers think? Are they involved in the latest u-turn by U5?
Hansungule says go kiss your duodenal tract.
@18, now calm down, are you aware that you are insulting U5? Remember that in a fit of rage after losing the elections U5 condemned all easterners on tribal grounds?
Remember in 2006 when U5 was selected, not elected, to succeed Mazoka, Sejani stated that UPND(onkeys) shall only be led by a tonga? Problem is that UPNDonkeys have a short memory.
TO HELL WITH THERE short memory.
This guy dosnt even know whats going on just busy blabaring about…mxxm
you are busy busy blabaring on your ass
…..And remember that Professor Hansungule agrees that the petition did indeed expure after 14 days. Now Professor Hansungule was not being tribalistic against tongas, was he?
@19.1, is that you Chilyata? Or is it an imitation donkey?
You mother fcking ar.sewhore!
I know this fo.olish lazy tribalist thing called Mwizenge S. Tembo – as it actually taught me in first year! Now you dull thing Chizenge Tembo, take note of the following: 1. The state has already entered a nolle on that road traffic charge – they realised the police were wrong. You have just exposed your st.upidity on something already settled in court? 2. The police actually cleared HH & UPND convoy to drive on that Road; Lungu was supposed to fly to Limulunga hence the nolle – you caterpillar? 3. Do you know that Lungu has changed the Treason charges twice because there is no case! 4. The Concourt wrongly included weekends which legally don’t count as courts don’t sit on weekends – that part is still in contest! 5. The post was closed because there is no press freedom!!…
Mwizenge, you are the most foolish Zambian with a PhD and I personally know how st,upid and tribalist you fat thing are!!
Mwizenge, you are the most foo.lish Zambian with a PhD and I personally know how st,upid and tribalist you fat thing are!!
I pity students taught by this mediocre professor
I agree with your comment Lombe, when I started reading the article I thought it was well written until it turned into another propaganda non meaningless content with no direction supporting the burned PF government…we don’t need people like this fool confusing us…he wasted his time to write a 2000 word paper for nothing.
Chilyata, you went to university? If so, obviously you were a flop. Reason? When an eastern lecturer was teaching you, you were busy seeing him as not tonga for you to listen too. By the way, where did you learn your insults? As far as I know there is only one tribe in Zambia where deep insults are normal, even between mothers and their sons they will freely exchange words like intoni.
Chilyata, you went to university? If so, obviously you were a flop. Reason? When an eastern (russia) lecturer was teaching you, you were busy seeing him as not your tribe for you to listen to. By the way, where did you learn your insults? As far as I know there is only one cultural group in Zambia where deep “words” like yours are normal, even between mothers and their sons they will freely exchange words like i.n.t.o.n.i.
Yes, your grand mother was asking for your in.toni is it? You are surely an example of a Zambian flop – I have done 10 times better than Mwizenge and I can actually employ him and pay him better than the peanuts he is getting in the diaspora!!
No.matter what false names from northern you use we can always tell from your uncultured language who you are.
Professor Mwizenge Tembo do not mind these small UPND boys whose reaction to any view contrary to theirs is always in the form of insults. They are an emotional lot no wonder they behave like their U5 leader. You have demonstrated wisdom in your article but they fail to understand the point you make towards the very end of your article. This is that if you as an opposition leader show your childish desperation in trying to get into state house by claiming you are the only one who should be there and nobody else, then you cannot endear yourself to ordinary Zambians and expect them to give you another chance again. HH thinks Zambia begins and ends with him. He is just as egotistic and irritatingly narcissistic as Donald Trump and cannot attract many to himself.
Only a super id.iot can write this! Ar.sewhore!!
The author is a professor of tribalism and stupidity. That should be the end of the article.
Can this Mwizenge Tembo, a professor of muzungu anikonde tribalism and stupor, compare himself to Professor Muna Ndulo whose scholarly works are cited by magistrates and judges in Zambia and the commonwealth?
How sad that even a professor is now reduced to a PF cadre parroting tribal politics and the incarceration of an innocent individual. I thought professors should be clear headed, but not this wako-ni-wako kumodzi kumaba matuvi wa professor.
Can this professor justify genocide? Can he justify the holocaust?
The answers are in the tone of his article.
Pilate seems to have been surprised at the crowd’s insistence that Barabbas be set free instead of Jesus. The governor stated that the charges against Jesus were baseless (Luke 23:14) and appealed to the crowd three times to choose sensibly (verses 18–22). “But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed” (verse 23). Pilate released Barabbas and handed over Jesus to be scourged and crucified (verse 25).
Crap of an article
Well said but can HH and his UPND listen ?
Ba Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology,
You must be so dull to know that the person who causes an accident on the road and endangers life is the one driving from behind and bumps into a car from behind of if the person in front stops suddenly. Anyway, you are from Eastern Province and people know what kind of person you are. So people now know how to live with you. So when you see a change in people’s attitude towards you, know that it is because of your dullness.
The real issue with the Tonga group is there should be a Tonga president Professor. They are ready to die on this one. Do not waste your time writing objectively. They do not count Mwanawasa as one of their own. They twist facts completely to suit HH. Unfortunately they are few. Am married to one of them. During 2016 elections my dear one could not even talk to me. That’s when I realized that it has nothing to do with governing the country. Its more of a personal ego than love for the country. They do not even consider they got more votes from eastern province than any other province apart from their strong hold. They will never admit that nowhere in the constitution does it say an incumbent must hand over power to the speaker if its not a re-run. They ignore the 14 days legal mandate…
Professor Tembo is never dull and has never been dull. Respect people’s achievements for the country to progress. The real issue is the Tonga president and if it’s not HH then everyone is against us. I do not think that to be Tonga is wrong. It is beautiful to be Tonga. But kindly do not mix facts here. Nowhere in the constitution does it say the incumbent must hand over power to the speaker. President Lungu is the most tolerant than any other presidents in Zambia. You cannot refuse to give way to the presidency and be left free. If that ever happens again that will be the end of Zambia. I have guarded the state presidents myself, all of them apart from Sata and Lungu. The details of what happens when guarding the president are mine. But it is not correct that the president was not…
The ‘president’ should have used a chopper to avoid confusion. His protocol men knew HH was using the road and that the area is one of his strongholds. To me they should take responsibility and resign. It is of course true that ECL was put in danger, but by his own men ‘police, protocol officers etc’. It is actually a very laughable decision by the courts to entertain the so called treason case induced by the failure of the presidential handlers. Remember this is now part of Zambian history. We should learn to make mature decisions. ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’
Citizen, you sound ignorant on aviation laws. The president does not just get up and say because the opposition is here let’s use a chopper. Get facts from the Civil Aviation before you insinuate what should have been done. There are facts that the state considers when guarding the president. You do not even know why the state charged HH with treason. Magistrate Malumani was the worst handler of the case. While the other theft case he was alright with it but, though I have difficulties in agreeing with his judgment, he was off to comment on treason case.
What aviation rules can prevent a president from using a chopper in his own country? I don’t know of any n in Zambia. Was the alternative more safe etc? Answer is NO. Call me cynical but your deliberation lacks the basics of logical thinking. My proposal could be proven even mathematically by using probability theory and game theory. Here is the meat. The probability of conflict was high considering the timing of the two motorcades plus that is HH’s stronghold. Second, From game theory, ECL and his handlers easily predicted (i.e read HH and his supporter’s minds) in order to frame him for treason. I thank You for calling me ignorant.
Ungaleme cabe na ma UPNDonkeys aba. Bonse bacita monga bana coka bokolwa mumimba yaba mai babo.
Another outstanding article that is on point about the Zambian political scene. Megaphones aside, HH and his entourage deliberately staged this unfortunate incident. Their antics have lead them to this sad plight for him. You can’t shout Wolf too many times before you fall into your own trap.
Look at Hilary Clinton, smartly conceding though it hurt to lose to an ‘arunguangtang’
, pardon spl! So why can’t HH a man do the same? You need to hold your dignity in the face of defeat. Not shoot your own foot.
You have written rubbish because you still do not have the full details. HH got a reception in Mongu befitting a president. That is why PF organised a motorcade fracas to fix HH. How on earth would the president arrive earlier than HH who was just an invited guest. Lungu was not just an invited guest, he was attending as president (so we can say officiating). The people who created a dangerous situation are Lungu’s handlers. If the 20km road was cleared in good time there would have been no incident on that less than 20min drive. Please learn more sociology
After reading all the nonsense from the UPND bloggers, my hope is that HH gets locked up so that he and his blind and deranged followers can learn that lawlessness and arrogance doesn’t pay.
Go suck your mama’s thumb.
If that ain’t enough go grab and suck papa’s big left toe.
Useless article, toilet based conclusions
I have reading all the above comments. First, the issue of always putting PhD, Professor when writing something is very wrong. I am almost finishing my PhD but this does not mean that I should always be saying PhD candidate or student, No. I also worked in Zambian military as an officer before resigning.
Now the issue is that HH is undisciplined, and made a very big mistake in Mongu, but the CIC, the Commander in Chief should use his humanity and release the undisciplined HH. Unfortunately politics does not know whether you have PhD or Not. What I have leant is that politics is about wisdom. Sorry to say that there is no wisdom in the current politicians in Zambia. I started my politics in early 2000 at the University but I have learnt that, politics whether at university or national…
I have reading all the above comments. First, the issue of always putting PhD, Professor when writing something is very wrong. I am almost finishing my PhD but this does not mean that I should always be saying PhD candidate or student, No. I also worked in Zambian military as an officer before resigning.
Now the issue is that HH is undisciplined, and made a very big mistake in Mongu, but the CIC, the Commander in Chief should use his humanity and release the undisciplined HH. Unfortunately politics does not know whether you have PhD or Not. What I have leant is that politics is about wisdom. Sorry to say that there is no wisdom in the current politicians in Zambia.
Unless you are not confident on your PhD qualification – one reason why the PhD is used when you have one is to distinguish you from an MD.
For me a PhD is like a black belt in Karate. Use it to defend and advance things you care about.
For me a PhD is like a black belt in Karate. Use it to defend and advance things you care about. It is not to be used for showing off like those that we see everyday especially in Africa. For me, I can secretly help poor Zambians without announcing that I have a PhD in a prestigious discipline from Europe because to me, having a PhD is not the most important thing. What is important is my contribution to my motherland and to that more efficiently, I invested in my education.
This fool..his a disappointment the academic society??
Even one of his undergraduate students would have done a
more balanced & objective analysis.
Didn’t this fool even read that the court dismissed this case.
Policemen are typically lined along the road with sweeping cars well ahead. So, where were they you fool? Also, if ECL was a risk, why did he even open his window?
Opposition supporters are so dull – listen to what Mwizenge advises in the last paragraph and try to learn something instead of pouring insults on him only.
Zambia is more peaceful now.
Good points Prof. Mwizenge. Unfortunately, HH and his crew planned the events in Western Province to provoke the police or the state as they have done before to have a ground to win sympathy. No one can accept that silly behavior even in a developed country like the U.S. It is time the law spoke and said enough! The mediocre reasoning and antagonism of his supporters on this blog shows how unreasonable this opposition party is. God bless peaceful Zambia!
In the USA, it is the Driver who is ticketed and not the passenger.
I don’t know which America this foolish rat-eating Professor lives in.
Can Aljazeera help us here by way of a live debate between Prof. Mwizenge Tembo and Professor Muna Ndulo?
Thank you.
This piece of writing is clearly one sided. Such a writing is only fit to be written in your memo, not in the newspaper. Professor is probably lobbing for some sympathy from the Lungu admin so as to be offered a political position.
Ifyo HH worshippers only they point of view is correct they are the most intelligent tribe and will only rest when a Tonga is in state house period. Everybody else is dull but the big question is how come they lost to a drunk and no vision man????
ndeloleshafye mkwai,
When I saw “By Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology” at the top, I was eager to read the article. But after reading through it, I was left wondering how such a shallow article could have been written by a professor. Oh my foot, where is the critical and balanced analysis expected from someone holding the title of professor? I am really shocked. This is not about supporting PF or UPND, its about common sense and intellectual reasoning. Tell me ‘professor’: HH’s convoy was already in motion, Lungu’s convoy came from behind, so how could HH have possibly ordered his convoy to stop? Does it make sense? In Zambia, before the president travels along a road, the road is cleared by police an hour or so before, so why wasn’t the road cleared in this case? Are you aware that the…
Are you aware that the president was originally supposed to use a helicopter? Are you aware that the State has already entered a Nolle prosequi over this case? Ba ‘professor’, your article falls far below what is expected from some one holding your title. Or is your intellectual reasoning blurred by tribe? Next time you comment on national issues, please research adequately and avoid bias.
@amandapalmer – HH’s treason case grounds go way back to October, 2016 so you and me have even forgotten what HH did / say last year which he is being accused of. Do you think the State Advocates are stupid to slap him with a treason case? The evidence is not even hard to find since your HH’s mouth was ranting anything he thinks of trying to underrate the president in short showing off. I am sure by now he has even regretted behaving like that. Hee why are you all worked up about the article above something which simple and straight forward, the truth hates.
In fact, there is more evidence to the treason case than the simple obstruction of the motorcade.
when passing comments don’t be biased. lets help build Zambia by speaking the truth. lets call a spade a spade and a big spoon. if HH was in the wrong please condemn ,if ECL is in the wrong please condemn. don’t side any leader who is in the wrong just because u belong to their party or using tribal grounds.we will never move if you cant frankly notice mistakes in our leaders. lets help them realize their mistakes. as u post comments on issues mind the language. bad language sends bad message even when u may have good points on the issue at hand.
@ Lemba, you are right! HH’s treason trial has more evidence than Under Fives think! It is a build up and irresponsibility utterances that shall nail him! The short-sighted supporters of his on this blog will soon be crying! Watch this space!