Sunday, September 8, 2024

Data service providers in Zambia should support the small and Medium Enterprises-Kalumba


Lusaka Mayor His Worship Wilson Kalumba
Lusaka Mayor His Worship Wilson Kalumba
Lusaka Mayor Wilson Kalumba has implored data service providers in Zambia to support the small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector as it is the engine of Zambia’s economic growth.

Speaking during the launch of Vodacom Zambia’s Enterprise at Lusaka’s Society House on Thursday, Mayor Kalumba said data services companies should consider providing free space and Internet to young innovators to encourage them to work harder.

And Mayor Kalumba disclosed that through the Lusaka City Council (LCC) his office will offer free office space and Internet at Civic Centre stating farther that Government has prioritized Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by coming up with the National ICT Policy, establishment of Secretariat for ICT and transforming the former Zamtel College into Zambia ICT College.

The Lusaka City Mayor underscored that part of the data service providers’ should be in lowering charges noting that data usage in Zambia was still low granting the recent remarkable progress.

“I was to implored data service providers in Zambia to support the small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector as it is the engine of Zambia’s economic growth” His worship kalumba said


  1. We support His Worship on his initiative to support the business sectors most needy for ICT facilities and any digital access for their business advancement.

    Can I also suggest that LCC address how they retain citizen Data I.e deaths, births, Home Ownership rights. It’s appalling that LCC has been part of the problem with Property thefts because unscrupulous people can steal property AND register those properties for amenities like Electricity and Water even though they are occupying other peoples properties. Identifying ownership data us like stone age in LCC as I found when chasing my family properties which had been ‘stolen.’ Computers at LCC,work intermittently, so I am not sure what advantage these kind acts in ICT offers will be to the lucky businesses. Databases that work…

    • Databases that work offline as local files that can be launched with PC’s must be availed LCC employees.

  2. This Mayor??? Almost a Year and there is no major initiative launched apart from the corrupt “Parkrite” which has nothing for the people but likely for him and a few of his colleagues. The city is getting dirtier ,darker and more insecure with fires and the so called “CEO of Lusaka” has not shown any initiatives to arrest these bad aspects of life in the capital city!! What a loss!!

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