Thursday, January 30, 2025

Government to mobilise billions of dollars for Rail Transportation under the 7th National Development Plan


President Edgar Lungu (second from left) cuts the ribbon to officially launch the seventh National Development Plan 2017 to 2021 at Mulungushi Conference Centre.On the middle is National Planning Minister Lucky Mulusa. Picture by SUNDAY BWALYA / ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu (second from left) cuts the ribbon to officially launch the seventh National Development Plan 2017 to 2021 at Mulungushi Conference Centre.On the middle is National Planning Minister Lucky Mulusa. Picture by SUNDAY BWALYA / ZANIS

GOVERNMENT will in the next four years undertake a comprehensive rehabilitation of the Zambia Railways mainline at a cost of US$1.3 billion to enhance operational efficiency.

Minister of National Development and Planning Lucky Mulusa said Zambia will also pursue the revitalisation of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) at an estimated cost of US$1.2 billion.

Mr Mulusa said the construction of new rail lines and rehabilitation of existing ones will reduce the cost of freight, and increase the tonnage being carried.

He said during the Seventh National Development Plan (SNDP) period, Government will also begin construction of the Chipata-Petauke-Serenje railway line at a cost of US$2.2 billion to complete the link from the port of Nacala to the existing railway line in the country.

This is contained in the 2017-2021 SNDP, which President Lungu launched last week.

“Further, focus will be on the development of attendant infrastructure, acquisition of rolling stocks and other equipment, as well as improving the management of the railway system,” he said.

Mr Mulusa said in the SNDP, Government will also focus on acquiring aircraft to serve domestic, regional and inter-continental routes.

He said arrangements will also be made to acquire cargo planes that will assist in exporting agricultural produce to markets in the region and beyond.

Mr Mulusa said during the planning period, Government will also continue to develop toll gates and collect road user charges to finance its programmes in the road sub-sector as well as pursuing public private partnership as a financing mechanism for road construction.



    • They already are – since the 1920s! You need to visit Zambia, even once in your life time. Don’t comment on a country you have never been to.

  1. When Are The Works For Chipata- Petauke- Serenje Rail Going To Start? We Are Tired Of Waiting, How Soon Are Things Going To Start Happening?

    • This is a most useless project of all. It is just some prestige thing for Lungu and his easterners, to show that they ripped something out of his Presidency. If $2.2 billion was to be properly spent (and not stolen) on Tazara and ZR, there would not be enough cargo for a third rail outlet. Why not spend money on obvious projects that will increase productivity immediately?!

  2. Loads of rubbish. Where is the money going to come from when we’re struggling to borrow just $1.3 billion from the IMF? A government full of jokers.

    • Mutati has already admitted that Zambia will default on the Eurobonds due in 2022 and 2024. All of Chikwanda’s huPFfing and PFuffing about a Sinking Fund were mere lies, just more PFake News. Lungu wants to use these projects to steal more money and enslave Zambians to the Chinese forever.

    • Imagine instead of putting a lid on expenditure they are thinking of increasing it further…we all know this money will go nowhere do you really they can honestly invest in rail when they are involved on the road haulage business.

    • * you really think they can honestly invest in rail when they are all involved in the road haulage business

  3. Fokoff.

    Lies meant to excite the kaponyas that another looting and plunder bonanza is in the pipe line.

  4. Whatever happened to that $120 m from the Eurobond, you dont account for that yet you want more…where are you going to “mobilise” $1.3 Billion? Chriwa advised you to invest this 5 years ago when it was cheaper to get a loan you laughed at him…PF can not be trusted with such funds they are too corrupt and reckless.

  5. The same was said for euro bonds. so far what has been done before we talk of borrowing again? It would be more respectful of our leaders if they can clearly show us where the first money went. after all it is us who will pay back. consult us before borrowing the same way you did when you wanted to come out of ICC. Reckless borrowing is just enriching few individuals.

    • Lazy Lungu has never spoke about the ever increasing external debt ..its like he is on his own litte island detached from reality.

    • Money talks …you dont have those figures- you can not even pay nurses and contractors on time. You can not even balance the budget..these are basics!!

  6. Many if not all countries that have developed have done so with an efficient and effective rail network. In Zambia we keep on building roads and ravage them again after transporting heavy goods on them. This rail initiative is perfect as heavy goods will be transported on rail. Spot on SNDP!!!!

    • They do this as road is profitable for them ….where on earth does a road cost $1m per kilometre. Rail will never pick up as the greedy elite are involved in it.

    • Besides the point, American economy was built on rail network, South Africa has a very strong rail network which supports both good and passengers. The problem is if you tell your mind that something cannot happen, then you will always refuse even when it does happen. How have all these bridges built by Sata been possible??? As long as your mind and leaders tell you PF is corrupt and they can’t do anything, you will always refuse to accept the truth even when they put a right road outside your yard!!!

    • Jay Jay. Get your facts correct. In the SADC region there are roads that have been built costing more than $1million. Research on your own because I will not give you the areas in the SADC region. This noise making without facts is dangerous. My people perish for lack of knowledge truly.

  7. Can someone update us on the kavindele rail line lungu and kavindele were making the kaponyas dance dunnua reverse about ???

    • Spaka like lilo: Read and research on articles and newspapers on development and do not wait for other mislead people to feed you with wrong information. You will perish.

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