Friday, March 7, 2025

First Lady Esther Lungu mourns her late brother James


First Lady Esther Lungu pays her last respects to her late brother James Phiri during burial in Chongwe District on Friday, June 23,2017 –Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu pays her last respects to her late brother James Phiri during burial in Chongwe District on Friday, June 23,2017 –Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

First Lady Esther Lungu’s brother James Phiri has been put to rest in Mpangwe area of Chongwe district.

Mr. Phiri died on the 21st of June after a short illness. He is survived by a wife and three children.

And speaking at the funeral house, First Lady thanked mourns for supporting the family during the bereavement.

Mrs. Lungu said the support rendered to the family lightened the funeral burden.

She said the gesture demonstrated by the mourners to abandon their respective programme was gratifying.

She urged the people to continue praying for the first family.

Mrs. Lungu counseled mourns to live in harmony by embracing the famous one Zambia one nation slogan.

Among the mourns who attend the funeral are Presidential Affairs Minster Freedom Sikazwe,, Lusaka province minister Japhen Mwakalombe , and senior government officials.

First Lady Esther Lungu pays her last respects to her late brother James Phiri during burial in Chongwe District on Friday, June 23,2017 –Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu pays her last respects to her late brother James Phiri during burial in Chongwe District on Friday, June 23,2017 –Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu pays her last respects to her late brother James Phiri during burial in Chongwe District on Friday, June 23,2017 –Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu pays her last respects to her late brother James Phiri during burial in Chongwe District on Friday, June 23,2017 –Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


    • Strange mumbi Philly didn’t tell upnd members to stay away from this funeral, i thought she had warned kudos pfols and colleagues to stay away from the funeral of our late gallant soldier clance zulu. Like they got no free will.

    • @Divide & Rule:
      Don’t you know that Chimbwi big Pus.sey Phiri was speaking with a twisted tongue in the chick? When she was telling her ar.selickers to stay away, she was actually telling them to NOT to stay away but go and attach UPND during the burial of our much loved Clance Zulu – this is how fcked up and evil Chimbwi Phiri is.
      Unfortunately, even the UPND intelligence didn’t pick this up and hence the PF attack on UPND at the burial grounds today.

  1. See when I said that slowly the lungu family will be eradicated from earth people thought I was mad. This is only the beginning because you cannot mess with people lives and forcibly arrest an innocent man like hh who is excersing his human rights lungu will also die soon. Watch this space

  2. UPNDonkeys….their reasoning can win awards for stupi.dity….
    If you are a Christian you know very well that we shall ALL return to our creator including presidenT U5 and NEZ and his family. Must be impossible for a donkey to conprehend.

  3. tradition and culture have been thrown out here in zed due to technology and media wise sometime back we use to respect the presidency not this time of which even a fool is free to insult the president ,, were are we going as country men and women?…….and what is giving courage to people in order for them to disrespect the president?……… anyway due to my finding’s we all come’s from different backgrounds were some of them have no respect to their parent’s……..but watch out day’s are numbered one day you will feel it……..

  4. Condolences to you Mrs Lungu on the loss of your dear brother. I am so sorry seeing you in tears Mama and I know you are a descent woman of good morals. May the soul of your brother rest in everlasting peace and God be with you and your family in the difficult days.

  5. The late Mr Phiri is Lungu’s brother in law. Surely he should have been at the funeral – if at least to comfort his wife. The VP or a minister could have represented Lungu in Uganda.

  6. The late James Phiri , brother to the First Lady, Easter Lungu is Edgar Lungu’s Brother in Law but Lungu did not bother to attend the Funeral. How callous and Satanic can ECL be? Dictator Lungu is a real Sadist. He cant even mourn a brother in Law and console the Wife for the loss of her Brother. Lungu Is definitely not a Christian and man of God. He is the Devil Incarnate who loves to see blood and people suffering.

  7. if he canot care about a brother in in -law who he will never see again what more Zambians ? who are we to him ? he once called people in copperbelt chimwemwe consitituency that they were dirty when they opposed mwenya musenge he is a don now. but why didnot people disturb that fineral as well? because it should happen to every one because this is the seed they have planted. they should have reaped

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