The Zambian High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa has accepted to meet leaders from the National Union of Metal workers of South Africa (NUMSA).
The Union has requested the High Commissioner to grant it audience to present it’s memorandum of demands regarding the alleged deterioration of human rights in Zambia.
Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa His Excellency Mr Emmanuel Mwamba says he had accepted to meet the Union leaders following the Union’s formal request to meet him.
The Union has also made a formal application to the Police notifying that they planned to conduct a picket and present a memorandum of demands at the Zambian Mission in Pretoria.
Mr. Mwamba said the Mission would use the opportunity to engage with the Union leadership to understand their concerns and brief them about the happenings in Zambia in an informed manner.
In a letter to the mission signed by Christine Olivia, the Union has stated that they would stage a picket and present it’s memorandum of demands on Zambia on the 11th of July, 2017 at the Zambian Mission in Pretoria.
Mr Mwamba however, noted that NUMSA’s claims of deteriorating democracy in Zambia were not true as Zambia still remains a beacon of democracy in Africa.
He affirmed that Zambia was a growing democratic state with a good practice of entrenched democratic values and tenets
Mr Mwamba said the mission was ready to meet NUMSA officials in order to set the record straight as recent happenings in Zambia were a matter of rule of law
He noted that Zambia and South Africa together with their people enjoyed warm and cordial relationship that would not be disturbed by any matter including the forthcoming picketing.
He further said that the decision by the mission in Pretoria to accept to receive the memorandum of demands from NUMSA was not to accept it’s perceived claims on Zambia but a demonstration of respect for democracy and human rights.
This is according to a statement issued by First Secretary Press and Public Relations at the Zambia’s High Commission to South Africa Naomi Nyawali.
What’s so special about South Africa? Please leave Zambia alone. You already have so much at hand in your own home!
Release HH…
I mentioned Emmanuel Mwamba and Mukwita that the are falling off PF,
Here they go gain kissing asses.
NUMSA’s side-kicks on Zambia as a sovereign state are strange. This Union has no membership in Zambia. Yet NUMSA has massive trade union problems to resolve on behalf of its members in South Africa.
South Africans are currently engulfed in serious labour, economic and political issues arising out of State capture phenomenon by the GUPTA family – a thorn that has bothered COSATU and all political parties in South Africa. Who is funding NUMSA to destabilize Zambia? The PF Information Centre and Trade Unions in Zambia can deflect NUMSA and DA foreign subversive activities by using the internet services to flood all South African Unions and political parties with correct information on criminal activities played by Fred Mmembe and HH’s UPND.
When does a functioning democracy find it necessary to warn the country that a state of emergency has been invoked subject to national assembly ratification.
When organizations like NUMSA think it is their duty to poke their noses into other countries whilst leaving problems in their backyard unattended.
NUMSA are right to be concerned with the deteriorating democracy in Zambia under lungu.
Look what happened next door in Zimbabwe where they turned a blind eye to Mugabe resulting in millions of refuges flooding into S.A. causing social strief and causing xenophobic attacks.
They don’t want another refugee exodus from Zambia.. …..already Emmanuel mwamba is on record saying Zambians are claiming asylum in increasing numbers.. …
Numsa has no right to poke their nose into Zambia, they have ernomous problems of their own in South Africa, What human rights are talking about?
All this is because upnd followers have spread lies about the country, shame on Numsa and their demagogue HH.
NUMSA remove the log out of your eyes first, dont be hypocritical. why are not talking about burundi, DR congo and your Zuma. we shall sort out our own problems, if , and if and if we fail we might contact you. as for now stop your evil acts and behaviour. there s no xenophobia in Zed; yes we fight but we reconcile and we PRAY TO GOD TOGETHER.
Get you Zambian refugees from S.A. then
Release HH..
So that he can cause bigger fires at City Market. You must be sick iwe!
You have a president full of lies that there’s no tension in Zambia and his lies have gone to his children Wo include Mwamba. What democracy is there in Zambia now? Where do you hear of state of emergency in a democratic nation? These fires are PF works to blame them on opposition for Lungu to declare a state of emergency. NUMSA should picket Zambian goods after meeting Mwamba passing through RSA.
@8 Dr Fumbozo, Much as I have come to HATE PF’s INEPTITUDE in the way they do things, I can let you KNOW that the State of Emergency has been existing in FRANCE for over ONE and HALF YEAR(since November 2015)! I am sure FRANCE is a VERY MATURE DEMOCRACY!!
One nation so when a union comments on zambia our president declares a state of emergency … thats what you have said…how immature of the president if that is the case. Read what i said properly then answer.
It’s all Sh!tty in Zambia now, but don’t worry Lungu is living on borrowed time. The pf empire will soon collapse when that time is up.
South Africa is going through the worst governance scandal since the end of white rule and I don’t hear numsa challenging the corrupt and undemocratic Zuma led executive. There is literary daily exposes about what’s going on in south Africa and Zambian government would easily look like angels in comparison. So it is clear numsa are simply a bunch of paid immoral hooligans who deserve all the contempt. Numsa please the workers of south Africa needs your voice and they pay you to speak on their behalf. You have lost it on this one and you are a shame