Friday, March 7, 2025

Zambia is serious about prudent economic management-Mutati


Felix Mutati with with the Senior Vice President of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency [JICA], Mr. KENICHI TOMIYOSHI
Felix Mutati with with the Senior Vice President of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency [JICA], Mr. KENICHI TOMIYOSHI
Finance Minister Felix Mutati has assured the international community that Zambia is serious about prudent economic management and enhancement of domestic resource mobilization.

Mutati reiterated his assurance at several consultative meetings with different bilateral and multilateral development partners during the recently held International Conference on Global Transit Guidelines held in Brussels, Belgium Zambia was willing to work with Japan to improve tax administration.

“We seek Japans cooperation in establishing a single-window at the Chirundu one-stop-border in order to minimize revenue leakages and enhance revenue collection to levels beyond 20% of our GDP [Gross Domestic Product],” Mutati appealed

“We are also keen on the single-window initiative because it not only reduces transit processing time in the trade-value-chain but also increases border efficiency,” said Mr. Mutati.

And Mutati appealed to JICA to assist in financing the remaining portion of the power interconnector between Southern and East Africa “in order to increase the pool of available power in the south-east development corridor and all the way to North Africa.”

Once successfully implemented, the single window facility would entail that the number of government agencies which cross-border traders and other border users interact with reduces to the barest or a single point. JICA was instrumental in the establishment of the Africa’s first one-stop facility located at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Speaking at the same bilateral event, Mr. TOMIYOSHI pledged the continued support of JICA to Zambia’s economic development agenda through promotion of productivity improvement programmes.

Mr. TOMIYOSHI said “African regional development blocks should balance their efforts between power generation and power transmission projects in order to minimize energy wastage in countries or regions where it is in abundance.

Meanwhile, World Customs Organization Secretary General Mr. KUNIO MIKURIYA has pledged to make Zambia a regional showcase in the implementation of New Global Transit Guidelines.

“We will explore the option of supporting the establishment of single window facility at Chirundu and make Zambia a showcase,” he said.

“A key preparatory requirement for the single-window is for your country to develop a communication strategy so that all stakeholders are properly guided on the implication of the New Transit Guidelines,” said Mr. Mikuriya.

Mr. Mikuriya was speaking during a bilateral meeting between the World Customs Organisation, for which he is the Secretary General, and the Zambian delegation led by Minister Mutati.


  1. So serious that we have unmanageable debt levels. Kaloba government meanwhile lungu just buying new suits looking like a floating skeleton

  2. Mr. Mikuriya was speaking during a bilateral meeting between the World Customs Organisation, for which he is the Secretary General,

    Another one being added to the petitions list…….

  3. But honestly speaking, the multiple windows located in different places like Kazungula are just embarrassing to say the least. They are tedious and cause a lot of misery to boardwr users. The Zambian side is congested because of that and this started time imemmorial. One window option even in govt institutions is the way to go. You cant be paying every Jim and Jack for services. Just doesnt add up.

  4. Lungu’s govt is the most wasteful since Independence.Both domestic and foreign travel and substance alloances are uncontrolled,right now Lungu is spending a fortune on persecuting HH, the size of the Civil Service is large relative to GDP and Revenue generation, too much borrowing and crowding out the private sector. There is no prudent Financial Govt in Lungu’s govt. Have the illegal Ministers paid back their dues to govt?

  5. Zambia is ‘serious about domestic resource mobilisation’. Really? This coming from a minister who has done nothing but borrow for all projects and ‘balancing the books’.

    • If that helps you sleep at night. You think I would let Lusaka times have access to my personal info kiki some of us are way clever than you. My device is still registered as British based on where I bought it but if you want to meet me please come to upnd offices. I am tired of waiting for u. What are you scared of iwe ka musonda ati ndanje. You think I don’t know who you are.

    • If that helps you sleep at night. You think I would let Lusaka times have access to my personal info kiki some of us are way clever than you. My device is still registered as British based on where I bought it but if you want to meet me please come to upnd offices. I am tired of waiting for u. What are you scared of iwe ka musonda ati ndanje. You think I don’t know who you are kikiki

  6. ….Dont misunderstand me. My post above is in the context that You maybe worried that he has been released, now that is the last thing you want isn’t it UPNDonkeys?

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