Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Kambwili cancels press briefing citing security concerns


Chishimba Kambwili.
Chishimba Kambwili.

Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili has cancelled his eagerly anticipated press briefing which was set to held Sunday morning at his house in Lusaka.

Mr Kambwili on Saturday evening confirmed that he had been expelled from the PF after a Central Committee Meeting held at State House which was chaired by President Edgar Lungu.

He was due to address the media at his Woodlands house near State House which observers expected he would use to announce his next political move.

In a Facebook posting, Mr Kambwili said he could not proceed with the press briefing due to security concerns.

“Due to security concerns I have had to cancel the scheduled press briefing this morning. My apologies for the inconvenience, I wouldn’t like to put the journalists lives in danger or at risk,” he said.


    • Pure cowardice! Lots of talk, overflowing presidential ambition. Show us what you are made of. Remember it’s not about fists but brains and policies.

    • Kambwili talks alot but he is a known coward. He is fast to talk but when it comes to action zero. some of us knew the press briefing was not going to take place. Remember what he said about Dora Siliya! MAY BE IT IS GLOBAL. Who is going to support you Mr Kambwili, the Tongas and Lozis you hate with a passion are part of zambia.

    • Which journalists. Only private journalist would attend but you closed The Post. Did you expect ZWD journalists? Lol

    • @JayJay

      Good question. My guess is the buffoon voted yes thinking he will be spared from Lungu’s wrath.

      I have warned CK , Mmembe, Nchito and Kabimba not to support any shred of dictatorship. But they thought I was bluffing.

      It came to pass.

      What next for CK? My advice is he should join his wife in UK for now and let matters settle. Otherwise he will be a cell mate to HH.

      HH might get out but CK might remain because is he was part of the ruthlesd regime and no one woulf sympathise with him.

      CK was full sh1t when hd was info minister.

    • US ,easterners are smart people before the pf bemba dominated party realize ,the pre 2011 mmd will be in full control and the sata pf party will be NO more.beba eluma efuzilila(rat bite whilst pouring fresh air on the spot so that you dont feel the pain,by the time you feel it the wound is so deep)more pf founder members will be out soon,CK out whose next?

  1. And when do you expect the security situation to normalise?? With the closure of the post newspaper, your rantings will only be covered on facebook. You have joined the list of Guy Scott, Kabimba, sampa, mulenga sata

  2. With article 31 in place, this was expected. This was not only risk for journalists, but the risk for Kambwili himself.Kambwili might be popular, but difficult to imagine how he will be able to fight this PF machinery that is growing like an octopus, and actually, he helped to build.
    Kambwili, post your next plan on FB, that is the only way out for you. Feeling the heat, now.

  3. Much I am NOT a PF Cadre I feel the treatment meted on Kambwili is VERY UNFAIR, I NEVER HEARD OF HIM IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA maligning the leadership of the party or the country! He may be ABRASIVE in his approach to politics BUT HE WAS VERY USEFUL AND INSTRUMENTAL IN KEEPING PF IN POWER and for that matter Edgar Lungu in power! HIS EJECTION FROM PF will certainly PUT SOME DENT INTO PF! Some might say he reaping what sowed?! What did he sow apart from being a CHIEF CAMPAIGNER WHO WANTED TO PROTECT AND KEEP IN POWER THE PARTY HE HELPED TO ESTABLISH when even Edgar was no where near to politics, when Dora,Masebo were insulting Sata,when Mutati was comfortably enjoying in MMD! THIS TREATMENT is TOTALLY UNFAIR!!

    • Politics does not work like that my friend – it’s either you toil the Party line or you are out. It does not matter what you have done for a Party but if you fall out of line with Party leadership, then it’s over. If the Party does not discipline you, there is a risk of disintegration because everybody will challenge the status quo. Mr. Kambwili is not a strategist – now he is vulnerable and will dance.

    • @4.1 One Nation, CERTAINLY OUR ZAMBIAN POLITICS because they are NOT BASED ON PRINCIPLES NOR IDEOLOGIES! I have read here people saying he is reaping what he sowed, but what did he sow apart from working for his Party bcoz he believed in it? ISN’T LUNGU was calling on RECONCILIATION within PF? You see, too many founding members are being flushed or leaving PF and that weakens a party. That is what happened to UPND after Sichinga, Partrick Chisanga, Sakwiba, Lubinda were either flushed or left in frustration. The loosing point will be when all old forces reunite, not necessary to reclaim the presidency but deny Lungu a “3rd Term” in 2021 which those expelling others look so much pre-occupied with!

    • You and I do not know what he was doing behind the back of his Party. We depend on newspaper reports. So if what he was doing was anti- party he will be careless to share that in the press. They tabled the accusations and he could not depend himself. Next … is zwa! You cannot invest in politics – later on in an individual and think that you will harvest! Look at GBM, now Kambwili

    • @4.3 Amagenge, YOU HAVE A POINT, that is why it is GOOD THAT KAMBWILI WISHES TO CHALLENGE HIS EXPULSION and in the process we shall know what really transpired. But one thing we may actually guess is that the PF Central Committee also erred by declaring some one a candidate for 2021 before even collecting views from the grassroots! That could be a point of all the differences! In an election in 2021, we may in fact prefer totally a different candidate (not CK, EL,HH..)as the usual names may be condemned to the dustbin of politics by then!

    • @4.1 Point on
      Imagine having a patronizing fellow around your team.
      I wonder where Bwafyaa has been in the work of the recent happenings around CK and the current status quo. CK’s non compromising stance against the party that helped them Win the 2011 polls, undermining of party structures on the CB, disrespect and undermining of authority, young leaders Mayor CHANDA and the CB minister LUSAMBO coupled with the alledged corruption stain hoovering his back has contributed to his firing. He was unitil his expulsion one of the PC’s MCC. I wonder if he has direction. I had respect for him, I think I still have but I THINK CK IS NOT A TEAM PLAYER. Naturally I hate non team playerz, albert.

    • Pardon me, I meant the August 2016 polls not 2011.
      I am eagerly awaiting his latest course of action. Will he fight for re-admission to the party through the courts, will he quit and entice his ‘followers’ to his side if he has any- like SAMPA thought he had a large following- , will he join another party or will he form one. Like I said earlier, in these modern politics, it does not pay lamenting and seeking sympathy over political fall outs or vomit.
      OKAY, can CK really rule?
      No had feelings – if he makes it, so be it; otherwise politics has no human face. CK is just joining the likes of Nevers and the others who have found themselves in similar circumstances.

    • Did CK support Lungu in Kabwe? How many people stood for party presidence during that time? I thought he CK also wanted the seat?

    • Indeed he is unfairly treated.However, this is a surprise because was planned in 2011.He was kept in order to help them to 2016 elections.CK i would also advise to keep quiet for the time being!

  4. Mr Kambwili, just make sure you (or your driver!) obeys every traffic rule in the book!

    Otherwise you may end up having LOO…NG coversations with HH in Mukobeko Maximum prison in Kabwe.

  5. I am no longer a PF member. This party has become useless. Umuntu ni Lungu! Yaba … I have withdrawn my 2016 vote I gave him. ECZ take note. Remove my vote from this man.

    • My friend, your vote is like ka motor cycle, it has no reverse gear. I mean, you lost your vote for good, it’s like virginity – you lose it once. Sorry mate. Yours, Tenze.

  6. Yes , a taste of your own medicine kambwili.

    Now Mr lungu is going to squeeze your kahunas on corruption charges each time you ad much as fa.rt……

    • @11.2 Spaka..he could have been doing it for the party NOT for himself, he could have even been obeying the President’s ( Lungu’s) instructions, not his own decisions especially knowing that Lungu himself fears the press! I can tell and you could have observed that there are VERY FEW POPULAR MINISTERS OF INFORMATION IN ZAMBIA, and may be in the whole of AFRICA, that is why when someone is a controversial leader and they see a talkative ambitious person, they give them that portifolio so that they become a “punching bag” for president’s opponents and in the process loose their own popularity!

  7. He has grown cold feet. Now he regrets having closed the POST news paper. it’s like that fella who disclosed state house tunnels not realising that that one day in 1997, he would need the facility.

  8. The second thing Mr Kabwili is ACC arresting u for corruption.

    U are really in trouble. Your money will be eaten by lawyers man. Umulebwe wacipuba upwila mulitufww.

  9. In bemba they say ‘ubupuba tabalya”.CK went too far,so if he is wise,he must just leave PF in any organization,good behaviour by all members is vital.not even HH’s upnd would accept CK’s recent behaviour.soon and very soon,CK will be like Miles Sampa,Dr.Guy Scott,Mulenga Sata in our local politics.CK should never cheat himself that he can destroy PF-never!!we liked or loved him because of PF!!hence,PF is far much bigger than any indivindual!!

  10. Kambwili too fast to claim for your the pf presidency. Let him now his popularity. Thanks HE. president ECL.

  11. We are living in a dictatorship and some monkeys and rats are here jumping up and down supporting a sick man like lungu. Lungu is sick in his head. He is a psychopath

  12. Mr CK is a natural hard working man. From being headboy at Mpatamato sec. School in luanshya, became MP (roan constituency) up to be a minister. He has shown his ability to do great even on large scale like to govern Zambia. Jealousy and fear are evil weapons to destroy. Iam for CK.

    • He was social mine club band leader at Nchanga mine club at one time. Mine Changachanga at TLP Nchanga.kikiki

  13. Kambwili claims he’s found PF member but it’s a pity Michael ain’t around to tell him off. In any case when a dog kills game, it’s not the one that eats the meat. The owner of the dog decides what the dog eats.

    • Ba ndanje trying to look clever. Sometimes it’s wise to remain mute until things unfold. You act as if you sleep with lungu to know what his intentions are. Some of you are blind followers that is why you don’t make in life. Without party or group you are nothing. Just mere cowardly cadres masquerading as intelligent analysts. Go to bed my friend.

  14. CK will never be arrested by Lungu ( akakunkubiti). What are they waiting for? He invited the police to arrest him. Nothing!

  15. Just like UNIP and MMD, the Easterners eyes are on PF. They know how to grab with both hands, PF cannot die anywhere else, but the EAST. Even their chiefs knows how to use one language “wako ni wako” and are not apologetic about it. Talk about the men of GOD, as long as they are from Eastern, you know where their support is. Foolishly the Tongas/Lozis are busy fighting the Bembas vis versa, whilst Easterners are busy fortifying themselves. Other chiefs from other areas have tried to educate their subjects, unfortunately they speak in riddles, only few can understand.
    Be warned its not Kambwili or HH, but the country has been captured by the sneaky mouse.

  16. When I look at the PF party structure I feel like we are being ruled by a bunch of clueless individuals without deep reasoning, ni chikulu tuleteka (as long as we’re ruling)! Top leaders are full of unknown fears, backstabbing, no freedom of expression and fake in-party democracy. Above all, No vision to take Zambia forward! I feel for all lot Zambians, I don’t know when again we’ll ever have a party with an administration full of intellectuals like the one we had in 1991. It’s a shame to be ruled by chancers with no leadership ambition!

  17. @24 Jay – The people have chosen which party to rule so just endure with it until then and don’t say we when complaining the majority are happy with ECL. As for CK I told him here on LT, if he has ears he should have changed the way he has been behaving of late.

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