Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Matibini suspends UPND MPs for 30 days without pay, asks I.G to investigate HH for possible arrest


Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini has suspended 48 UPND Members of Parliament (MPs) for boycotting President Edgar Lungu’s address to parliament in March 2017.

The MPs have been suspended for a period of 30 days effective today 13th June 2017 without pay.

The Speaker stated that the 48 will not be allowed access to the Parliament Buildings during this period of suspension and that they will not have access to Parliament motel.

Dr Matibini also ruled that the affected MPs will not be part of the deliberations by their respective parliamentary committees nor will they be given allowances and or salaries.

He said the conduct of the MPs to boycott the presidential address was a gross misconduct adding that the MPs cannot claim not to recognise President Edgar Lungu when they swore allegiance to him (Speaker) who was sworn in by the same President Lungu.

Dr Matibini challenged the UPND MPs to resign if they continue not to recognise President Lungu.

“I therefore challenge the UPND members that if they still maintain that they do not recognize the President, they should resign on moral grounds,” Dr Matibini said.

UPND MPs were then asked to leave the house through the front door of shame to start their 30 days suspension without pay.

Meanwhile, Dr Matibini has directed the Inspector General of Police to investigate Hakainde Hichilema for possible prosecution for insulting the Office of the Speaker.


  1. I think baring them from debates and attending committees is very cruel. They should have just docked their salaries for 2 months and allowed them to perform their civic duty on behalf of the electorates for free.
    I guess the speaker had to show that he too has teeth that can actually bite.

    Very harsh decision indeed and am sure this will be challenged in court because Parley is effectively now in rubber stamp mode without the opposition. That is not what Zambians voted for.

    • Thanks Law are you citing? The Constitution? When an MMD MP tore the President’s speech in Parliament you couldn’t discipline him?because it was unpreceedented?. There was no code of conduct for such behavior.

    • Freedom of expression and assembly are indelible human rights and to me, the speaker’s ruling is ultra vires. In a democratic dispensation, like USA, congressmen are free to not attend a state of the union address, but dictators force themselves onto people. Zambia is not a land of the free. Forget it!

    • Why has it taken so long to discipline these incompetent quacks of MPs? They are there for money and disruption and not to work for the people of Zambia. Fuseke Bonse!

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      Dear editor


      The suspension of 48 UPND MPs from Parliament for 30 days is the final nail in the coffin of Zambia’s Democracy.
      If there is any right thinking Zambian who still had doubts about our steady descent into autocratic governance this is the evidence you were waiting for.

      After the arrest of Hakainde Hichilema I never thought our country could descend any further into autocratic rule, alas I was so naive and gullible.

      Its time to arise and defend the democracy we fought for and won in 1991.


    • They are the minority in Parliament and they behave stupidly. Honestly speaking these mps from southern knows the rules of the house. They even knew the consequences of their acts. Parliament motel will be free from prostitution and adulterous behavior atleast for 30 days. Serves them well.

    • So that those that are the real men of substance in UPND may stand-up and get counted. It’s a moment of reckoning.

    • As long as we have misleaders whose loyalty is to the appointing officer and NOT the people of Zambia, as long as the office of the president continues to have power only suitable in a state of emergency (which is a state Kaunda had for a long time in order to assist in the liberation struggles of our neighbours and which in this dispensation is completely inappropriate and unnecessary) REGARDLESS of who you put in that seat, (HH being no exception), our God-given fundamental rights will continue to be abused by whom ever occupies that seat. Let us CLIP presidential powers of appointing anyone of the leaders of the 3 arms of government, then we can talk about the currently fictious independence of these arms.

      The most recent constitutional review was a resounding failure in this…

    • This is the People’s House … We the People elect our leaders and send them to this August House to deliberate our business of running this country on our behalf. So, you can take away that representation, the tax payers (We The People) suffer.

      Wrong move, Mr. Speaker … now, I would have taken away their salaries for 6 months, given them access to the House and the Motel and expect them to prompt and on top of everything. This is not only punitive enough, it would also prove where their real allegiance is.

      But I guess, Matibini has a different way of doing things. Just remember that Power Is To The People!!! Anything else is inhumane.

    • MMD Chief Bootlicker: What do you mean “allowed them to perform their civic duty on behalf of the electorates”? Who were they representing when they boycott Parliament? Who do they represent when they walk out of Parley? The UPND MPs are very childish, they want to misbehave in Parley with impunity all the time and continue chewing tax payers money as ‘honorables’ my foot!

    • @mmd bootlicker and @ BR mumba you are wrong here baba. These cretins of mps deserves it. They dont represent their electorate but hh. In short they dance more to the tunes of hh than the people who sent them to parley. They seem to be representing hh than their constituencies. Chasing them away from parley will never affect their constituents. They listened to hh than the people who sent them their. Pf has always been democratic. Parliament can’t be a rubber stamp now because of the absence of the under5s mp. Pf has always been the majority since 2012 and if they wanted to make parliament a rubber stamp they would ve done it then. So baba be critical in analyzing issues. Don’t be like the under 5

      The Speaker is only instilling some discipline in these rebel MPs. Yes go get paid kuli HH ku Mukobeko.


    • For every force applied, there is always that opposing reaction, this is a 30 days you should go back to your electorates, and conduct a vigorous sensitization campaign, on how there rights are been infringed upon, to the extent of denying them representation in the national assembly.

    • Jungle law is tAking hold in Zed. How does the speak direct IG when he is not the commander of armed forces. Truly this country is a banana republic. AS for the suspension you are only targeting the people these MPs represent on other words Pf is ruling with its east and northern friends without the remaining half of the country. There we go dictatorship at its best. Rule by discrimination.

    • Dear speaker, the money paid towards our MPs si yanyoko, using RB’s language. We pay tax and there is no way that you want only MPs from your province to be accessing the money. If you do not want us that much within the UN charter a region and its people are free seek independence and govern themselves. Go read the UN charter as that was the basis for South Sudan to separate from the rest.

    • Well, they (UPND MPs) have an appetite for taking “unscheduled leave of absence” from Parliament based silly excuses, now the Speaker has given them 30 days to go and do Hakainde’s business to their hearts’ content.

      To the uneducated, the Speaker of the house (parliament) is the captain of that house and no court can overrule him for as long as he/she acts with his/her powers!

    • PF is so obsessed with recognition. Lungu will spend 5 years fighting to be recognized bcoz he didn’t win the elections.

      it’s like u drive a stolen car & you beat anyone who tells you that it’s stolen.

      Matibini is now the champion of the same constitution he threw in a dust bin when he refused to take over during petition hearing.

    • Solid points from 1.9: Mumba & 1.11: Oval. I am afraid i have to cut myself in the middle and support you both. You guys propound so positively. You gentlemen are a testimony of why our democracy is growing. Keep it up.

    • All the things the UPND are being persecuted for are wrong doings. WHY NOT GIVE WAY TO PRESIDENTIAL 1. MOTORCADE (PRIDE & DISRESPECT) Why not just move out of the way? 2. MPs, WHY ABSCOND PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (PRIDE & DISRESPECT). 3. WHY INSULT THE SPEAKER? (PRIDE & DISRESPECT) All this coming from one party. And now they want to cry foul and win sympathy from people. People Grow up! we are not in a jungle, we have laws to follow. If these people are going to continue behaving in this manner then Zambia is not the right place for them. They even have the audacity to ask donors to withhold aid, my foot! Continue with wrong doings and you’ll continue being arrested.

    • This is important because those who are voted as MPs ought to understand their responsibility and roles.

      They need to know that parliament is not meant for playing chiyenga olo ichimpombwa.

      This should be a warning; they must be aware that by law the next time they misbehave they can be sent away for more than six months

      And anyone who impersonates to be an MP during the period of suspension can be expelled from the house.

      Who told them that parliament is for child play?

    • Zambia is rotten. Mr. Speaker and our poorly learned lawyer. Does he not understand that the petition is still active? The reason people are recognizing Lungu is he cannot prove with evidence in court he won. Can the international community interneve because this is getting out of hand. The speaker has now become a carder and we have a Chief of injustice

  2. They will be order in the nation there will be structures in place and not some show boating exercise in anarchy

  3. How about the MMD MPS, one tore M.C. SATA speech, and one of them raised a middle finger towards the President?

    It’s true what Rev. Ndhlovu said. To think that the three arms of Government are working independently is an illusion in this country.


  4. If UPND is an organized political party, all MPs should just resign altogether. The Speaker should also know what is meant by “separation of power”. The legislature has no power to direct the executive. In other words, he has no power to direct the Inspector General of Police to take action. If he has a complaint against any citizen, for breach of any law, he should simply go to the police station and report the matter. And the police will then independently evaluate whether an offence was committed or not. Period!!!!!!!

  5. To arrest HH again, sure?! I hope this time the police won’t use extensive force like on April 10.

  6. Freedom of expression and assembly overrules all the speaker is talking about. If God has given man that freedom, who is another human to restrict the freedom of another?

    • No one has freedom not to go for work! as long as you are working you have to abide by the rules of your workplace.

  7. To arrest HH again, sure?! I hope this time the police won’t use extensive force like on April 10.

    Yours Tenze

  8. Even the speaker is being pushed into politics?? since he was sworn in by lungu it will be very difficult for him to go against lungu but easy to go with lungu . I must have missed the news what did HH say to insult the speaker??

  9. Let us NOT turn our parliament into another circus as displayed by the red berets in South African parliament orchestrated by one and the only one Julius Malema.

    • This clueless clown Patrick Matibini has singlehandedly just done exactly that! He has turned Parliament into a CIRCUS!

      To be FORCED to attend any event is to deprive Citizens of their right to free movement. Only after they are CONVICTED of a crime is the State allowed to deprive them of this right by jailing or fining them.

      Zambia is now truly a DICTATORSHIP! Where what a Citizen does is now no longer his free choice, but what is DICTATED to him.

      God save Zambia! The freedom we gained in 1964 has now well and truly been STOLEN FROM US!


    • No! Julius Malema has challenged biased speakers like Matibini. He has showed them that they don’t have biased authority but constitutional authority that has to be fair. He wins every time he takes this bias to court

  10. Sad development. We are likely to have a Government run without checks and balances. I feel for HH, already in prison yet another possible arrest. If the IG deems a viable case against HH, is it arrest from prison to police cells??

  11. Zambians are not learning fast. The regime started with the post newspaper. They will destroy any thing in their path to amass wealth. What Zambians need now is not to laugh at others when they’re subjected to injustices. Time to wake up. Speaker is using parliament to issue arrest orders. How many Zambians have insulted him? All will be arrested?

  12. Allowances scrapped? Have the ministers paid back the monies ConCourt asked them to pay back? General public has never been we zambia wesu weeeeee.

    • Its up to Zambians to make the ministers pay back. Protest. Compose songs put up adverts in papers and on billboards. Its a democracy

  13. These MPs SHOULD OWN UP AND CONFESS THEIR BEHAVIOUR WAS F00LISH. After the first boycott Nkombo promised on behalf of all that it will not happen again. It is very shameful to not recognize the principal and yet obey and recognize the appointees like Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and even the Speaker. They should reconcile their brains and resign all together. Their leader is in jail because of continuously insulting the Presidency. If they continue. Chimbokaila has enough room. No one wishes HH to be belittled if at all be becomes president. So its a lesson to learn to respect institutions.

  14. A blessing in disguise if anything. We wished they stayed away. Let them expel them even if thats what Matibini wants. Further, It would be nice to have all of the UPND MPs resigning since Matibini has dared them. They should take heed and resign lets see if what he is overseeing will still be called parliament

  15. You see when we say HH has got no political experience ? He and his advisers William Banda, GBM etc made the silly decisionto stay away from parliament without knowing the consequences. Can you call this ‘Dictatorship’
    HH should realise thatGBM and the Sata Family Forest have come to chew UPND from inside out !!!

  16. LT you have left out important parts of why the Speaker meted out those decisions… Those Mps did the same thing last time and where reprimanded after apologising but repeated the offence this year…Now coming to the Supreme Leader HH he was reprimanded in 2011 and 2014 for insulting the Honorable Mr Speaker and he did the same insults of demeaning the Speaker this year 2017 hence the criminal offence now after a prima face case now… HH should realise that he’s not the only person who has rights just because he’s a failed Presidential candidate…

    • Let those who feel insulted report their cases to the police. No one should instruct of arrests. Simple!

  17. UPND as a Party lucks strategy and a Motto to push there vision hence reason why they are disgruntled in character even MPs. IT is a Pity they are called opposition party when they dont have a single understanding of their role in Zambia. People learn in School but wisdom is something else read and educative yourselves on the strategies deloyed by Mahatima Ghandi , UPNDMPs always risking themselves by daring Established systems of Governance. Understand Government policies in Order to Oppose reasonably. Uluse mwandini.

  18. In this One month, the PF will amend the constitution, it will not be recognisable. Even the term of office of the President will be increased, or they may bring in a one party system in the country. watch this space.

    • Consoling oneself… If they wanted to do that they could still do it even when the disgruntled Mps were around because two thirds majority is attainable but they cannot sink that low to amend the constitution to a one party state…

    • Zakeyo, which low are you talking about. You have governors who at every opportunity they have is to borrow and beg without shame. What other low do you want. People who celebrate borrowing and attend meetings of highly in debt nations with pride.

  19. UPND politicians need each other. They must stand together and walk in unison. It’s a courageous move for PF to undertake this maneuver.

    • @Imute wa Kalilo

      How do they stand together and walk in unison? Some have tuntembas from which they can draw money for food and fuel in the next 30 days. Others do not have and will end up looking for Kaloba to feed their families as others leave their guzzlers at parliament motel to get on buses back to their constituencies. Ibanyokole bena njala!!!

  20. These UPND Mps will suffer this month, missing their K3000 daily sitting allowance and a salary for June. Some will go bankrupt, as they will default on loans in banks. In sitting allowances alone, they will forego K48,000 for June sittings plus the monthly salary of K30,000, altogether, K78,000.00 just for June. This how the MPs are looting from Zambians for making noise, both UPND and PF agree when it comes to looting.

    • What dictatorship are you seeing here? So you want childish MPs to turn parley into a circus and continue looting it at the same time?

  21. These under5 mps have been tolerated for many years in the name of democracy but the 1diots cant learn. Its same with hh. You don’t repeat the same mistakes twice.( Good english there.). You can insult today and not forever. I can volunteer to teach these under5s politics. The 1diots totally knows nofhing about political engineering.

  22. Can the speaker tell us the insults HH is alleged to have uttered and the circumstances when those insults were administered. Let him also explain why he has taken so long to raise a complaint for an offence he alleges was committed 3 months ago. Something is not adding up here. As for the wage freeze slapped on opposition MPs, I can’t comment except to say most of these guys are well off to suffer for missing a month’s salary and allowances. Can someone tell the speaker the importance of allowing prison visitations 24/7. You denied visitations last Saturday and gave them Tuesday to do so. Why are you complaining again? Are you nuts? PF has simply failed to create an enabling environment for our institutions and democracy to thrive. When elephants get preoccupied with fighting, it is…

  23. When elephants get preoccupied with fighting, it is the grass (ordinary citizens) that suffer. I miss the days of the Nabulyatos. Those were great Speakers. It is sad to live to witness this destruction of our democratic institutions. You wouldn’t be wrong to conclude that the speaker is acting on instructions from above. Our democracy is dead!

  24. Best to remove all their allowances, salaries for a period of 6months as punishment to those that wish to boycott

  25. Well done Mr Speaker ! These upnd chaps are rude and we hope they will learn a lesson.The best they can do is to resign on moral grounds than the hypocrisy they are portraying.


  27. Zambia the real Africa indeed welcome the unending drama. KK and RB where are you are you part of the drama.

  28. Good thing is if they resign no by elections anymore. The country will serve alot. Let them resign and go and camp at mukobeko. Hh trial will start next year. He will be transported in the kasalanga like his cows standing from kabwe to lsk and back. Mutinta is the causer and she is still adding more days to her hubbies prisons life. The best advice to mutinta is let her stay away from the media. Stop talking against the state. Stop sounding like a a politician.

    • Mandela could not have become president had it not been for Winnie’s prison visits and briefings to the media. If that was possible under the appatheid regime, why shouldn’t it happen under a “democracy”?

  29. PF only know how to arrest …So even before the treason fake charges they planes to arrest HH.

    In S.A parliamentarian walk out anytime they wish. There is no democracy in ZAMBIA ANY MORE.

    • You ve already said in south Africa . Who cares what hapoens in south Africa parliament. You even forgot to mention that the opposition are beaten by state security right in the house. Do you also wish that to be happening in zambia. We know what happens world over. Dont full yourself.

    • Democracy is bad. It actually did not work for the people who invented it ( the Greeks), and today Greece is a basket curse, meaning they are broke. They are actually migrating into Europe and they are being resented, Europe is afraid for it’s wavering economy. Read your History. Democracy does not work, no matter how politicians try to ignorantly impress you. Stop ranting about it.


  31. Matibini is a PF member. Tribal politics are only said to be practiced when one is not Mubemba or From East, only when one is non bemba are they tribal! This action is not in line with democratic tenets ….tuvi makaki!

  32. 30 days is a long time…Now you will see amendments being rushed through without debate, given that us Zambians are docile and don’t follow current affairs…surely how can you find joy in playing football without an opposition. Zambia has a long way.

    • Docile is UPND who think they are fightinhlg for a local Zambian when its just there selfish needs. You will see how UPND will die a natural death. Jay jay mark my word.

    • @Bemba man! i have followed your debates on this fora, you are just a tribalist who has vowed not to view happenings objectively but on tribal line.

  33. Very good move. It makes citizens feel the gov’t has power to deal with UPND. They have been rabid for a while now.

  34. This is very disappointing, I expected him to expel them so that we see how many of them could have gone back after by elections

  35. Why should they want to be paid when they are not following the rules. This party is the most ignorant party to come to politics in Zambia. I am glad Under Five Card is at Mukobeko. You see that even its supporters always show disregard for the law – always.

  36. Hiho hiho hiho….need I say more? I am sure without doubt the UPNDonkeys know where I stand on this one.
    As for U5 the boy is a nuisance and when he is away Zambia enjoys peace. Arrest the boy as many times as he commits an offence, at this rate you can even arrest and imprison him in advance for the many offences that he has not yet committed but is likely to commit in the near future.

  37. Who told you that the speaker doesn’t have power to order for the arrest of any individual who insult the office of the speaker. Ask Fred member how many months he spent in jail without any court proceedings. He was tried and sentence by the then speaker mean am waves for 4G on the imprisonment and was only saved after the intervention of the media organisations locally and abroad after spending not less than 2 months. HE is very lucky because Martini night is a good man who believe in fairness otherwise he would have ordered for the parading of HE in parliament to defend himself on why he cannot be sent to prison. That’s will he is asking the police to investigate knowing nothing will come out using that rout

  38. indeed 48 constuencies will be off duty due to the suspension mp’s and their behavior,,, but who will suffer now?? that’s the question to ask in our conscience’s becoz we voted for them to perform duties not to boycott,,,,

  39. In the news ystday: “Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya has said the recent attempt by United Party for National Development (UPND) Members of Parliament to secure a High Court judgment to restrain the Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini SC from punishing them for boycotting President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s address to Parliament on March 17, 2017 is a recipe for bad Governance.
    He said the failed attempt points to how the UPND would compromise the principle of separation of powers between the three arms of government should they form government.”
    1. So this was a calculated move
    2. Speaker instructs IG to investigate, arrest & DPP to prosecute HH. Any separation of powers here?

    • Yes plenty of it – Speaker just instructing and not arresting thats the job of the police and prosecuting thats the job of the DPP. This makes a lot of sense. Speaker is not arresting anyone here because thats not his job.

      Have an open mind and dont expose too much of your ignorance due to hate and blind following of a prisoner!

    • Simple minds here, people are not aware that speaker cannot direct IG as that is the preserve of the president. The speaker can report the matter at a police station like any other member of society. This is called, all being equal before the law. Then you RudeMonk you will ask, what about the directive from the president, it is okay as that directive is governed by the constitution, anything outside the constitution is subject to court review and judgement. Any ways most of you people could not even comprehend with simple books to answers exams questions in grade 7, 9 and lastly 12.

    • @Zed, I at some point had a case but I didn’t appear due in court due to some miscommunication. The Magistrate issued a bench warrant for me to be brought before him. The Police looked for me like a needle and the chaps really manhandled me and dragged me to court. Is it only the preserve of the Executive to order or the other wings such as Judiciary or legislature can also do that. Am just asking.

  40. The speaker is now directing the police to arrest citizens? what a mockery of separation of powers ! Zambia is shooting itself in the foot. fellow citizens , lets stop this ROT !!!


    • I never new that the Speaker could sink so low to make decisions based on anger. I thought Zambia was not a controlling society. This is really sad. How does one suspend the opposition? This guy has one party mentality. He believes in threat to achieve his own goals. Reading comment from most the people here, this guy has influenced people’s beliefs and behavior toward his one selfish outcome. This the thinking of dictators. This is a good example of perception management? Decisions based on anger and fear are counterproductive.

  41. Where is “NEZ & spaka like lilo” ?am sure they cant bear this from the speaker!!
    WELCOME TO THE CLUB MY DEAR!!!UPND MPs thought they are too clever when they followed HH let HH pay them from Mukobeko!!am pretty sure that all those 48 upnd mps are from 3.5 provinces,so us in 6.5 provinces wont miss them in anyway!!
    WELL DONE MR SPEAKER!!AM SURE ONCE THEY RETURN,THEY WILL BE BEHAVING WELL!!!indeed all those upnd mps who do not recognize president Edgar Lungu must resign if they are men enough on moral grounds!! I NOW LOVE DR. MATIBINI AS HE IS THE BEST SPEAKER EVER!!kekekekekeke 30 solid days minus any ngwee in upnd mps-bravo!!

  42. Only MPs from the North eastern Rhodesia should be benefiting from our taxes and sweat. People from North western Rhodesia only labor for the North Easterners. This has been going on for a long. In that case we should just part ways. This relationship called Zambia is not sustainable. The hatrade against us is just too much. If people don’t want us to live with them why not just separate.

    • @Daniel. You will only unit when you have a perceived common enemy. The day you’ll separate, you will start looking for other enemies. Look at what is happening in South Sudan, the middle east, and Pakistan. If it sis not tribe, then religious differences will tear you apart. Am just thinking

  43. You see when we say HH has got no political experience ? He and his advisers Judge Ngoma , William Banda, GBM etc made the silly decision to tell their MPs to stay away from parliament without knowing the consequences. Now can you call this ‘Dictatorship’ ?
    HH should realise thatGBM and the Sata Family Forest have come to chew UPND from inside out . Let his HH and his thick MPs go and cry to Mulenga Sata, Bashi Nono, MaureenMwanawasa, Guy Scott and Miles Sampa who he embraced leaving the old UPND members out. What Edgar has done to embrace former MMD stooges is exactly what HH did also , the effects are the same

  44. What a partisan ruling! Is this a speaker or a party SG? In a democracy people should have the right to protest

  45. Let them get what they asked for. Democracy is not a blank cheque. There are rules for everything, otherwise it is a jungle. It does not even matter how long it has taken for the decision to be taken. These guys are there just to cause confusion they stopped working a long time. They have just been chewing tax payers money for nothing. Come 2021 their leader will loose again. The police must just get prepared so that we do not have what their messiah called arrmageddon.

  46. PF cadre speaker! It took him three months to decide on this? Any thinking person (which does not include the uncivilised PF dimwit supporters) will discern that all this is from instructions. Trying to ‘finish off’ the UPND while its leader is incarcerated. The so-called sanctions against the MP’s are not even commensurate with the ‘crime’. It was a protest walkout – MP’s ordinarily stay away from a lot of deliberations in a lot of countries – democratic ones, by the way. All institutions that are expected to behave honourably in defending and protecting citizens from the caprices and whims of an emerging tyranny, have been compromised, sold, abused, adulterated and used to wipe the floor. What a regime! Some bloggers here are a disgrace for spouting dangerous blind allegiances in…

  47. Hichilema found wanting again. He is good at insulting. He did it to the police was saved now Dr Matibini was the big corp to investigate him if proved guilt arrest him in mukobeko please handcuff through out his long holiday in kabwe to instill some discipline in him , the young arrogant rich man.

  48. Zambia is rotten. Mr. Speaker and our poorly learned lawyer. Does he not understand that the petition is still active? The reason people are recognizing Lungu is he cannot prove with evidence in court he won. Can the international community interneve because this is getting out of hand. The speaker has now become a carder and we have a Chief of injustice

  49. Can this speaker also ask those MPs that have nullified seats like the Lusaka central be kicked out as well? Can this speaker explain why he did follow the constitution during the petition?

  50. This decision made by the speaker is a shame to democracy. How can he indirectly promote one party in the country? Additionally, how can he ask the IG to look into what he calls disrespects of his office? his shameless man has really brought partisan politics in Parliament. There really isn’t a standard process that he has done.
    This is a case of relying on anger rather than reasoning.

  51. this Matibini is the most us-el-ess speaker Zambia has ever known. he is a PF cadre and a shame to Zambia just like Lungu; he has Lungu breaking the law daily does nothing; PF MPs were in office illegally and does nothing; shame on Matibini

  52. North western MPs should now realize it is time to separate ways with North eastern MPs. Let the PF go ahead with their one party agenda. Let North western Rhodesia start preparing to govern itself. Why should you continue coexisting with ethnic groupings that have no respect for other ethnicities? Don’t go back to parliament after the expiry of your suspension. Let us see the full madness unfold. If they expell you, we’ll vote you back until they deregistration your party. MPs in a functional democracy have the right to walk out of parliament if the speaker becomes compromised and biased. The bible says don’t resist evil people like PF. Let their agenda of one party state come to pass so that their blind supporters see what you have been trying to show them all this time. When there…

  53. When there is no UPND, they will start fighting each other. Zambia has unceremoniously joined the league of failed states all because of the selfishness and greed of Northeasterners!

  54. What developments!!!! I should suppose we need another arm of Govt to keep in check the speaker. Can i have a sombre response from some legal or in its reasonable understanding: Arent the same MPs representatives of the people? And whose right to representation is at bay- The people or barring the Mps. We need laws to limit lines of authority. In my opinion, constituency chairmen s/representatives would /need to have representation in the case as what is. This to me means living up to the tenements of democracy.

  55. I have seen one flag has been missing from the blog for a week now. Is he part of the 48. I am missing his contribution.

  56. Fix them so that their wives will not service them because they have no money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. What for the so called international community to react. UPND has one thing on the plate, that is to make this country ungovernable. I spent my youthful age going from one university to another to my life better.I don’t eat from politics, give me break. Should we start running to xynophobic countries for fear of our country. Nonsense, good move speaker

  58. Black Africans colonialists at work ! Even white colonialists used to claim wise in whatever they did !

  59. Mr. Speaker Sir, can you cite which law in the constitution or Parliament rule you are using for you to come up with such a useless decision. Also can you please cite any article in the constitution that compels MPs to recognise a President when the matter (petition)has not been concluded in court. Go to the concourt and check the records if you will find anything concluded on the petition. What a Speaker! The worst cadre speaker since indepence.

  60. What a shameful Govnt.Any cadre in pf can direct any institution. People what is Edgar Lungu doing in State house. These servants of his lack respect for him. How can they be exercising his powers of directing the IG anyhow even if he hates my president HH so much. Mr Lungu I implore u sir to weep these your servants into line. They are misbehaving so much. In case you don’t know they are the ones that will bring you down. Take my advise.

  61. Well done mr speaker.we are tired of upnd misguided outbursts.let them resign. Why be in parliament when you are not recognising the president. What are you there for. Money only not so. Resign Please and pave way for development in all circles of zambia. It’s too much for upnd always arguing for nothing. Full of dander heads. Upnd is not clever as people think. It has been diluted with mps who don’t know anything apart from who is related to HH and botlickers. If I was the speaker those upnd mps would have lost their seats along time a go.upnd mps are the ones painting zambia the opposite. Let them go to he’ll. There are better people to take over those seats and bring development that is much needed.

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