Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Burnt Lusaka City Market in Pictures



  1. Zambians have started waving pangas at each other. I just watched a very disturbing video where Zambians running wild and behaving like Hutus and Tutsi’s during the Rwanda genocide

    • Instead of asking for excuses to be a dictator the president must show leadership by coming up with solutions on how to prevent future market fires. How is it that in zambia markets are always burnt to ashes yet we have firefighters, security and fire extinguishers.
      We never learn from our own mistakes next time lives may be lost.
      Stop planning to arrest more opposition cadres and leaders sort out problems not people!

    • This is a backward country called Zambia, were safety regulations have been thrown outside the window, so that politicians can keep their votes, the Lusaka town center is a catastrophe, just look at all those people who trade along lumumba road, has road safe regulators ever thought of those poor souls.

      Kampyongo and his IG have failed us. We should have already gotten hold of these satanic, arsonic, lunatic criminals by now. I warned you to watch GBVM, you would not listen.
      For all I care we had Zambians’ goods selling in CM. This level of politicking has reached dangerous levels. Police must not waste time talking, they must be working. To Zambians and peace loving Zambians please, reject UPND. Reject enticements to violence. We know what UPND wants. They want the Zambian people to play to their gallery. They want us to live in terror. We reject reiteration. They tried this post August 11 polls and failed. UPND will not be the final chapter of ZAMBA. What has Catholic Bithop MPUND and his clique got to say about this? Kampyongo get to work my…

  2. Poor fire regulations under pf and yet you dull chaps are fighting one another. Be clever and attack the government who have failed you. Throw petrol bomb at state house and not your fellow brothers who are also suffering. Wake up

  3. No rules (how do you trade under powerlines? ) ,no effective fire mitigation techniques like way leaves ,no standards regarding flammable material, badly designed access gates and a demotivated fire service.

    Now tell me we didn’t engineer this fire catastrophe ourselves and now we act surprised?

    • Zambia has capable fire fighters and engines to extinguish any fire. Having all those in place plus a motivated team doesn’t mean fire wouldn’t gut anything. I live in aussie where all sorts of fire fighting gadgets plus a motivated team are but still properties gets gutted In the infernal. Fire is fire. Just stop the politics of setting ablaze your own properties.

  4. Even a baby born today knows it’s Useless Party for National Destruction behind all this nonsense. Please ZP just shoot on sight!

    • Yes,it can never be a coincident to experience two fires in two different places in the same night! But unfortunately there’s no proof that the opposition is responsible

    • Unfortunately approaching issues with that mindset usually leads to wrong people. Watch crime movies and learn something. It is important people shut their mouths sometimes, because talking too much wakes up the real enemy. Hearing testimonies of witnesses, if UPND cadres were behind this, then this country is big trouble because our cops will not catch them…too too clever for them because the City market is heavily guarded both by regular ZP and mobile unit

  5. GRZ should put some video cameras for monitoring in some areas, like market place , town centre and along the roads within town. Having these video cameras can be useful for any investigation .

    • Yes, let’s have monitored active CCTV systems.
      People have become devil towards their own country, so let’s have CCTVs.

  6. Indeed we thank God and lets pray that nothing of such ll happen again, moreover we are one Zambia one People why shud we fight one another.

  7. Be careful with your statments,how do you know its pf my friend,do you have evidence?Maybe you can help the police with the investgations since you know something.

  8. In order to understand fire, we should ensure that babies are clearly taught the causes of fire instead of what we preach to kids such as, PYEPYE!!!! What is this?? Fire is Fire period!

  9. Let us love each other for us to achieve development rather than exhibiting hatred.We should be peace loving people at all times not the way we are exhibiting

  10. This is very sad really. The amount of investments poured in to this market. The potential for business provided to ordinary Zambians to enable them to feed their families…now gone. The destruction of the Business cycle from Farmers/Agricultural outlets etc. New increments to unemployment levels. And yet some people are smug and patting their backs in mock congratulations for such a heinous act. Have such people lost their minds? Clearly they want to plunge the country into violence and chaos so one evil man can try to wrestle power. The quicker they despatch that wicked one the better for Zambia.

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