Saturday, December 14, 2024

Kansanshi mine PLC pledges infrastructure development in Solwezi


Kansanshi mine has pledged to work on the road infrastructure in Solwezi district if the local authority allows the company to bid for road construction tenders.

Kansanshi mine corporate social responsibility manager Bruce Lewis said the mine can work on selected roads in the district at a much cheaper rate whilst delivering quality works if only the municipality gives them a go ahead.

He said the mines are ready to partner with the local authority in bringing development to the district.

And Solwezi municipal council deputy mayor Nephan Kamwandi says the local authority is open to partnering with institutions that are willing to foster development in the district.

Mr Kamwandi said Solwezi municipal council will take into consideration the mines proposal.

He was speaking in Solwezi today during the 2017 Northwestern provincial mining indaba organization by a consortium of civil society organizations.


  1. This is a good move however, this should be done as part of the mining contract for social responsibility to reinvest in the local areas. You need to work with the local authority to improve the local area using mineral royalties and tax incentives rather than bidding central government for more funds. It’s like the rich man looting a poor man’s house. These mining companies have the technology and capacity to put up first class infrastructure. The government just need to get creative to tap into these resources.

    • Its will not happen because the is no corruption involved when the mine does it….

  2. Solwezi council has done nothing on roads infrastructure despite getting huge sums of money from the mines in the name of land rates. These guys needs to up their game!

  3. The copperbelt was constructed by mine companies. They made roads, hospitals schools, social clubs such as Fibusa, Bufuke chiwempala, Nkana everything. These present day miners are being left to focus only on minerals and are asking to tender. Tender? Under what deal have they been allowed here? Bazamisiya na poverty

  4. Comment:
    The road network within Solwezi town is pathetic. So much dust and mud just across from the beautiful shopping malls.

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