Thursday, January 9, 2025

Choma Mayor and Provincial PS exchange bitter words after PF cadres show up in party attire


Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba delivering his speech when he officially launched the of Re-aligning Agriculture and Water Sanitation and Health Hygiene(WASH) for Nutrition(RAGWA-NUT) project yesterday that has been co-funded by The European Union (EU) and World Vision at a total cost of Euros 1.1 Million yesterday. The project would run for 36 months from November 2016 to December 2019.
Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Sibanze Simuchoba delivering his speech when he officially launched the of Re-aligning Agriculture and Water Sanitation and Health Hygiene(WASH) for Nutrition(RAGWA-NUT) project yesterday that has been co-funded by The European Union (EU) and World Vision at a total cost of Euros 1.1 Million yesterday. The project would run for 36 months from November 2016 to December 2019.
CHOMA mayor Javan Simoloka and Southern Province permanent secretary Sibanze Simuchoba (right) yesterday differed and exchanged undesirable words over the presence of Patriotic Front (PF) members at the commissioning of the council’s rehabilitated office block and toilets.

Mr Simoloka was not happy at the presence of PF members clad in their party regalia at a public function when other political party officials were not in attendance.

The presence of PF members at the function made United Party for National Development (UPND) councillors uncomfortable and they refused to occupy their reserved seats and almost boycotted the event.
The UPND councillors were allocated seats in a tent which was also occupied by other invited guests, including the PF officials.

Mr Simoloka and the UPND officials were displeased with the issue, saying the event was not political but public and official.

The mayor was seen complaining to Minister of Local Government Vincent Mwale, who was guest of honour, about the presence of PF members, mostly women.

But as Mr Simoloka was complaining to the minister, Mr Simuchoba intervened and described the behaviour of UPND as childish, a comment which infuriated the mayor.

It was at this point that the highly-charged Mr Simoloka and Mr Simuchoba engaged in a fierce war of words which saw the mayor abandoning his seat to confer with his councillors, who were still unwilling to take up their positions.

Mr Simoloka said it was improper for the permanent secretary to use emotional words at a public function.

“You are an adult and should not be using such emotional words,” Mr Simoloka said.

It took Mr Mwale, who was sitting between Mr Simoloka and Mr Simuchoba, to calm the two senior officials and allow the function to proceed.

Mr Mwale, before reading his official speech, called for co-existence among citizens regardless of political affiliation.

“In the spirit of co-existence, it is only proper that if political party A is invited to a public function, even political party B should also be invited. We are One Zambia One Nation and we should be able to chat and share food or anything as one people,” he said.

Mr Mwale said people involved in organising public events should make it a ‘must’ that all political parties are invited to such functions to avoid misunderstandings.

The UPND councillors only sat after their chairs were moved from the tent, which was also occupied by PF members, to that of Mr Mwale and his entourage.


    • UPND is a wrong group of people. GBM, Mulenga Sata, Sylvia Masebo and Charlotte have convinced their people that there is a petition before the courts.

    • Big mistake our mayor made was to argue with a pf appointee, best solution would have been to tell his councillors to go and bring upnd members in their party regalia too. This what i could have done.

    • Any on second thought, why should a political party take pride in opening a pit latrine, mediocrity at its best, upnd did well.

    • PS is supposed to be an executive job, not a PF cadre. Therefore he deserved to be addressed .”chikkaala Simuchoba”. He should praise umwaiche Vincent who is doing a good job as MMD minister.

    • Like I said before here, Mwale is one of the few Easterners that are actually wise in their thinking.
      His character well above that of an average Pf minister, including cruel step father Lungu.

  1. I do not belong to any political party but I like the way Hon. Mwale managed this situation. Young as he is, his words have resonated well with me even from reading what he said. Good leadership honorable and shame upon the adults who caused the chois.

  2. I do not belong to any political party but I like the way Hon. Mwale managed this situation. Young as he is, his words have resonated well with me even from reading what he said. Good leadership honorable and shame upon the adults who caused the chaos.


  4. Bravo Honourable Mwale we need leaders with such character who show no partiality and handle issues with maturity.

  5. That is bad behavior by these PF members, that was unnecessary. Well done Honorable Vincent Mwale for being on top of things. His worship the Mayor should not have disrupted the event but instead should have waited for the right time and taken the PS and the Minister aside and complained to both. The minister had all the power to reprimand the PF members and the Mayor should have gone further by communicating to the PF Secretary General to strongly denounce the behavior.

  6. Mr. Mwale God Bless you. PF cadres please campaign time is coming in 2021. this time look for jobs to feed your families. What is the problem with some Zambians, grave yard PF symbols, Kitchen party PF symbols, Wedding PF symbols. Lets be civilized and help move the nation in productive manner.
    God Bless the Zambia Army, God Bless Sikazwethegreat & God Bless Zambia.

  7. People have time with which they have no use.I wish I had such time and my businesses can do better. Instead of shelling maize, you wake up and put on a chitenge bearing someone’s face just to go and upset other people. Be productive instead of always depending on handouts.

  8. Obviously Simuchoba only did what he did for his own tummy. Do you think he gives a to what these cadres do to themselves?

  9. Mwale sounds like the voice this divided nation has long yearned for!! Reconciliation drips from his lips.

    I wish he had a wider platform and appeal.

  10. On the other hand I would agree with Terrible. …the councilors should have simply ignored the cadres and get on with their business. They say don’t argue with a **** because people won’t see the difference. By their actions the councilors have exposed both pettiness and inintolerance. They should show leadership to all.

  11. Very immature for an official leading an official function! What a shame for councilors too! They are like their MPs!

  12. The problem with political apointees, they all thin the have the powers of their appointing authority. Very saddening.

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