Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Registrar of Societies should immediately de-register Edwin Sakala’s ZDDM Party-Bishop Mambo


Bishop Mambo speaking at the launch
Bishop Mambo speaking at the launch
Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) Chairperson Bishop John Mambo has called on the Registrar of Societies to immediately de-register Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM)

In a statement availed to the media today, he has since joined demands the immediate arrest Edwin Sakala for threatening to disturb the peace that Zambia is known for.

Bishop Mambo has expressed disappointment by what he deemed the irresponsible and discriminatory conduct exhibited by Edwin Sakala the president of Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) through his letter to His Royal Highness Senior Chief Nzamane.

The clergy was has to urge His Royal Highness Chief Nzamane and all their Royal Highnesses in Eastern Province, and in other parts of Zambia, to strongly censure Edwin for his lawless conduct that violates the constitution and Zambia’s traditional values.

He said Article 60 sub section 2a&c of the 2016 amended constitution calls on political parties to promote and uphold constitutional values, principles and national unity and further, article 60 subsections 3a does not allow political parties to engage in propaganda based on tribal, ethnic, linguistic, racial sectoral or provincial basis among others.

Bishop Mambo noted that CiSCA believes that the conduct of Edwin Sakala clearly goes against the spirit, values and principles of these constitutional provisions among others.

He said Mr. Sakala should know that there is no law that allows Traditional leaders in Zambia to ban the operations of any political party in their areas.

Bishop Mambo has since stated that Mr. Edwin Sakala is deliberately dragging the Royal Highnesses into his unlawful conduct to bring their public image into disrepute among right thinking Zambians, adding that clearly Edwin Sakala is not ready for national leadership.

He further noted that his letter is in breach of most parts of the Constitution and in particular Parts I: The Supremacy of the Constitution; II: National Values, Principles and Economic Policies; III: Bill of Rights; IV: Citizenship and V: Representation of the People.

Bishop Mambo also noted that Edwin Sakala does not have anything to gain politically by urging the unconstitutional banning of UPND in Eastern Province or any other party in this country.

“We believe that his party has no following anywhere and the supporters of UPND in Eastern Province will not switch their support to him even if UPND ceased to exist”

“Zambians should ask themselves why Sakala would author such a diabolical letter that is essentially proposing the dismantling of Zambia as a unitary multi party and democratic sovereign state into tribal states? Sakala knows that he will never become President of this Republic; he is therefore proposing this as a way of realizing his dream of presiding over a nation, even if it means presiding over a tribe”

And Bishop Mambo has since called on all our national leaders including Traditional Leaders in Eastern Province to help initiate and support efforts to unify the nation according to Zambia’s constitutional provisions and national motto.

“In our national anthem and national prayer, we ask the Good Lord to heal our misunderstandings and to teach us to love one another. We cannot afford therefore as a people to have such wanton tribalists driving a wedge of division in the nation while those who daily stand on anthills proclaiming that Zambia is a peaceful nation are silent”

“We urge all political leaders and all traditional leaders to openly and strongly condemn Edwin Sakala for acting contrary to our national values according to Article 8 of our Constitution as his letter flies in the face of article 8(b) that speaks to national unity, 8(c) that speaks to democracy and constitutionalism and 8(d) which speaks to equality and non-discrimination”

“Furthermore, we ask Edwin Sakala to read Article 60 of the 2016 Amended Constitution in its entirety before attempting to break the supreme law of this land with input” Bishop Mambo said


    • The Sakala Nyongos are sly and conniving. They want genocide in Eastern Province, they preach genocide in their Daily Nation newspaper and practice daily genocide from State House.

    • The name is Sakala, hence he is safe and free to say whatever he wants under Pf govt. If this was said by Tonga treason was going to be one of the options for the charge

  1. ZDDM!!? How aposition parties do we have in Zambia? That’s why Zambia wil not progress in politics. America has only one oposition party.

    • Ours is called multiparty democracy. What Edwin said is not different from what is being practiced already in southern. The difference is the same.

  2. I’ve taken my precious time to go through this report and its still unclear to me what \Edwin
    sakala has said or done to warrant such censure?

  3. Edwin Sakala’s party should be banned – but so should a party that actually threatened, beat up and chased people from their region. Where was Bishop Mambo when this was happening?

  4. Some one is waiting for Kaiza or Mumbi Phiri to advise before he can act! Afterall is it not a listening govt!

  5. There you have it. Kumawa umodzi. Wako ni Wako. Bembas are so stupid the always get sucked into Easterners tribalism in the name of chimbuya! My foot

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