Sunday, March 9, 2025

Memorial Service for the late second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba in Pictures


Fourth Republican President Rupiya Banda(l) and Former First Lady Vera Tembo Chiluba (r) during Memorial Service for the late second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba at Embassy Park
Fourth Republican President Rupiya Banda laying wreath on the tomb of Former President Fredrick Chiluba who died on 18 June 2011 during Memorial Service at Embassy Park
Fourth Republican President Rupiya Banda laying wreath on the tomb of Former President Fredrick Chiluba who died on 18 June 2011 during Memorial Service at Embassy Park
Former First Lady Vera Tembo Chiluba (r) during Memorial Service for the late second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba at Embassy Park
Late second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba’s Family during the Memorial Service at Embassy Park


    • Africans when shall we learn to be modest? Even in death we want to be extravagant building complex structures for a rotting corpse! How many are you going to build? Its all vanity my friends let people remember you for your good works not the work on your tomb! If we just put a headsome will he be a lesser corpse?
      Find out how much was spent on that structure and you will be shocked.

  1. Corrupt thug! Let him rot in hell! He destroyed all good things KK put in place to make Zambia a better place than before independence.

  2. Whoever came up with the idea of building these things must be caged.
    We just needed one in the centre housing the acievements of all these guys and graves with decent tombstones around the single structure.
    This is an anoying waste of our tax money

  3. Only in a corrupt country like Zambia will they spend millions of dollars on Mossoliums for dead presidents while citizens wallow and die in disgrasfull poverty.

  4. FTJ was at the helm when the following were brutally murdered or tortured-May their Souls Rest in Peace;
    Richard Ngenda
    Cuthbert Nguni
    Ronald Penza
    Paul Tembo
    Wezi Kaunda
    Baldwin Nkumbula
    Dean Mungomba

    • “WISE MAN”: YOU are the liar! Were you there to dispute hard facts? Kanshi mwebambi mwafyalwa shani? Just because you can’t handle the truth you accuse those with facts of being liars! Some of you should just go and form your own countries, you are not human beings. No wonder we keep changing presidents from one i.d.i.o.t to another because of monkeys like you. Some of those President Chiluba killed their families are still grieving up to today. Chiluba locked up KK on screwed up fake treasoin charges, the same way ECL is torturing HH. So all this to you is lies! Mambala!

    • Chiluba’s height gave him an inferiority complex hence his decision to kill people who threatened his hold on power. If HH did this rubbish when Chiluba was president, we would now have been talking about the late HH.

    • Chiluba’s height gave him an inferiority complex hence his decision to kill people who threatened his hold on power. If HH did this rubbish when Chiluba was president, we would now have been talking about the late HH.

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