Sunday, September 8, 2024

Itezhitezhi Police Officer in Court for possessing illegal Ivory Tusks


A- 40-year-old police officer based at Itezhi Tezhi police station in Itezhi Tezhi district in central province is in court for unlawful possession of serval skin and four pieces of  Ivory.


Bradley Muswema of Kataba Township in Itezhi Tezhi district is facing two charges of possessing wildlife trophies without any permit from Department of National Parks and Wildlife.

Muswema, a detective at Itezhi Tezhi police station, in count one is charged with unlawful possession of government trophy contrary to section 97(1) as read with section 136(a) of the Zambia Wildlife Act number 14 of 2015 of the Laws of Zambia.

In count one , it is alleged that Musuwa on 15 June 2017 at Itezhi Tezhi  district of Zambia jointly and whilst  acting together unknown person had in his possession government trophy namely one serval skin without  certificate of authority from Commissioner  General of the Department of  National  Parks  and Wildlife.

In the second count,  Muswema is charged with unlawful possession of a prescribed trophy contrary to section 130(2) (a) of the Zambia Wildlife Act number 14 of 2015.

In same count ,  Muswema on the same date at Itezhi Tezhi district jointly whilst acting together with unknown person had in his possession a prescribed trophy of one pair of ivory cut into four pieces without.

The accused denied all the charges when he appeared before Itezhi Tezhi magistrates Mubita Munalula and the matter has since been adjourned to 27th June for trial.

Muswema was arrested on Sunday 15 June with elephant tusks by wildlife police officers working on tip-off from members of the public where wildlife officers found elephant tusks stashed in his car boot.


  1. You are just an LT stooge to stimulate posts, if you really believe that you are a phd you will be aware thst you are promoting division with the country, which is against the constitution. Will it be amusing if division in the country leads to death of innocent pipo. If it happens hope you have a thick skin because posts like yours are helping lead the country down a treacherous path. Promote unity not divisiveness. You really are a dullard

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  3. Zambian Eagle
    1 hr ·


    Edgar Lungu’s minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo has deployed hundreds of PF cadres and dressed them in police uniform.

    Kampyongo is also the PF National Youth Chairperson and has tasked the Lusaka Province PF Youth Chairperson Kennedy Nkamba to dress hundreds of PF thugs in police uniforms and pretend to protect the Minister of Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumali who has been sued by the UPND President Hakainde Hichilem… See more

  4. Guys if we learned to appreciate positives and rally around to change negatives we could win many people to us. But we all are selling our tribal tag and this is not good for our party.

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