Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Farewell Sir Masire : One of Africa’s six visionary Presidents of the last 20 years for Lungu and others to emulate


The late Sir Ketumile Quett Masire
The late Sir Ketumile Quett Masire

By Kalima Nkonde

The recent death of Sir Kitumile Masire of Botswana at Bokamoso Hospital in Gaborone and not London or Paris or New York, prompted me to write this Opinion Editorial about some of the recent African great Presidents that can provide a benchmark or blue print for our President Lungu and other young African Presidents and those aspiring for the top office.

In the light of the death of Sir Ketumile Masire on 23 June, 2017 and what is happening in our continent in recent times where leaders are changing constitutions and extending their stay in office, rigging elections, involved in high level corruption including state capture by big business and multinationals, intolerant of free press, detaining opposition, allergic to divergent views and so on and so forth, it is important to highlight some of the best Presidents of recent times who our current leaders should emulate.

There is no doubt that the quality of the majority of Presidents running our countries in Africa and even those in the Opposition today are mediocre, corrupt, dictatorial, egoistic, power hungry and are not motivated by public service but rather by personal and selfish goals of enrichment.

The list of visionary and transformational leaders that i have identified covers the period 1996 to 2016- which is not exhaustive by any means – should be good examples for those in leadership and those aspiring for leadership roles in Africa to emulate if they hope to have a lasting legacy instead of consigning their children and great grand children to shame, ridicule and possible retribution after they are long gone, just by the mere mention of their surnames or any association.

I have come up with six names which i personally feel have been exemplary as leaders in their various countries in the period under review. The names are Sir Kitumele Masire of Botswana, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, John Kufuor of Ghana, Festus Mogae of Botswana, Joachim Chissano of Mozambique and Levy Patrick Mwanawasa of Zambia.

Sir Kitumile Masire – Botswana

Botswana’s former President and who passed way on 23 June, 2017, Sir Ketumile Masire was a trained Journalist. Masire was born on 23rd July, 1925. Dr.Quett Joni Kitumile Masire as he was known before getting a knighthood from the Queen of England, together with the first President of Botswana, Seretse Khama had a vision for Botswana despite being laughed at by the British Colonialists when they demanded independence, which they got in 1966. Bechuanaland, as Botswana was called then, was poor, a semi arid country with no infrastructure and no single tar mark road at independence. They were told. “You are either very brave or very foolish” for demanding independence. On the death of President Seretse Khama in 1980, Masire took over the Presidency and transformed Botswana into a democratic country with a successful economy with virtually no corruption to talk about.
Botswana under the Masire presidency was known for exercising prudence in fiscal and monetary policy and ensuring financial discipline in government expenditure by not being wasteful. Masire and Khama started a culture – which is still obtaining today- of ministers of NOT having personal to holder cars and all official government vehicles including ministers’ official cars to be parked after work and only the President and vice have cars parked at their residence. The Presidential motorcade is made up of less than ten cars.

He single handedly made a decision to establish the Pula fund in 1976 to delink the country from the Rand, to become independent of the South Africa financial system. The Fund was a way of building foreign reserves which were estimated to be about $9billion in 2015. He also pioneered the establishing of a long term vision for Botswana in the 1990s which i participated in and contributed to. Masire introduced electoral reforms that brought in the two term presidential limit in the process facilitating his exit and smooth handover of power to Festus Mogae in 1998. Masire’s record on corruption and maladministration is blemish less during his eighteen years of presiding over Botswana.
“Corruption is a scourge in many countries, rich and poor. It has benefited some at the expense of the majority, and it has also wrecked whole economies. We have been fortunate to have managed as little corruption as we have”, he stated in his biography: Very Brave or Very Foolish, Memoirs of an African Democrat, a must read book for African politicians as it provides lessons on good governance, prudent economic management, democracy and in handling multinationals especially those involved in mining a country’s mineral wealth so as to ensure that revenue from the ground benefit the host country.

Masire together with Botswana’s first President Sir Seretse Khama ensured that politicians and civil servants did not see their careers as a route to enrich them.
“There are dangers of increasing salaries, allowances and perks such as the provision of cars for politicians. The real danger is that people come into politics for wrong reasons. It is even worse when those who are useless come into politics to become wealthy, since they may operate by hook or crook to get whatever they want,” he added, stressing how Botswana managed to prevent low grade, useless and uneducated individuals to enter the noble profession of public service, politics, as there is no incentive to get rich over night unlike many African countries.

Nelson Mandela – South Africa

The second on my list is Nelson Mandela who was a Lawyer by Profession with a degree from Witswaterand – the current top University in Africa. Mandela was born on 18th July, 1918.Madiba’s story and qualities as a leader are well known and his achievement are too numerous to mention. Mandela’s 751 page biography: Long Walk to Freedom tells the full story about the greatness of the man. But, as a person who was up close to what transpired in South Africa after his release from prison in the 1990s and the subsequent negotiations for a new South Africa, I would like to highlight a few events that convinced me about his greatness. The turning point to South African’s peaceful transition to democracy after Mandela’s release from prison is to how he handled the assassination of Chris Hani.

He single handedly prevented civil war after the assassination of Chris Hani, the Commander of the ANC army, Umkonto We sizwe, on 10 April, 1993 .The then President, Frederic De Klerk could not handle the explosive situation and he had to ask Mandela to address the nation on the national broadcaster ,SABC television even though he was not yet a President. When he addressed South Africans especially the blacks, he emphasized that the murderer of Chris Hani had been caught because of a white South African woman who reported the murder and gave description of the killer. His message was to unite the nation against the despicable act and not be seen in racial lenses. This single address cooled down the tempers of black South Africans who were prepared to go to war.

He also preached reconciliation and forgiveness and demonstrated it by practical actions unlike most of our African politicians who will say one thing and do the opposite. Mandela took practical steps by taking powerful symbolic steps to show that he had forgiven his apartheid jailers by visiting the widow of the founder of Apartheid, Dr. Verwoerd, inviting his Prison warder for a meeting and officiating at the 1995 Rugby World Cup, a sport for white South Africa. He also studied and understood the oppressor’s culture and language, Afrikaans. Mandela contributed to the lifting of sanctions resulting in massive foreign investments and economic boom during his Presidency. To crown it all, he gave up power after one term in 1999, clearly demonstrating that the struggle for freedom was not about him but the country.

John Kufuor – Ghana

It is widely acknowledged in Ghana and abroad that John Kufuor, is the best President Ghana has ever had due to his achievements in the economy, infrastructure, governance and social sectors. John Kufour inherited the worst economy in Ghana’s history from Jerry Rawlings in 2001. He served as President from 2001 to 2009.
John Kufuor was born on 8 December,1938 and qualified as a Lawyer at Lincoln’s Inn in London in 1961 and then studied at University of Oxford to obtain a Master’s degree in Philosophy, politics and economics in 1964.

During his tenure as President of Ghana, Kufuor transformed the Ghanaian economy. He inherited economic growth of 3.7% in 2001 and left it at 8.4%. The national debt was 182% of GDP when he took over, but left it at 33% of GDP. Kufuor inherited 40% inflation in 2001 but he more than halved it to 18%.
In the area of governance, Kufour was accommodating and believed in running an inclusive and open government. Kafuor kept the vociferous Ghana media at a distance by never reacting to their taunts, insults and other gutter journalism tactics and in the process presided over a flourishing and unfettered free press. In the social sector such as education, he introduced grants for schools as well as the popular and widely acclaimed school feeding programme. He also introduced the first National health Insurance Scheme which is very popular with Ghanaians today.

Kufour, the gentle giant, has been widely recognized as one of the transformational leaders of Africa in modern times to such an extent that when he was leaving office in 2009, he was invited and honored with an unprecedented banquet by Her Royal Highness, the Queen of Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth II, at Buckingham Palace. In addition, US President then, George W. Bush of the USA, also invited him for a banquet in Washington, the first African head of state to be so honoured.

Joaquim Alberto Chissano – Mozambique

President Joaquim Alberto Chissano was born on 22 October,1939 and was the second President of Mozambique serving from 1986 to 2005. Chissano studied Medicine at Lisbon University but he quit to go to Tanzania to join the liberation war. Chissano is credited with transforming the war ravaged Mozambique into one of the best democracies in Africa.

Chissano took over from Samora Machel after the latter died in an air crash in a mountainous terrain near the South Africa border with Mozambique on his way back from a meeting with Dr. Kaunda and other front line states. Chissano ended the brutal civil war in 1992 by negotiating a peace treaty in 1992 with the Renamo rebels.
President Chissano negotiated with the G8 to write off GBP20billion of Mozambique’s debt in 2005.During his Presidency, almost 3 million people which amounts to about 15% of the population were removed from extreme poverty, he also achieved a GDP growth rate of 8% for Mozambique, decreased child mortality for children less than five years by 35% and increased by 65% primary school attendance.

In 2004, Chissano declined to run for a third term in spite of the fact that the Constitution allowed him to do so. On his 68th birthday in 2007, he was awarded the prestigious and inaugural $5million prize for achievement in African leadership by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. There have been very few winners of the coveted prize since then and these include Festus Mogae of Botswana, Pedro Pires of Cape Verde and Hefikepunye Pohamba of Namibia.

Levy Mwanawasa – Zambia

It is widely believed by independent and objective Zambians that Levy Patrick Mwanawasa is the best President the country has ever had based on his record. Levy Mwanawasa was the third President of Zambia and was born on 3 September,1948. Mwanawasa studied law at the University of Zambia in Lusaka from 1970 to 1973. He formed his own law practice in 1978 and became vice-chairman of the Law Association of Zambia in 1982.

Mwanawasa has been known to be a very brave and principled person who when serving under Kenneth Kaunda’s one Party dictatorship in 1985–86 as a solicitor general, he did the unthinkable then, and resigned in Kaunda’s face. In 1989, he represented the former Zambian Vice President Lieutenant General Christon Tembo who was implicated in a coup plot and he won the treason case for General Tembo.

As Vice president of Frederick Chiluba’s Government, he resigned on principle for being sidelined on major issues by Chiluba in preference to Minister without portfolio
Michael Chilufya Sata

When he took over the Presidency, he launched a vigorous anti corruption campaign coupled with fiscal austerity measures which endeared him with Western donors and the Zambian population. He started investigating the former President, Frederick Chiluba for corruption despite the fact that he is the man who anointed him President – a lesson that even if people help you to ascend to power, you are not eternally indebted to them as the country is bigger than the individual. Mwanawasa’s anti corruption crusade and focus on improving the economy to create jobs for Zambians resulted in his popularity rising.

The other acts of bravery and principle by Mwanawasa include the following: refusing the Genetically Modified (GMO) maize as aid from Western Donors, condemning Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe’s misrule, human rights record, lack of rule of law and famously referred to Zimbabwe as a “sinking Titanic” which upset Mugabe. He also openly disagreed with the arrogant and egoistic Thabo Mbeki, the former South Africa President on SADC policy towards Zimbabwe.

Mwanawasa took on the mines and renegotiated some of the unfair contracts. He also passed the Mines and Mineral development act 2008 which was meant to benefit Zambia from the country’s mineral wealth as most Mining houses were not paying any income tax and were involved in transfer pricing schemes that denied government revenue from mining operations. He was able to convince the Mines about paying more tax by increasing Royalty tax from 3% to 6% . He also imposed a windfall tax based on copper prices exceeding certain trigger price levels starting with $5,512 per tonne, then $ 6614 and above$ 7,716. This helped to build foreign exchange reserves at the Bank of Zambia. On taking over, President Rupiah Banda inexplicably reversed the progressive windfall tax and since Mwanawasa’s death, the mines call the shorts and decide the tax they want to pay by threatening to lay off employees or relocate if the government did not capitulate. The mines and multinationals feared Mwanawasa as he was very knowledgeable, read widely and did not entirely rely on advisers on issues. He could personally take on the Mining houses’ Chief Executive Officers and owners without any inferiority complex.

On the political front, it is widely believed his election of 2001 was rigged by the Chiluba administration on his behalf and had been stolen from the UPND’s late Anderson Mazoka but instead of being preoccupied with his apparent illegitimacy within the Party, the MMD having been imposed by Chiluba, and within the country having won through a controversial and an alleged rigged election, he concentrated on turning around the economy. He ignored the taunts from Michael Sata who called him “cabbage” but instead of getting annoyed, he said that he was actually steak and not cabbage and so the attack did not stick.

The magnanimity, maturity ,tolerance and lack of hate and vengeance of Levy Mwanawasa was best exemplified when, his nemesis Michael Chilufya Sata was on the point of death with a heart problem. And against all expectations, he arranged his evacuation to a South Africa hospital for treatment and thereby saved the Opposition leader and his nemesis’ life. It was from that act of statesmanship that made Sata change his general attitude towards him and became an objective critic of Levy. Michael Sata was highly indebted to Mwanawasa for saving his life until his death. This was the best example of mature and not petty behavior in politics.

There is no doubt that Zambians enjoyed the best economy and good governance during Mwanawasa’s Presidency. As a farmer himself, he transformed the agriculture sector which resulted in surplus grain which Zambia still enjoys. He also tolerated press freedom with no intimidation and closure of any critical independent press despite being called a cabbage. The kwacha exchange rate also appreciated tremendously during his rein resulting in low inflation.

Festus Mogae – Botswana

Botswana’s Festus Gontebanye Mogae was the second winner of the prestigious $5million prize Mo Ibrahim Foundation for achievement in African leadership after Mozambique’s Joachim Chissano. The Former Botswana President was born on 21 August,1939.

Mogae studied economics in the United Kingdom, first at University College, Oxford and then at University of Sussex. He worked as Bank of Botswana governor, Finance Minister and director at the international Monetary Fund(IMF). He was Vice President before taking over from Sir Kitumile Masire in 1992.

During his tenure as President, Mogae fought poverty and unemployment and won several awards as a model of democracy and good governance. One of his signature achievements was to stem Batswana deaths of AIDS during the 1990s which threatened the future of the country. He oversaw the creation of the National Aids Coordination Agency(NACA) which became the centre of fighting AIDs and introduced free ARVs in hospitals when Thabo Mbeki in South Africa another Sussex economist and graduate was in denial of the AIDs pandemic. Mogae’s AIDs programme saved so many Batswana lives and was one of Africa’s the first and most progressive and comprehensive programs for dealing with the disease. Mogae followed in the footsteps of his predecessors – President Seretse Khama and Masire – in contributing to making Botswana a middle income group. He is one of the few winners of the prestigious Mo Ibrahim award for good governance.

The current leaders in Zambia and Africa as well as those aspiring for leadership positions are advised to read biographies of some of the above leaders in this article and other great politicians to have a broad view of what public service entails .The poor reading culture in many African countries including Zambia especially among politicians is one of the major reasons why we have very poor quality leaders who are making poor, emotional decisions because they lack the knowledge on which to base rational and informed decisions. They do not understand that politics is a competition for ideas for public service and like in any competition you need to have opponents who you need to beat in a fair game and not enemies in a war.

The six leaders I have picked are entirely based on my own opinion and i expect some people in their respective countries to disagree with my views. The undeniable fact is that they were human and did make mistakes and i do not in any way claim that these leaders were angels or infallible. But, the reality remains that they had many more positives than negatives and they left their respective countries better than they found them. There is no doubt that they and their descendants can move freely in the streets of their respective countries with their heads held high and not consigned in some foreign countries in exile after they leave office

The distinguishing factors of all of the above leaders are that they were in politics to serve their countries and not themselves and they willingly handed over power. They also ascended to office with sound resumes and did not enter politics after being failures in life and for the purpose of accumulating wealth through corruption. These exemplary leaders were tolerant of the opposition, humble, independent thinkers, had no hatred for opponents and exercised restraint in the exercise of state power. They also kept their eyes on the prize – the economy- with a clear vision of what they wanted to do for the country in order to make a difference.

The question our African leaders should be asking themselves is whether they want to be remembered in the same realm as the following disgraced leaders after they leave office : Mobutu Seseko, Idi Amin, Augusto Pinochet, Zine El Abine Ben Ali, Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein, Blaise Campaore,Hosni Mubarak, Kamuzu Banda, Laurent Gbabo, Sloban Milosevic, Papa doc and Baby doc, Samuel Doe, Nicolae Ceacescu, Jean – Bedel Bokassa, Yahya Jammeh, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Charles Taylor, Sani Abacha and other despots who were drunk with power or they want to emulate the above and other exemplary leaders that i have not mentioned.

Zambia’s current political crisis

There is no doubt in my mind that Zambia has been on a downward spiral in terms of leadership quality since Mwanawasa’s death and there is a leadership deficiency in the country at the moment.

In regard to the situation currently obtaining in the country, following the closely contested and disputed 2016 election results, which has now ended up with the accusation of treason of HH, my advise to the parties concerned is that true leadership involves reconciliation, forgiveness, consultations, negotiations and compromise if we truly are a Christian nation.

My take is that the Christian nation claim, national day of prayer, Ministry of guidance and religion creation etc are all political posturing, hollow, smoke screens and meaningless as the behavior of our leaders is contrary to the values of the Christian faith. The major responsibility to unite the nation and start negotiations lies with the President of the country and the ruling Party just like Apartheid South Africa government did by engaging Nelson Mandela in prison even though they were in a very strong position militarily and politically compared to the ANC.

There is no doubt that the conduct and conclusion of the 2016 elections were shabby to say the least. I believe that the ruling party , the PF given their experience in the past, as an opposition for ten years and the main opposition, UPND should agree that the credibility of the Electoral Commission, Judiciary and the Constitutional court has been severely damaged in recent times.

The starting point for talks, therefore, should be areas of agreement. It follows, therefore, that the talking points on the agenda should be discussions on the creation of an independent electoral commission, the reconstitution of the disgraced Constitution Court, the role of the Public media, the Public order Act which were the major causes of the current problems . If these can be resolved and sorted out as part of negotiations, then similar election problems in the future elections may be avoided and not disputed.

To conclude, I would like to quote Nelson Mandela in his “Long walk to freedom” biography about the importance of negotiations, compromise and the role of true leadership when there is an impasse.

“My solitude gave me a certain liberty, and I resolved to use it to do something I had been pondering for a long while: begin discussions with government,” he wrote about him being separated from other political prisoners. “There are times when a leader must move ahead of the flock, go off in a new direction, confident that he is leading his people in the right way. As a leader, one must sometimes take actions that are unpopular or whose results will not be known for years to come,” he added.


    • Good piece. I only hope you will not be called Hakalima henceforth for being objective. Chagwa should have made one of the best presidents given his humble family background and even his background in Chawama before 2011. But power and wealth have overtaken all his conscious and all he thinks about is money, crushing and sorting out others.

    • Well thought out Mr nkonde that I forgive you for missing that it was brig.gen miysnda who was minister without portfolio when LPM resigned.
      Another thing with good leaders is the quality of people they surround themselves with. You can’t expect wisdom when your closest people are freedom sikazwe, kaiza Zulu, etc.

    • What a legend! He transformed Botswana, killed tribalism in his country and united the people of Botswana. While he was not Botswana’s first president, he was a stalwart and giant of a leader. He took development to every part of Botswana. During his tenure, we saw Francistown, transform from the little cattle post cum border town it once was, to the beautiful city it is today. The same may be said of Maun, Ghanzi, Molepolole besides Kanye, Lobatse and Gaborone. As for the people of Botswana, how else may one account for their affluence today, had it not been for this visionary icon – Sir Kitumile Masire!

    • But NOT our own late Patrick Levy Mwanawasa was a thief mhsrip. He fraudulently sold KCM Plc to Agarwal and right now there is poverty on the Copperbelt.

    • Ba Nkonde wesu … mwa chilembafye bwino until you revealed your true colors. And point of correction, the Mwanawasa was a presidency that should never have been because by definition and your own admission, democracy is the power of the people for the people and by the people.

      We all know Kafupi stole that election in favor of Levy and therefore manipulated the will of the people with the help of VJ. Andy (MHSRIP) was the rightful owner of that presidency!!!! I must admit, for the purpose of full disclosure that I was never a fun of the MMD from the time they rightfully beat us UNIPists at our own game. And so, I was a supporter of UPND and Anderson Mazoke at the time.

      That was a stolen election and we all knew it … so, Levy fully understood that and did not even trust his…

    • Continued …

      That was a stolen election and we all knew it … so, Levy fully understood that and did not even trust his own shadow. That’s the more reason he remained President as well as Minister of Defense for the greater part of his tenure.

      Having said that, your addition of Levy to that list is an outlier because as an attorney Levy understood that under the maxims of equity at law; He who comes into equity, must come with clean hands! If Levy was as clean as you would like to purport him to be, he should have rescinded taking the oath of the Presidency.

      He was corrupted by power and he envied the presidency so despite having rescinded all else, when it came to his ultimate desire for power, he violated the will of the people. As a matter of principle, he should have given…

    • Continued …

      As a matter of principle, he should have given power to Andy who was the rightful choice of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise at the time. The very fact that he did not does not opera well in my book.

      Secondly, your insulation of ECL being an illegimitimate office bearer does not qualify you as a legitimate commentator on this important subject matter. Your denigration of the very institutions that actually certified the election to be free and fair from all observers, starting with the EU, to the USA and all other bodies including all arbiter of power leaves one to wonder as to whether you are not just one HH sympathizer wanting to sound intellectual howbeit betrayed by your own biases.

      You are so smart in your own ways that the entire constitution of the…

    • Continued …

      You are so smart in your own ways that the entire constitution of the Republic of Zambia should cave to your naunces, that the entire Electoral Commission of Zambia is not a legitimate and a legal entity capable of managing elections, let alone the ConCourt and all the learned judges are nothing but wimps incapable of running their affairs competently. Thus, the election of ECL should not be seen as legitimate let alone, his desire for the rule of law is a fuss for all elites like you.

      Your reference to media being barboozled shows a shallower perception of things on the ground. It is evident that there are more media houses operating under ECL than any other presidency in the history of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise including my UNIPist era. All of them…

    • Continued …

      All of them are paying their taxes and in good standing with the law. If the independence of media means the POST Newspaper in your worldview, then myopic is that view!!!! How about Daily Nation, the new Mast, just to mention a few? As a matter of fact, I live in the United States of America and I hear more media bashing from Donald J Trump than I hear from ECL!!!

      Thirdly, your reference to political prisoners with inference to HH is totally sub-judicatory in nature and things like that often lands people into contempt of court. In fact, under ECL we are seeing all the branches of government working without interference for the first time in our history. The rule of law is at work under this, my president, even more so than it was under Levy.

      Ba Nkonde, some of us…

    • Continued …

      Ba Nkonde, some of us are astute learners, we are strict followers of our homeland history and while your article is well researched, your own biases have made what would have otherwise been a good or even a great read another useless piece of oratory. Try to hide your biases next time around or at least, in the interest of full disclosure let everyone know you voted for HH and or you supported HH and things did not pan out well for you.

      Finally, in the interest of full disclosure, I am ECL’s number one fun and I strongly believe he is the best thing to have happened to the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise in a long time. I love me some ECL and I wish the President God speed as he ushers new energy for the next generation to come.

      The future looks bright…

    • Continued …

      The future looks bright under ECL’s leadership and the system is working. HH needs to introspect and get at peace with himself. I wish him nothing but good health during this period so that he would be able to help others to respect the will of the people once this ordeal is over.

      Long Live The Smart People Of The Zambian Enteprise Because Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us!!! God speed … I rest my case.

  1. It’s an inspiring article…indeed very few African leaders have the heart to serve the poor..alot of them are just drunk with power and only to serve their selfish interests thinking that they will be in power forever..I think you should have also included Jakaya Kikwete the former president of Tanzania I feel he has also worked real hard for his country..

  2. Lungu does not, nor is it likely that he will in future be showered with accolades for visionary leadership. He is not only an incompetent, vindictive wizard but he is a documented thief and drunkard. To have such a creature ruling over an intelligent people is testimony how Zambians have sunk low. What happened?


    • I think Lungu is building a firm foundation for this great nation only that HH and his UPND don’t like it, that is why they are at full force to damage the country at all cost, Armageddon!But they will fail, not even Telesfore will rescue HH.

  3. Lungu is the most humble, hardworking, understanding President of the century who will be remembered by many when that time comes.

  4. I have just read the first paragraph on the late Masire and the quote from Nelson Mandela at the ended ,and I can tell something is burning inside you about our current leaders .Well done for this wonderful writing ,I urge these KWWY ,CHIPANTEPANTE leaders to read this article.

  5. Very objective piece. This is what you get when you choose leaders based on tribe. God will punish you with a stupid leader so selfish enough to kill to get what he wants. In the end it is the entire nation that suffers. We are in the retrogressive period with the current leadership. We know a country divided country will never develop inspite how hard you try. I hope we are on a leaning expendience with current PF leadership, even learning the hard way.

  6. Mwanawasa stole votes from mazoka. He sold city airport land. He let his mother die in a minibus ( could not buy his own mother a dotcom) thats not being the best president Zambia ever had.


    • You full don’t blame God, God didn’t vote for that bum. He lets you make your own choice. You voted for a bum, accept the consequences.

    • this article should have been restricted to masire death not all the other dung the author has mouthed. why preach hatred in what should be sad moment.
      if mwanawasa was principled, he should have rejected FTJ’s corrupt invitation and fight his own way to the top like what Ba SATA did.

    • Albeit, at what cost? The tall gentleman is drunk with the blood of those he has slaughtered. Rwanda is in the top 20 saddest countries in the world.

  8. Lungu is a lost case already, by him Zambia is in a quagmire of debt and political violence.
    It’s a sad case of ” chumbu munshololwa”

    • You forgot Samuel Doe and that funny chap from The Gambia, eh what’s his name again, eh Yahya Jammeh – The one who could cure AIDS.

  9. A legend of legends is what he was! He transformed Botswana, killed tribalism in his country and united the people of Botswana. While he was not Botswana’s first president, he was a stalwart and giant of a leader. He took development to every part of Botswana. During his tenure, we saw Francistown, transform from the little cattle post cum border town it once was, to the beautiful city it is today. The same may be said of Maun, Ghanzi, Molepolole besides Kanye, Lobatse and Gaborone. As for the people of Botswana, how else may one account for their affluence today, had it not been for this visionary icon – Sir Kitumile Masire!

    • @Sharon

      KK was a tyrant and brutal dictator who somehow has managed to have his dirty name white-washed by his worshipers. But rest assured that he is ranked among the cruelest evil dictators in the world. This is the truth. Do a bit of research among the people who lived during his presidency. The story will be the one I am telling you right now. Like Mugabe, KK transformed a rich country into a poverty stricken hell hole that Zambia has now become. 8 out 9 provinces voted him out except Eastern province. What does that tell you? He was a vicious repugnant person who tormented and starved people. Some of us haven’t recovered from the trauma he caused.

  10. PhD syndrome in Zambia! They can praise another and kill their own! Ok, KK killed tribalism in Zambia and HH raised it from the dead!

    • @Sharon, you were born yesterday. Clearly you were not grown enough to understand kk brutality. Maybe you are just trying to make this all about HH. Most likely you are from umodzi kumawa.

    • No doubt HH brought back tribalism, just look at the people lining up as his lawyers! Mweemba, Mwiimbu, Mushiipe, Malambo, Mwaanga, Mwiinga, Siandenge etc.

  11. “Only a Tonga can bring development to Zambia! And I think HH didn’t steal privatization funds but he only got rich from it!” – Party of one tribe.

  12. Excellent article, being a bully in this country is not sustainable. Through the VP Inonge, PF are now eating humble pie and negotiating with the church on how to reunite the country, end violent politics, scrapping archaic laws like public order act, making the IEC truly independent, reconstituting the Concourt and the flawed judges, including ba Irene, etc….in other words….coming up with a PLAN and leadership for the country!!

  13. Mwanawasa YES he made some strides economically but he one of the architects of the TRIBALISM and NEPOTISM that we see today in many parastatals e.g ZESCo ZSIC and it has even spread to the Zambia Army, Airforce and Police even to this date. Why has the author refused to talk about the ZAMOIL Saga that has made Maureen Mwanawasa to keep her MOUTH SHUT ?

  14. Honestly what did Mwanawasa do to be on this list compared to what PF has done since they came into power and are doing now apart from his family tree in all government institutions?

  15. @ Mumba, we need people like you to correct these young men! Their assessment of the world is bogus! It is seen through the lenses of Under Five Card Clinic and its regional grouping!

  16. The writer has not praised Mwanawasa for allowing his mother to die in a minibus with a tin of paraffin. Was it part of being a States man?

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