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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Gabriel Ellison, the woman who assisted in designing the national flag died this week


The late Gabriel Ellison
The late Gabriel Ellison

Gabriel Ellison, a woman best known  for assisting in designing the national flag of Zambia which was adopted in 1964, and for designing most of Zambia’s colourful postage stamps from the 1960s to 1980s, depicting wildlife, historical events and culture died this week in Johannesburg on the 18th of July at the age of 87.

Mrs Gabriel Ellison’s work spaned six decades as a graphic design artist, painter and writer whose considerable contribution to Zambia helped to establish the country’s national identity and heritage. Her work and contribution to the arts earned her the honour of Grand Officer of Distinguished Service from the government and also an MBE from the Queen of England.

As head of the Graphic Arts section of the Zambian Ministry of Information she designed banking and railway insignia, emblems, coins, honours and awards but most famously the national Coat of Arms. Ellison also designed the 107 cm long mace from ivory, copper and amethyst, the symbol of parliamentary authority in the National Assembly. From 1960 to 1972 Ellison headed the Visual Art and Exhibitions Section and travelled around the world to international trade fairs and exhibitions with senior exhibitions officer, Ron Found and his assistant, Damien Kachidza. Their work won them a number of awards, including two gold medals in Leipzig.

As an author, Ellison’s work has been published widely. She has written and illustrated a number of children’s books and authored novels as well as non-fiction works. She has illustrated numerous guide books, including the Wildlife Society’s publications A Guide to Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes of Zambia (1993), Common Birds of Zambia (1990) and A Guide to Common Wild Mammals of Zambia (1991).

Born Gabriel Ryan in Lusaka in 1930, her parents had settled in then Northern Rhodesia where they joined the provincial administration, after escaping from Mexico on a donkey! She attended school in both Northern and Southern Rhodesia, but there was little art education so after school the young Gabriel took up private studies in Britain.

She married Tony Ellison, a policeman in the colonial administration in Lusaka, and attributed much of her achievement to his unwavering support. Inspired by rural Zambia, and in particular her childhood among the Ila in Namwala, Gabriel’s art recorded momentous milestones in history as well as the normal day to day life of Zambia and its astounding wildlife.

Meanwhile, the governing Patriotic Front has said that it learnt with a deep sense of sadness and loss the passing away of Mrs Gabriel Ellison. In a statement to the media, Davis Mwila, the Secretary General of the ruling Party described her demise as a great loss not only to Zambia but to the entire African Continent and the world.

“As a Party, we are heavily saddened by the passing of Mrs Gabriel Ellison who died in Johannesburg on the 18th of July at the age of 87. Mrs Ellison was not just an artist and author but also a true nationalist and patriotic daughter of the soil,” lamented Mr Mwila.

Born Gabriel Ryan in Lusaka in 1930, Gabriel was a prolific artist whose broad talents ranged from painting to music composition. Despite acquiring a formal education in Britain, the former wife to Tony Ellison, decided to use her talents and abilities to contribute to Zambia.

Speaking about Ellison’s contribution to the designing of the Zambian National Flag, the PF Secretary General paid glowing tribute to the late Mrs Gabriel Ellison. “As long as that prestigious green, red, orange and black flag waves on with that mighty eagle, the memories of Gabriel will live on forever.  For those that might not know, she designed many important emblems and insignia that are still being used in this great nation. Yes, her work can be seen from both the flag and the Coat of Arms, not to mention other important insignia found in many national emblems. She’ll forever remain part of Zambia’s heritage,” Mr. Mwila has said.


    • So she helped design it but didn’t design it ?

      A quick look at me. I have a PhD , I have an MBA, I have an MSc, A Bbc Applied Accounting, FCCA, ACMA, BSc, MA.

      I take nothing from her but just a reminder that there are other well versed Zambian women who are carrying your country’s flag that deserve a memorable mention such as me.

      I remain humble because I don’t want to seem like I show off.

      Meant to be a reminder

      I have a PhD and a fiancé a Whiteguy.



    • I forgot to add, RIP. Thoughts with her family.

      Again I take nothing away from her, I just wanted to put my hat in the ring whilst we are at it.

      A great contribution to your country,and once more RIP



    • I had the privilege of working with Mrs Ellison who was a lovely dedicated woman.
      With her imense contribution to the nation shouldn’t it have been either information minister or secretary to the cabinet to inform the nation and not one PF cadre?

    • omg,there is no getting away from white people.even those things i held as sacred for our nation is tainted with their handiwork.It is a sad day for me as my national pride has been betrayed by having the most sacred of things like the flag and court of arms co-designed by a person whose husband and family helped destroy our people. the irony is just sick.Sovereignty and freedom for black people and yet,the flag upon which we pledge our allegiance is not really borne from our convictions and vision,but from those who oppressed us.This is power for real they have over us;the ability to define our reality and make us live according to that definition as though it were a definition of our own choosing.These things we must correct for posterity’s pride and indeed our own.

    • Mushota: all those sought after qualifications and still wasting time with ego trips on LT? I think the qualifications are only in your head.

    • @Zagaze you are forgetting that even the country or nation you are in was defined for you by Europeans in Berlin. Its them who drew your borders no black man had any input so think on why you should continue with it

    • The slow but sure passing on of the generation that was at the helm of African nationalism, may her soul rest in peace. Her passing should be a national event, not something tainted by partisan sentiment, so we are waiting for someone at national level to say something.

      She was born in Zambia and the only home she knew was Zambia, it is sickening that in this day and age !mbeciles like @zagaze equate nationality with skin colour. Despite her skin colour this woman has contributed more to our sense of national identity than you have or ever will, so show some respect.

    • Is it Gabriel or Gabriella? Anyway, if she also lived among the Ila in Namwala, did she also help one sculptor Barberton design and erect the bronze figure of (or “cibumbe ca”) Lubanga Shabongwe at a school in the 50’s? Shabongwe was reigning chief mukomela then.

      I have not seen any similar piece of work in the country …

    • @ phiri-you are absolutely right. it also extends to what we call zambia today. our reality is defined by them but we think we are choosing our destiny ourselves. There is a reason why kwame nkhrumah said, ghana is not free until all africa is free. its because those lines we call borders separated brother and sister just because on that fateful day a sister could have gone to the other side to draw water only to come back later to find it is another country. this is the reason we have wars in Africa bordered on territory and power and right of rule. imagine,a tumbuka in zambia calls a tumbuka in malawi a foreigner yet they are the same people but, a tumbuka in zambia calls a tonga a fellow citizen. They really define our reality. we must correct these things

    • @anna lyser-yes her and her ancestors have contributed so much to our country that we dont bear our name no more, but her peoples name like Edgar,Michael, Frederick,Levy, kenneth etc. SO you say she embraced this nation we call zambia. Tell me, what names did she give to her children, was there a chilufya or kafupi etc. Listen dont kid your self into thinking we are they same. they see you,if you are, as a black nigga, and thats why they dont embrace anything that is yours unless they are controlling you.Tell me which european boy or girl in sweden speaks nyanja or igbo, wears african regalia, has any african name. but i can go to misisi right now and show you the vice versa with an african boy. Why is that? think and dont just bwata bwata!!!!!!

    • Rest in Peace Ms Ellison! She did great for her country that she was raised in its a legacy for her! Pity though that her greatness should be reduced to party politicking for government should have issued the statement honoring her passing. I agree with those suggesting flying the flag at half mast and probably a documentary to celebrate her life on ZNBC but common sense is not evenly distributed. I hope the Zambian Postal Service and the Lusaka Museum has some of her works especially the beautiful postage stamps she designed that every one that has time to spare can go to view and appreciate her mastery!

    • @zagaze, you are truly beyond redemption.
      It is not your name, but what you contribute that matters.

      Yes, we have “European” names, but that does not subtract from our humanity, but in your case it appears this simple thing does. It is exactly this type of low self esteem coupled with intolerance that breeds ethnic and racial hatred. We must rise beyond that my friend.

    • ba annalyser i give up. you are lost. go and worship your white jesus and white friends. you are the same negroes who sold our brethren into slavery

  1. I have actually always wondered who designed the flag and the Coat of Arms the artist was around all along. Why was she not brought on TV to just talk about her works especially during these 10 years milestones. Honestly, in my post Independence era, I have never heard this name and it is the first time I’m hearing it.

    Oh yes, I have heard of Chama Chakomboka and now Muliokela, but not this great woman. MHSRIP

    • That is because the Mugabe inspired nationalistic nutcases in our midst don’t want to admit a white womans helped designe the flag.

    • Thats because you dont watch ZNBC and are only intrested in nonsensical things like Game of Thrones. She has been featured on ZNBC several times particularly during independence celebrations

    • She only helped. Meaning there was someone with the ideas already. Her part was only assisting the idea to become a reality.

    • Waving flags wasn’t part of African culture before colonial days Brentwood, so if your such a racist that you think the flag isn’t ‘ours’ just because the lady that helped design it has white skin you should take the next step and stop using flags all together. Whilst your at it be consistent and stop using the wheel too since Africans weren’t using those before colonial days either.

    • @bob marley – before you respond and generalise with statements like africans. do a little bit of history and perhaps you will understand some things.white people didnt invent flags. flags have been in use since 5000 years ago as the latest evidence shows. the ancient kemites who you might call egyptians also used flags 3000BC.BY the way those kemites am talking about were probably even darker than you as they had their origins mostlt from east africa and Nubia.Your argument about the wheel seems to tell a story that africans didnt contribute to modern civilization and that all we have was brought by whites. Read your history well and get out of that white oriented western education.

    • Ask Sikota Wina, UNIP: Kaunda, Mudenda and Kapwepwe were main designers who requested representation of blood shed during the struggle, natural resources etc

    • @Bob marley clearly you have not emancipated yourself from mental slavery. Just go Listen to “Redemption song”
      You associate civilization with Europeans when what we call modernisation is a congregation of ideas from various peoples around the world. Because of such inferiority complexes as yours European supremacists will claim everything including Jesus as theirs.

  2. How come my 1980s Civics didn’t mention this heroine? Or was it Social Studies? Anyhow, I blame it on my poor grades in that area.

    RIP, mama.

  3. Why do bring people when they are gone all this time. we are more for the dead than we do for the living. shame to our government and so called ZNBC who are on one side

  4. I believe the nation should recognise this great and patriotic daughter of the soil. At her burial it is only fitting that all flags are at half mast. I make this appeal to the Head of State our President One ECL! This lady was a true patriot! MHSRIEP.

    • Daughter of the soil. dont make me laugh, do you know she benefitted off the slavery and colonialism of your ancestors. which soil in zambia has the same color as her skin since you calling her the daughter of the soil. study these terms well and understand their origin. dont just regurgitate empty words as if you are a pf cadre like davies mwila who probably has never read a complete book all his life.

  5. Mushota. Are you used by God or you are an agent of the devil? With whatever you write, please take time to ask yourself who uses you? Remember that there is a reaping for whatever you sow?

  6. I’m amazed at my fellow Zambians who do not know of this amazing patriotic lady. Some of you should visit the national musuem in Lusaka you will see many of her amazing art works which were the original templates for the many postage stamps. An amazing woman who loved Zambia, as Zambians we should learn that Zambia is bigger than all of us regardless of who is leader. This woman continued her volunatry service right from the time of Kaunda in the 60s up to Mwanawasa’s and RB’s term in office. An amazing lady.

    • exactly my point. How can someone who spends time reading jokes and watching useless things on facebook, instagram and wassup know about her?

  7. This is the first time for me to hear about this woman. Why didn’t the Zambian government name at least one property, street or other infrastructure after her?

    • You were hatched in the computer age how can you know or hear about her. You have never bought a stamp and posted a letter anywhere how can you know her. Ask us who used letters as means of communication those days how we used to select the best designed stamp to stick on the envelope and post to your girlfriend. All you know is watsup. No wonder you’ve very poor handwriting.

    • HH Oval head: How come I know about Hitler,Mussolini,Bismarck but the woman who lived in our own motherland was not made known to us. I also used date stamps and envelopes to mail letters.Infact my handwriting is one of the best

  8. A True Patriot

    Her contribution is eternal. Thankyou so much Madam. May your beautiful soul Rest in Peace

    • her contribution is eternal indeed not for Chagwa Chakolwa Kapatulula Kadansa Lungu and his pf

    Awe Mushota ena kuwayawayafye mukwai. This woman in question has done so much for her country and yet she was white. But for Mushota, what can anyone say about you? What have you contributed here in Zambia apart from your pupu you contributed in the toilet while you were here in Zambia? Let alone bost.

  10. Truly she has been absent from many many platforms. We learnt about the court of arms and the flag but why not mention the design. RIP

  11. Some of you are addicted to insults probably most certainly taken from your parents. And you will be remembered as such.

    From my upbringing its just impossible to use the “C” bemba common insult or ” F “word.

    No matter how i differ with you .or hh. Or lungu i will never insult.

    Thats kind of upbringing i received.

    Shame on your parents. Shame on your tribe.

  12. Did she run away from Lungu’s state of emergence for her to die in Johannesburg? I wish she died at UTH.

  13. Was she Zambian or just born in Zambia? Why is it that everything that has white colour attached to it glorified… did she really design our national flag? Was she a part of the true liberation struggles for our independence, did she fight the British colonialists and shed a blood with the real Zambian/black freedom fighters??
    and if not, then what criteria was used to choose her as the designer of the Zambian flag, how many others did bid for that tender? I bet you a dollar that she was chosen or selected because her father worked for the Northern Rhodesia British police, simple and straightforward MUZUNGU ANIONE… to hell with this white glorification, why did the Kaunda and UNIP regime see no value in her contribution to Zambia?
    We need to re-design our national flag and that…

  14. honourable duty should be give to true freedom fighters… not these fimofimo freedom fighters… did an African design a Belgian, British, French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish or colonial Germany flags?? Wake my People!!

    • madam tembo, you spitting fire. exactly my point. these sambo coon negroes are killing us with that docile muzungu anikonde mentality. And what is asd is to hear the words from what we calling leadership today, yes i said, ba Davies mwila. My sister keep spitting fire and stay awoke. you might just be the last custodian of african pride. dont leave it to these coons here calling her daughter of the soil. europeans wont even let you own land in europe. damn shame

  15. @mushota! U r such a fu@#en ass$ole…..I even wonder if u r really educated but I understand coz wisdom is not education. Pe say….

  16. @ Mushota
    There is a voluminous dimensional demarcation between holding a PhD and being endowed with an appropriate moral standing. Having a PhD does not garrantee one’s integrity and credibility. A PhD without conventional morality is USELESS unless otherwise. A PhD generates long sightedness and not vice versa. You are tribalistic, ethnocentric and shortsighted in most of your posts. However, it is possible that you may not be AWARE of the nature of your consistent pattern of behavior, hence the need for mental therapy. On face value your delusion of grandeur is characteristic of a psychosis. The esteem evident in the pride you have in having a Caucasian fiance epitomises low self-esteem and inferiority. PRIDE comes before a FALL.

  17. MHSRIP. Is there an explanation that one needs to know why our Coat of Arms depicts a grown up man in a pair of shorts?

  18. Thank you very much madam Gabriel Ellison, for you important contributions . May your soul rest in perfect peace. God bless your soul indeed.

  19. It is sad that this news has not been circulating in the history, civics or art studies in Zambia. We, unlike, our friends in the West, especially America value history and write on important matters to their nation! It is time someone wrote a book about her and her contributions to Northern Rhodesia and to Zambia! God comfort the family and blessings to all of them!

    • if americans value hstory as much as you claim they do why is it that they never included black studies in their curriculumn until african in amertica complained and they gave them only a month to tell their history per year. black history month. now tell me about them appreciating history. problem is you negroes who go the western world are all nothing but dull people worshipping the whites yet you never take the time to ask the blacks there what it is. infact you look down on black americans forgetting that it is some of our ancestors who sold them into slavery and condemned them to 400 years of being sold from plantation to plantation and constant rape.

  20. Flag designed by white lady ,airport terminals and stadiums built by Chinese and our retail supermarkets run by South Africans.

    Tell me is there anything Zambians can do well for ourselves beside drinking chibuku and watching EPL?

  21. So let me get this right. She or her family escaped from Mexico on a Donkey? Not even a camel, but a Donkey from Mexico to Zambia , wow! Who needs planes or Ships when Donkeys can ferry one cross-Atlantic? But who cares about mode of transportation when you made such memorable contributions to our countrys legacy? May Your Soul be blessed in Rest. Mushota we are sending you 2 Donkeys for you and your fiance so you can come visit reality and display your plethora of Phds and degrees.Do you know what a Donkey is or looks like? Oh i forgot, you have a Phd.

  22. Mule tashya ba mambala! Its a shame to see so much scrutiny and hate over this wonderful heroine.. “Mwana wa kwitu” born Zambian and died Zambian. My birth certificates has an emblem of Northern Rhodesia, probably designed by her too…
    Garbriel Ellison you made me proud of the Flag I fly world wide from Embassies to football stadiums and regalia I wear.. You were a truly Zambian and flew like a Nobel Eagle..MHSRIEP
    I wonder what most Zambian decent children born outside in refuge countries will do for their habitual states compared to Gabreil ever achieved..Ni Ba ngono manigi!

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