Tales from the Zambezi Vol.1 is a collection of stories by Zambian authors aimed at entertaining, educating and showing real life from a Zambian perspective. All the stories are fiction, although some are loosely based on real life.
Each story has a distinctive relatable setting that promises not only a good but insightful read as well. The stories uniquely tackle different subjects from unwanted pregnancy, heartbreak, vengeance, murder, betrayal, trauma and love. This novel which is the first edition in what will be a long running series of the Tales from the Zambezi novels. The stories it contains cut across all demographics in Zambia. Each story is uniquely knitted to entertain, educate and give you a perspective of life from a unique point of view. It has ‘FOUR’ deliberately selected stories.
Tears of a flower: A young girl has to live on the streets and endure all sorts of hardship after her mother dies. She goes on a search for her father whom she has never met because he refused to take responsibility for the pregnancy before she was born. The search shows her that she bit off more than she could chew as she finds shocking revelations along the way. Will she find her father? Will she find love? Will she find a home?
Psychological Wounds: She was sexually abused as a child. The abuse left undeletable psychological wounds on the young Lungowe. The more she was abused by her alcoholic step father, with her mother’s knowledge, the more she hated men, eventually concluding that all men are the same, bent on abusing women. The story digs deeper into Lungowe’s life, as she struggles to get into relationships owing to her past. Will her deep scars be healed? Will she ever trust any man in her life?
Passionate Crime: A young lady’s entire life becomes a nightmare after her college lover kills his roommate because of her.
Silent pain: Chronicles the struggle of a heartbroken man, after his girlfriend dumped him, sending his world crushing. Will he ever recover from the shock and disappointment? Is there any quick fix remedy for heartbreak?
Peter Mukuma was born on 02nd November, 1994 in Limulunga royal village Mongu western province. He attended his primary education at Namalangu Basic School. Completed his senior educational level at Senanga secondary school in 2012, and is now pursuing bachelor’s degree in Educational Administration and Management (EAM) at The University of Zambia. He is a third year student.
The author learnt a lot and regarded headfirst to write this book so as to enthuse other young people who are living in terror and feel they can at no time use their gifted talents and skills, he is on a quest to make a difference in the Zambian populace and world at large through his writings. Among his published books include: Reaching Greater Heights, Stitches of Love, Waves of Life, The Little Book for inspirational Quotes and Destiny is Never Final.

Mwansa Besa was born and bred in Ndola. He completed his High School education at Lubuto Secondary School in Ndola, before he went to Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka where he did a diploma in biomedical sciences. He worked for a number of hospitals in Zambia, including Konkola Mine Hospital in Chililabombwe as a laboratory technologist before he left the country for further studies at University of Oslo in Norway where he obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree in molecular biology, before pursuing another master’s degree in biomedicine at the University of Tromso in Norway.
Despite his love for sciences, he takes advantage of every leisure hour to indulge his taste of reading and writing. He is the founder of popular Facebook page, Lovers of poetry and Short Stories, where he writes poetry and fiction stories. He has also written for Lusaka Times, one of the biggest online newspapers in Zambia, where he has been a content contributor of feature articles and satirical pieces for the last 5years (Check for “Gays and Lesbians in Zambia”, “The curious case of the prophets”, “Husband battery?”, “Satire : What the Princess wants, the Princess gets”, “Satire : The resignation of Canisius Banda” and “Satire : Hakaboyela.”)
This is the first time his work is being published in a novel.

When Sharzney Purity Nkandu was a little girl of about 6 to 7 years old, she discovered reading and how it would take one into realms of creative imagination. With time as she grew older reading a lot of works by different authors, she felt she could do what they did and so she gave it a try. Her first fan was her mother who encouraged her to keep on and she did.
Sharzney completed her secondary education at Kalonga High School in Kabwe and later pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication at the University of Zambia (UNZA).
She has written articles for the Lusaka Star an online MassComm UNZA, ZICA magazine and kwacha Magazine among others.
She is currently working as the editor for an agricultural newspaper ‘The Agricoop News’. Sharzney is an active blogger and she has blogs on WordPress and tumbler named ‘Penciled thoughts’ which is also on Facebook under the same name.
We want a brand of novels with a Zambian touch, as a result we thought it a good idea to name our novel “Tales from the Zambezi”. The name reflects our country, its proud people and heritage.
We haven’t had a purely Zambian novel that has managed to penetrate across borders. It is probably the reason why even in secondary schools we are still saddled with a lot of East and West African novels. It is high time students of literature in our schools started using Zambian novels. It is painful that more than 50 years after independence, we still use books like Mine Boy, The concubine, the river between, no longer at ease, things fall apart and the imprisonment of Abatala. Time we went Zambian. Zambia does have a lot of literary potential, but it has to be harnessed. We have a pool of good authors, they just need a bit of support to kickstart their writing careers.
The demise of seasoned Zambian authors like Dominic Mulaisho, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Fwanyanga Mulikita and Andreya Masiye left a big void. It is high time we the young generation took over the mantle and as a result help improve the reading culture in Zambia. A generation of good readers make good leaders.
This is brilliant. If we can have many youths thinking in this way Zambia could have had been a better place. Well done Sharzney, Mwansa and Peter. I promise to buy your book
Local is laka! I love this
You should have put the price and where we can buy it from
But too many sex stories.
@Nostradamus, no you are wrong. This novel is about the day to day happenings. The stories it has are kind of social commentary, if i can say that for lack of a better term. I recently bought this novel in Planet bookshop at Arcades and I couldn’t put it down the moment i started reading it. Get a copy and you will come back and confess. I was also initially skeptical. These young minds are on something big.
This is what we need to see young people doing. Not lyonsefye ama politics. I can see a bright future ahead of you. Congrats!
Wonderful brilliant pieces of work and ideas.. That’s where the stakeholders need focus on building these great minds by setting a goal platform for them
Well done guys, but please advise which book shops are stocking your work!! Keep it up!!
you can find it at Northmead in Palm Agency Book Store and at Arcades in Planet Book Store at only K140. Or you can buy directly from one of the authors by dialing the numbers 0961535397 and 0973032085.
I have read some of the short stories written by Mwansa Besa. He is a very good writer. I like his logical imaginative piece of writing.
I can’t wait to buy this book. Give us more information about when and where to buy this book.
Keep it up guys
You can find it at Northmead in Palm Agency Book Store and at Arcades in Planet Book Store at only K140. Or you can buy directly from one of the authors by dialing the numbers 0961535397 and 0973032085.
Mwansa I have been following your stories. I remember encouraging you to write a novel in the PF group where you used to write your satire. Nice to see you making a step up.
For those interested in the book, you can find it at Northmead in Palm Agency Book Store and at Arcades in Planet Book Store at only K140. Or you can buy directly from one of the authors by dialing the numbers 0961535397 and 0973032085.
Thank you.
Very good. Award them National Civic Awards for helping the gov’t meet millennial targets in illiteracy.
This is excellent. Will find ways of promoting this initiative.
This is brilliant! Am definitely getting one and keep up the good work guys.
This is amazing! They have actually got the bloggers to agree on something! To hell with politics. There are things that Zambians can agree on. Good job authors. Hope you allow other writers to contribute to your next project. Proof that not all Zambians are drunks or slackers. Some are actually hardworking. Amazing is the only way to describe this.