Thursday, January 23, 2025

ZESCO spends US$1.1 million to repair damaged pylons


ZESCO Spokesperson Henry Kapata checking the building in New Kasama that has encroached in the ZESCO pole line

ZESCO has restored power to all areas affected by the vandalism of the two pylons in Kafue on Friday last week.

ZESCO Spokesperson Henry Kapata told Q-news that power was restored to all the affected areas at 14:00 hours yesterday.

Mr. Kapata has explained that the act of vandalism affected electricity supply to Lusaka West, Kafue West and Mumbwa areas.

He has however, warned that ZESCO is working with state security to investigate the matter and bring the perpetrators of the crime to book.

And Energy Minister David Mabumba has told Parliament in a Ministerial statement that ZESCO initial estimates for the repairs STANDS US$1.1 million which include the replacement of the towers and associated accessories, spare galvanized steel wire anchors, hire of specialized lifting equipment among other costs.

Mr Mabumba says there are also other economic losses suffered by customers who were affected due to disruption in their business activities.

On Friday unknown people brought down two ZESCO pylons on the 330-kilovolt transmission line running from Kafue West to the Lusaka West Substation via the South Multi-Facility Economic Zone.


  1. It is imperative that the culprits are hunted down at all costs. These criminals are bringing Zambia’s developmental programs to a virtual stand still.

  2. This is the act of UPNdonckey cowards. Please hunt them down and throw them in prison. We still have enough space for these heartless criminals who want to take power through the back door.

  3. What value is there to sabotage the economy of one”s own country to send a political message? This was not theft but purely political.

  4. $1m?
    I’m sure the bulk of this went towards allowances to pay politicians visiting the site etc. By the way, why quote in dollars, I doubt these accessories where imported in the past week.

    • My exact same question? $1.1m!!hmmmml…… I totally agree with Tbag, give us a breakdown of this daylight robbery! It was not necessary for the Minister to start politicizing the matter by mentioning Edgar this, Edgar that. Just find the culprits and prosecute them.

  5. Everything is overpriced in Zambia…everything has to have an extra zero added..was everything imported?

  6. UPND should be banned as a party, they will bring more harm to the country than people will realize. First it’s selling falsehoods to foreign media not forgetting hate speeches and insults to the president on social media, burning property, maiming lives and now they want to cripple economic installations. Yet they are the same people crying for development, no wonder they can’t see development which is taking place everywhere, right under their noses.

  7. Pomparse. Hiw do u know this is upnd. Pf supporters think by putting responsibity on upnd then the international community will be sympathetic to the pf government. Works the other way, they question why is so much finger pointing at one party. Pomparse when you point one finger then 3 are actually pointing to you.
    This is another set up press statemrnt. Monday report of vandalism 2 days later repaired , costed and loadshedding over. Do you know how long it takes to erect a tower and then run cables again. Go on give an answer then stop your one eyed unsubstantiated post

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