Sunday, September 8, 2024

Civil servants positioning themselves for political positions are working against the Government-Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has emphasised that politics should be left to politicians.

The head of state has since directed the Civil Service Commission and the Teaching Service Commission to promote professionalism in the two sectors.

President Lungu says he is saddened by the conduct of some civil servants who have continued positioning themselves for political positions and working against government.

The President was speaking at State House when he swore in veteran broadcaster Dickson Chasaya as Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission and educationist Stanley Mhango as Chairperson of the Teaching Service Commission.

The Head of State says there is need to bring sanity and professionalism in both professions for the country to develop.President Lungu emphasised that politics should be left to politicians.

And speaking in an interview the newly sworn in Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission Mr. Chasaya said he will use his experience as a former civil servant to instil discipline in the civil service.

Whilst Mr Mhango the newly sworn in Chairperson of the Teaching Service Commissio said he will work with Teacher Unions to sensitise teachers on the importance of adhering to ethics.


  1. Giving advice which he himself has zero belief in..really laughable…meanwhile he is appointing cadres in civil service!

    • Bwana I thought you were in the forefront of rewarding cadres like Mwamba with these jobs, instead of exploiting them on your farm of trucking business.

    • Px xxx9 months ago (edited)
      This must one of the greatest joke of a president anywhere in the world. Boy oh boy, is he lacking in etiquette! With him at the helm, Zambia is gone to the pigs.?

    • That’s Lazy Lungu for you when he has a useless trip coming up he does all this useless swearing in ceremonies and usual warnings to dupe the kaponyas that he is working!!

  2. In all fairness its the politicians that have caused this scenario. This started way back in MMD but taken to another level by PF and I am sure UPND would have punctured the sky

  3. The day that political operatives called district commissioners stop drawing civil service salaries and benefits is the day the moral high ground will have been reached to make such pronouncements.

    So why is this chap so scared of being out of power?? What is being hidden??? This is what is called dictatorship by stealth, even the perpetuator doesn’t know his condition!

  4. The day that political operatives called district commissioners stop drawing civil service salaries and benefits is the day the moral high ground will have been reached to make such pronouncements.

    So why is this chap so scared of being out of power?? What is being hidden??? This is what is called dictatorship by stealth, even the perpetuator doesn’t know his condition!

  5. On President Edgar Lungu and his presidency, of what joy is it to be a leader of a people not totally amenable to your leadership and who view your governance style with a pinch of mediocrity! Democracy is a dispersion of electorate numbers that has no truth to the general feelings of the people! African “Democracy” is veiled autocratic rule as the winner takes it all with no real regard for participation in governance by the loser! Let not Civil Servants be part of political rhetoric and threats for unless found wanting in their discharge of duties their tenure of office outlives or spills over parties that form government at election cycles!

  6. Dickson Chasaya retired a long time ago from the civil service. Is this country really short of vibrant young people to take up such positions?

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