Thursday, March 13, 2025

Celebration of the 125 years of the catholic church in Zambia


Lusaka Catholic Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu gives Gold medal to long serving catholic priest during the celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic church
Catholics gather in the show ground during the celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic church
Catholics gather in the show ground during the celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic church
Minister of Finance Felix Mutati with Minister in the Office of the Vice President Sylvia Chalikosa and Royal highness Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo (l)during the celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic church
Vice President Inonge Wina(R) with Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfrida Sumaili C) and Minister of Lands Jean Kapata during the celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic church
Vice President Inonge Wina(R) with Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfrida Sumaili (r) during the celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic church in Zambia at show ground in Lusaka yesterday.


  1. Churches must support communities they serve look at how the Catholic schools and hospitals have faithfully served us and benefited a lot of Zambians.
    Do you need to pay someone for you to succeed in life NO.
    GOD does not need your money he merely needs your source the church must serve mankind not the other way round.
    To day these private jets mansions big cars and designer suits is that of GOD or the flesh show me the tithe you faithfully give to GOD and I will lead you to where they truly spend it Rolex, gulf stream jets flashly cars.
    I know what you will say well l do my part dont care what they do with the money GOOD point so give some to your blood brother who drinks heavily since you don’t care!

    • True. Some people will quote the bible to justify the gospel of prosperity and why their Pastors or believers should not be poor. But when it comes to schools, they would want their children to go to the Convent, Ibenga or Fatima! I must confess, I was very impressed with the dedication to duty of one Sister Harriet Jato, Head Teacher at Ibenga, when my little princess was there a couple of years ago. I thank God for having unsung heroes like her in our education system.

  2. 125 years of looting pockets of ignorant, sleepy and ignorant poor pipo on the entire continent. Little wonder today, when Zambians (especially the Ngonis) talk about “Simon Peter”, you would think he came from kwa Chief Mwanya’s area in Lundadzi

  3. Yes, the Catholic Church is one of the few Upright churches in the world. I am not saying that they are perfect, but they do the best for community. Most of these prominent people we meet in society passed through Catholic schools such as Chasa, St. Marys (Msipazi), St. Monicas, Ibenga, etc

  4. Nkope dear you have got it wrong. Most Ngonis belong to the Reformed Church. The Catholics are one of the few churches which help the poor. As for looting peoples pockets think of the people who walk on air, turn water into paraffin, etc which churches they belong to. Catholic schools and hospitals are most successful because the priests who run these institutions are the most highly educated among our clergy men and women. They have masters degrees but you will never hear a Catholic priest called a Dr like some of these Pentecostal churches pastors.

  5. Thanks to Catholic for being so generous to the communitissueso the save. You are example when it comes to save mankind.

  6. “Service to man is service to God”. Let us emulate what Catholic Churchs are performing… plough back to our societies is the great idea.

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