Monday, March 17, 2025

Committee resolves to rebuild Lusaka City Market in 6 weeks


THE COMMITTEE of ministers appointed by President Lungu to look into the rebuilding of Lusaka City Market has resolved that the trading place be rebuilt in six weeks.

The reconstruction of the country’s biggest market will be led by Zambia National Service (ZNS) in collaboration with the Lusaka City Council (LCC), and the business community.

The committee, chaired by Vice-President Inonge Wina, has also resolved that during the reconstruction of the market, the 1,902 traders whose shops were gutted will use Soweto market as an alternative trading site.

This is contained in a communiqué released yesterday by permanent secretary in charge of administration at the Vice-President’s office Stephen Mwansa.

The committee, which was established by President Lungu, held discussions covering matters connected to recent fires including the gutting of Lusaka City Market and came up with nine resolutions, among them, opening an account where donors and well-wishers can deposit funds for the reconstruction of the market.

The account will be housed at the Bank of Zambia for transparency sake, while deposits can also be made at various commercial banks to be announced soon, the communiqué reads in part.

The committee also resolved to arrange a breakfast meeting to launch the ‘Build back better’ campaign.

The technical committee will also formulate messages for dissemination regarding the recovery plan to the public by working closely with the media.
The committee also resolved that Government institutions must enhance insurance policies in all properties.

Also resolved is that a technical committee comes up with plans on how to build resilient markets countrywide.

Below is the full communique released


10TH JULY 2017 – Lusaka

Upon the appointment of a committee of ministers by his excellency the president mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu following the fire incident that destroyed goods and stalls worth millions of Kwacha at Lusaka’s City market, her honour the Vice President Mrs. Inonge Mutukwa Wina MP, convened and chaired the first committee meeting at cabinet office on Friday 07 July 2017.
The meeting was attended by ministers from the following ministries;

  • Minister Office Of The Vice President
  • Minister Local Government And Housing
    Minister Commerce, Trade And Industry
  • Minister Lands And Natural Resources
  • Minister Home Affairs
  • Minister Defence
  • Minister Information And Broadcasting Services
  • Minister Gender
  • Permanent Secretary (administration) Office Of The Vice President
  • Permanent Secretary (parliamentary Business) Office Of The Vice President
  • National Coordinator Disaster Management And Mitigation Unit
  • Permanent Secretary Youth, Sport And Child Development
  • Permanent Secretary Local Government And Housing
  • Permanent Secretary Defence
  • Permanent Secretary Commerce, Trade And Industry
  • Permanent Secretary Home Affairs
  • Permanent Secretary Community Development
  • Permanent Secretary Gender
  • A Representative From The Minister Of Presidential Affairs’ Office
  • A Representative From The Accountant General’s Office
  • His Worship The Mayor Of The City Of Lusaka Council
  • Town Clerk
  • And other senior government officials

The meeting held exhaustive discussions covering matters connected with or incidental to recent fires, not necessarily restricted to the Lusaka city market fire, and came out with the following resolutions.

  1. An alternative market site to be used while the rebuilding of city market is ongoing has been identified as Soweto market. The option of other possible sites remain open.
  2. The city market to be rebuilt in 6 weeks and the exercise will be led by ZNS and in collaboration with LCC and the business community.
  3. A technical committee consisting government and city council technocrats and city market representatives to be created immediately.
  4. The technical committee to look into a recovery plan by mobilizing resources for relief for the affected marketeers and rehabilitation for the market.
  5. An account to be opened where donors and well-wishers can deposit funds. This account will be housed at the bank of Zambia for transparency. Deposits can also be made at various commercial banks to be announced.
  6. The technical committee to arrange a breakfast meeting to launch the “build back better” campaign.
  7. The technical committee to formulate messages for dissemination regarding the recovery plan to the public by working closely with the media.
  8. Government institutions to enhance insurance policy on all its properties.
  9. The technical committee to come up with plans on how to build resilient markets countrywide.

Stephen Mwansa
Permanent Secretary (administration)
Office of the Vice-President
Independence Avenue 50773
Lusaka, zambia


  1. This is pressing a issue not some vacuous call for dialogue.
    Politics has no dull moments, the distress call for unconditional dialogue by one Hichilema facing a criminal case before the courts is lethargic and highly preposterous to sale. Dialogue on what and who should be the parties to it? What story he wishes to move forward and what would be the mood and tone for the dialogue to guide progressive action without wasting time of others?
    Until more details are publicly shared, the distress call is vague, impulsive and insensitive to the many victims of the terror acts unleashed mindlessly on the poor citizens. As a country, we cannot ignore the fate of the people and circumstances under which good faith dialogue takes place.

    • Those who burnt this market are cursed and everything of them and out of their loins is eternally cursed henceforth. Unless they confess of their sins, make peace with victims of their subnormal actions, and repent with a contrite spirit, the cry of innocent souls left in hopelessness is invoking a wave of debilitating crisis in the lives of sadists behind the fires.
      This is a pressing issue lets rebuild the lives of victims.

    • It’ll be great if the LCM is built “in 6 weeks” as said by the “committee” as LT reports.
      One can only hope its not another “90 days Donchi Kubeba” pathological lies revamped into “dununa reverse” of “6 weeks”! We give the violent PF bandits a benefit of doubt for they’re always yapping without fruitful policies.
      So on August 22 this year, we are yet to witness the unveiling of LCM~accountability of the resolved to “build Lusaka City Market in 6 weeks”~LT.
      By the way, how much is MEALIE MEAL today since Lungu’s “fruitful meeting with the millers” in January?
      The Skeleton Key

    • I think what matters is the compensations to the affected. Not the rebuilding of the market.



    • It has taken a week to come to this conclusion. It seems the plan was already there. Gutter the market and rebuild it. One more reason for PF someone to become an instant millionaire. I can build that kind of a market in one week. This is one horrible structure of brick and steal. A Chinese construction company holds the world’s fastest builder after erecting a 57-storey skyscraper in 19 working days in central China. A one storey wreck in 6 weeks. Please……

    • Sure, it has taken you a week to come to this decision. It seems the plan was already there. Gutter the market and rebuild it. One more reason for PF someone to become an instant millionaire. I can build that kind of a market in one day. This is one horrible structure of brick and steal. A Chinese construction company holds the world’s fastest builder after erecting a 57-storey skyscraper in 19 working days in central China. A one storey wreck in 6 weeks. Please……

    • ZNS is good.
      “Bank of Zambia for transparent sake…” So there is no transparency in other PF government organs? Lungu said the same.

    • Great news, removing material evidence of the crime in conjunction with “fake news” propaganda by the ruling party will be treated by the members of PF “intelligentsia” as a “great achievement”!!!

    • This political grand standing tactics of PF are really laughable. After Kapyongo colluded with Lungu, Mumbi Phiri, Kamba and Kaiser Zulu to burn the market, they put up a show to show they care. How preposterous!

      If PF cared, it would made sure that, those PF cadres and PF police tasked to protect the market do a good job and avoid being used by the PF stooges to cause arson and blame it on the opposition.

      I have said it before that lies has short legs, it does go far. The truth soon catches up with lies and shames the evil PF every time they hatch an evil scheme against innocent people.

      After sending cadres to chop mourners limbs at the grave yard, PF sends it thugs to burn the market.

      Lungu and his PF should be ashamed. Rumour has it that Kapyongo has instructed PF cadres…

    • Lungu and his PF should be ashamed. Rumour has it that Kapyongo has instructed PF cadres to make sure those he send to burn the are eliminated to avoid them talking.

      I am appealing to those PF cadres who were sent to burn the market by Kapyongo and his stooges to tell some one and have their statement recorded then leave Zambia to avoid being killed by PF.

    • We all know that senior leadership of a known party may not have personally or directly been involved in burning of the infrastructure BUT one thing they need to realize is that when they promised Armageddon, when they said they would make the country ungovernable and that they would accept results they were planting seeds of discord and hate which has now bared fruits in the atrocities we are now experiencing. In this regard they should be the last ones to say sorry over the fires, they should be the last ones to call for dialogue regarding the situation in the country. What did they think their pronouncements would bring to the citizen (they lacked foresight). Now that security has been tightened they are are now disassociating themselves with their long time international…

    • CONTD..
      …….. international correspondent like ‘Rally Mitwer’. What has changed now? are they just realizing now the wrong they have been perpetuating all along?
      Now they have heard the people of Dundumwezi are egar to receive the president and they know what that means: people want development, they have no time for people who are bent on bringing evil on this nation, they are rising above partisan politics, they are saying let people account for their own wrong acts we want development.

    • Money will be raised but a good chank will be pocketed by Lungu and his stooges.
      The best way is to let an international NGO handle compensation matters so that people are not discriminated against based on tribe.

      Lungu and his stooges do not sleep at night because the cries of the people whose property was destroyed by fire deliberately caused by PF cadres in order to blame UPND is haunting them big time.

      I doubt if anyone will get the money apart from known PF cadres who will suddenly appear to be part of the victims.

      Any one trusting PF to deliver on anything without stealing 90% of the cash should have their heads examined!

      Free HH now!

  2. Under no circumstances should trading be allowed anew under those high voltage power lines.If just one of those lines snaps a lot of poor folks will be fried worse than this past fire incident.

  3. 6 weeks? That’s a challenge given the local organisations involved who I think have no such expertise. Let’s be real before we end up in another blame game by giving false hopes. We are dealing with people’s livelihoods here. Let’s be careful.

  4. It has taken a week to come to this conclusion. It seems the plan was already there. Gutter the market and rebuild it. One more reason for PF someone to become an instant millionaire. I can build that kind of a market in one day. This is one horrible structure of brick and steal. A Chinese construction company holds the world’s fastest builder after erecting a 57-storey skyscraper in 19 working days in central China. A one storey wreck in 6 weeks. Please……

    • I agree. So someone will become a tycoon over this rebuilding of city market.Rumour has it that there were some clues that city market was about to be gutted and that 3 unregistered cars were spotted loitering around the market shortly before the fire hence the banning of use of unregistered cars by police.

  5. PF knew before hand that there was going to be a fire……infact they had started issuing arrest threats a week before the fire.. ..

    The previous country wide fires we were told the culprits are known and will be arrested soon, no one has been arrested because it is PF starting the fires

    Shame on you PF destroying public property just so you can have a SOE instrument to harass and silence the opposite.

  6. I think compensation is important. When are the people going to be compensated? As for building in 6 weeks, that is not really something to be proud of. A Chinese construction company holds the world’s fastest builder after erecting a 57-storey skyscraper in 19 working days in central China.

  7. it would be better if they take this advantage and construct a story building and expanding the bus terminal in to the basement. what quality of market are they going to return in 6weeks?

  8. Really sad you burn the market yourselves…without waiting for fire reports and police investigations to hastily decide to rebuild to duped the docile masses.
    Anyway this what happens crooks are voted into office…today the Grade 12 MPs will vote to extend this selfsame unecessary state of emergence when there is no opposition without shame.

  9. Please Mr E Lungu don’t rush.
    Get Engineers to draw up a decent plan loaded with essential facilities for a trading place.
    Those marketeers deserve a well constructed modern building to trade peacefully and safely.
    It will take a bit of time but they will appreciate it once they see the end product.
    This is the only chance to upgrade the market.

    • I agree 100%. Just today, EIZ reported to have constituted a group of engineers to assess and make recommendation. Where did the meeting take place, in an office somewhere or at the Lusaka City Market? Do they already know how much it costs? Hold your fire and make pronouncements based on facts…moreover is that the priority of this committee?

  10. I counsel UPND to learn lessons from the Bible. Satan destroyed and crucified the body of Jesus Christ to win victory but he did not realize this would bring him to his permanent defeat!

  11. Have you seem the ridiculous comments of these Satanist. They are not happy. Boma ni Boma you can not fight someone more powerful than you are. Take time to read the WORD OF GOD YOU DEVILS.

  12. Jim ZNS are the ones who built City Market so don’t worry as Nostradamus said ZNS is good and for them 6 weeks is more than enough as long as materials are there.

  13. I again counsel UPND to learn lessons from the Bible. Satan tried to crucify and destroy the body of Jesus Christ thinking he would win the victory but he didn’t realize this would bring him to his permanent down fall!

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