Friday, March 7, 2025

The New State House to cost $20 million to build-Nkhuwa


Minister of Works and Supply Mathew Nkhuwa checking the tap at Heroes Stadium as he toured the development of the works
Minister of Works and Supply Mathew Nkhuwa

THE construction of a new State House will start next year and will cost about US$20 million, Minister of Works and Supply Mathew Nkhuwa announced in Lusaka yesterday.

Mr Nkhuwa said this follows Parliament’s approval of Government’s proposal to build a new State House because of the deplorable state in which the current one is.

Last week, the parliamentary committee on communications, transport, works and supply recommended the construction of a modern State House. Parliament approved the proposal.

Mr Nkhuwa said during a Patriotic Front media interactive forum that an inspection of the State House main administration block established that the infrastructure which was built before Zambia’s independence more than 50 years ago, can collapse any moment.

“It’s a danger to people working there, the value for life is more than the cost [of building a new structure] because it’s not fit for human habitation. “It’s a risk to continue working in there,” he said.

The minister said the area where the new State House will be constructed has not yet been identified, but that the current State House grounds cannot be ruled out as there is adequate space for a new structure.

Mr Nkhuwa said his ministry is working on ensuring that the cost of building the structure is included in next year’s national budget so that construction works can start next year.

He said the contract for constructing the new State House will be awarded through a competitive bidding process when the money is available.

Mr Nkhuwa said houses around the current State House are also in a deplorable condition and need to be improved on.

The minister said when construction of the new State House is completed, the current one could be turned into a museum.


  1. My friends let’s not be cheated about the current state house falling down, that is one old British building built using burnt bricks, whose walls are state of the art double English bonding, just try to visit these colonial British made houses in your neighborhood and trying studying the layout of the walls in these houses, these are houses that are not going down anytime soon, unlike those newly built houses you find in chalala or silverest.

    • Not fit for human habitation, but will be turned into a museum, we all know museums are frequented by masses of people, so how is that different from its current purpose? If the building is not safe as they claim, it should have gone under the lecking ball or the sledgehammer.

    • I am against this plan is not necessary at the moment we are trying to recover our economy and why building a new home for someone who as one already? At least after 2021 not now

    • This is a poignant reminder of Zambians propensity to splurge.
      Surely just like we do not need another house of prayer do we need another state house?
      Why not build a state of the art hospital to Carter for all the emergency cases going to India and south Africa?
      This truly questions the so called humility of Lungu.
      A true leader can come out and stop this wasteful expenditure.
      It is now clear that lungu is a dull, visionless, arrogant and weak president!

    • People of Zambia please wake up you been cheated by these thieves: he clearly said that the building can collapse anytime and yet he wants the PF government to turn the old building into a museum so that the building can collapse on the poor people…whT a joke

    • It is better to be more clear by saying it will cost $20millions per month.
      This system of fooling Zambians with figures was started by Mutati..

  2. Unlike United Dunderheads such as the cretin above who always agree to what their sa.tan.ic leadership in UPND tell them to do some of us pro PF commentators have an independent mind and often disagree with the govt, on this issue of the construction of a new Statehouse I believe this woud be a very wasteful exercise – the funds could better be spent on the rehabilitation of our prisons to make them state of the art where convicts are reformed in proper humane conditions! Let’s not waste state funds on such projects- to the advisors at State House guys provide advice not de-vice.

    • @2020vision,
      as a seasoned “PF commentators having an independent mind”, how is your view going to impact or influence this decision? Why don’t you tell your MPs or channel your grievances to ECL directly or at least to Mathew Nkhuwa. Otherwise, your view or comments on this topic aired on LT are as good as s.h.i.t.
      In the end, you are as good as those UPND people that you are insulting, if not even worse because this decision was made purely by PF MPs without any concessions with other parties. Building State House should be a National Pride and not party pride. Now you are going to call me a UPND, noope I am not. Iam an independent commentator.

  3. Misplaced priorities .. That automatically puts every Zambian in a debt of 10000 kwacha working or not. Ba pombwe! Why can’t we live within our means ? U want mtv crib houses at our expense surely why should we even allow this ?

  4. This 20million Dollars Is It Going To Be Raised By The Govt Or It Will Be An External Loan?
    Which Contractors Are They Going To Use; Local Or Chinese(AVIC) ??

    And Its Unfortunate That You Are Sayin The Current State House Is Not Fit For Human Habitation, How Old Is White House. That Building Is Way Bigger Than The Lusaka State House, Bt They Have Managed To Maintain It Over The Centuries With 45 Presidents Who Have Been In It.

    Maintain Or Tranform The Current One Into Modern Standards If Space Is There Add Whateva Is Lacking And The Cost Will Probably Cost Less Than That

  5. The minister states that the building site has not been identified. If you dont know where you are going to build it then how can you cost the project. This man is the minister for works and supply and obviosly doesn’t understand that studies of the soil for foundations and the topography of the land as well as transport cost to get the building materials to site. If he knows the cost already i would suggest a deal has been done with the governments contractor of first choice AVIC.

    • They just calculated their kickback…these people are reckless individuals…they dont care; State House can be repaired for less than a million dollars but these thieves want kickbacks!!

  6. Just last week they were borrowing money from the World Bank for rural electrification in the region of $20million…today they have found 20million to build a mansion for the Lazy thing Edgar.

  7. They should us take for a tour and show it on their National TV we see the cracks they are talking about. There is poverty to eradicate and education improvement to look at and not forgetting well stocked hospitals and clinics to build but these *****s are thinking of a new state house boot lickers . God help us.

  8. This project will adversely affect the PF…Totally unnecessary expenditure that is not a priority…The President and the Government should realise that the people of Zambia can easily shift their support to the one who can package a good message in 2021 so please don’t take the people for granted especially that the Youths that are unemployed is very high…

  9. With that money, you can build 5 Turkish agro-processing plants that can provide jobs to a lot of Zambians and add to our GDP

  10. Forget about building a new state house. Our president doesn’t even stay there as he is frequently out of the country. Why waste that money. If ecl was a house boy I could’ve supported it but since he doesn’t spend most of his time there then it’s not worth it.

  11. Hmmm interesting engineering statements!! from ministers. I had hoped to have parliament before approval, to have had behaved in a more money austerity position talk, they have kept on talking about. I would have loved to have a more forensics engineering survey analysis done by professional Building engineers of which i doubt. I think British palaces including where the queen is were way built before our state house. Basic engineering assumption tells me, in no way would it collapse any sooner as alleged. I would pledge, just as what the British have done to their VIP buildings should equally be done here.State house had lacked a preventative maintenance plan for some time. Given the state it is, its not too late to engage in one and spread it overtime. This will save this country…

  12. Besides, should the construction proceed. The very very best i would need & expect this country to better do is; being our local (Ministry of Works & Supply- Architects designed). Let this Building, if ever be constructed by our ZNS.Army. Police & builders & engineers. Let it be designed & born in Zambia for identity & generational sake.

  13. On this one just go ahead it’s long overdue. No debate even if you single source that’s okay. Just avoid what happened in south Africa. Actually build it under supplementary budget why even wait?

  14. PF is wasteful and full of thieves. What are they afraid of State House? Let them start to build and we shall turn that building into a hospital. The current state house is ok. Zambians are taken for granted. The Ndola Lusaka road needs urgent attention but PF wants to waste money on useless second state house when Lungu has already been built houses where he can retire.

    • They know Zambians are a docile people…just yesterday another minister was proposing moving the capital to somewhere and start from scratch because capital is congested…when its congested with their legalised street vendors.

  15. While I do not object to the notion of constructing another State House (and it is being contemplated to do so on the current State House grounds), I understand there is debate on shifting the country’s capital to another location due to the congestion besieging Lusaka city. Can someone please state clearly if the Capital City will shift or not. If it will, then what’s the point of constructing another State House now, then later construct another one in the new capital city? I detect indecision here….

    • Nothing can be objected as things are in Parley…that’s multi party democracy for you Zambian style.

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