Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Lungu Presidency: Gift from God or Treat from the Devil


President Edgar Lungu Return From Swaziland State visit

The PF Government under Mr. Lungu likes to associate itself as Christian and has even appointed a ministry of religion and national misguidance so let me borrow from biblical wisdom to examine whether this government is from God or the kingdom of darkness. Two relevant passages in the Bible are key to answering this big issue of consequence in our country today. In this article, I present a brief treatment of God and the government, the rise of President Edgar Lungu, the biblical scorecard of leaders from God, and the conclusion.

God and Government

The institution of government is God’s initiative. Its character is determined by the character of office bearers. There are two appointments to governmental authority in the Bible: First, is Romans 13:1-3 [NIV] “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” This passage should NOT be read as a direct endorsement by God for every Jim and Jack that lands the instruments of power. Or we can start to blame God for Hitler, Idi Amini, Mugabe or Lungu. This is an endorsement of the institution of government not a blank endorsement for everybody who works in government regardless of their character. It should, in fact, be read in conjunction with Matthew 5:45 where our heavenly father causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Consequently, power is like rain or sunshine it can fall on the evil and the good. That means God has allowed governments to exist as a neutral entity through which acts of good or evil can be done depending on the character of those appointed to lead at any given time. In other words, God in his permissive will allows all peoples to have a government, and leaders can choose to be Godly, or wicked just as the rains come on the good and the wicked. However, in the advent of Government, God is not the only player or appointing authority Satan also has space to operate. In Luke 4:5-7 Satan disclosed to Jesus his role: The Bible says: “The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.” Apparently, the institution of government derives its authority from God. It’s God’s initiative but the persons appointed to hold power at a given time can either be from God or the devil. Is there a way to tell which person in Government is from God and which one is from God? You bet! The Bible says:

When the RIGHTEOUS are in AUTHORITY, the PEOPLE REJOICE: but when the WICKED BEARS RULE, the PEOPLE MOURN.” [Proverbs 29:2, AKJV]

In this passage, we are given some clear distinction between the God kind of Government and the kind that Satan appoints. A good example of godly government is characterized by the leader’s integrity of heart and incredible leadership skills. In Psalm 78:71-72 [NASB] The Bible says:

From the care of the ewes with suckling lambs, He brought him to shepherd Jacob, His people, and Israel His inheritance. So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skillful hands.”

The rise of President Edgar Lungu

Five years ago, past his 50 he was a deputy minister in the new PF government. He was a UPND under Anderson Mazoka, who defected to the PF. After PF had won the 2011 election, Mr. Lungu became Deputy Minister. He was subsequently promoted to Minister of Home Affairs on 9 July 2012. He became Minister of Defence on 24 December 2013 after Mr. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba resigned from the position. He was never appointed Vice-President when the President was well and could think soberly. At the peak of the illness of the President Mr. Lungu, a nephew in marriage to the President was left with keys to principal offices of the PF Secretary General and Minister of Justice on 28 August 2014 exactly two months before the Death of the President and Acting President. It was President Sata’s custom to distribute the Acting President portfolio in his absence. Moreover, the keys left in his hands were not serious job appointments following a competent vetting and an interview but merely intended to hold keys pending the recovery of the ailing President so he can make appropriate appoints later on. Mr. Lungu and his promoters used that to sell a story that he was the President’s chosen successor. A conflict ensued because President Sata did not tell all his comrades. Mr. Lungu was neither Vice President nor a person specifically and adequately trained or groomed to take over leadership but sold a story that he was the chosen successor. The Lungu camp later bulldozed the entire PF machinery through to the convention in Kabwe where a chaotic selection was held. By selecting Mr. Lungu through a plebiscite instituted by force and a show of hands in Kabwe rather than a clear choice through a contested ballot the PF had officially transitioned from a democracy into an ineptocracy. Since then Mr. Lungu has never won a clean landslide or uncontested election. It’s more of a testament to his ability and political skills as a leader more than anything else.

Biblical scorecard of leaders from God

The PF Government under Mr. Lungu presents itself as Christian; it’s not unusual to see them with a Bible in public as Christians then at night venture into nefarious activities. The Bible says: “test the spirits to know.” So let me borrow from biblical wisdom to courageously examine whether this presidency is indeed from God or the kingdom of darkness. I call this a Biblical scorecard, and I have used in other writings of mine. The Bible says:

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.[Hebrews 13:7 NIV]

According to the Bible in this passage LEADERS worth remembering have three irrefutable characteristics. Three incredible attributes that make them stand out which we can use to isolate them. A three-point scorecard for identifying them.

  1. “who spoke the word” = a message worth remembering
  2. “outcome of their way of life” = a character worth considering
  3. “imitate their faith” = a faith/vision worth emulating.

How do you score Mr.Lungu on this Biblical scorecard of leadership worth remembering?

Here is my score and why? Biblical leaders are those leaders that are worth remembering on account of their dream/vision, their message, and their character.

First, leaders worth remembering are those with a mental picture of a constructive future state for their people. In other words, some compelling attribute or corporate aspiration of the kind of future they can personally build towards and inspire their people to work towards together as a united front.In ancient literature, it was called a faith worth imitating. In contemporary culture, we just call it a vision, others call it a dream. Every leader worth their position has to have this as a cause for which they stand and the reason why they must lead. For example, for Moses, it was to lead generations of enslaved Israelites out of Egypt to a country of their own. For KK it was to lead the 72 tribes of Northern Rhodesia into a free, independent state of Zambia. For Frederick Chiluba, it was to lead the nation of Zambia out of the tyranny of the one party state into an experiment with multi-party democracy or simply as he fondly called it demo kra see. All of these leaders had a cause connected to more freedom for their people and a passion for a better life for all their countrymen and women. For Mr. Lungu, I don’t know. Please fill in the blank….. We are into nearly 2 and half years of his reign, and there are reports that he intends to go for the third term in 2021, but I have struggled to locate Mr. Lungu’s dream for Zambia. In fact, I heard that he himself indicated he has NO VISION for Zambia.

Second, a leader worth remembering must have a message of hope for their people. When we talk about a message for people, we live in a broken world, and one of the lights and pillars God usually send us are leaders with an uplifting message wrought in passion for the country and the people. Here I am not talking about oratory or public speaking skills although they are usually helpful for effective communication. Moses was not an orator, and yet to this day, we read his message in four of the first five books of the Bible. Usually, the message from leaders worth remembering can be summarized in a sentence or two. For Moses, it was “let the people go.” For Martin Luther King Jr it was “I have a dream.” For K.K, it was “Zambia Shall be free” and he even wrote about it. For Frederick Chiluba, it was “the hour has come for change” from a one party state to a multiparty democracy. In all of these cases, it was a message of hope connected to increased freedom and liberty for their people. A clear message grounded in a compelling dream/faith/vision of a people group with a destiny. For Mr. Lungu, I don’t know. Please fill in the blank….. The first time his key promotors [from my mother’s neighboring villages Mr. Mukupa and Mr. Kambwili] put Mr. Lungu on stage as the PF chosen one he was just a poster child for the funeral of my Late President Michael Chilufya Sata [MHSRIP]. In the last campaign amid massive rallies funded from state coffers featuring pre-paid Zambia top Musicians, message wise it was a sorry sight. As the leader of the beautiful republic emerged either as my mother’s cousins used to say, maulesi (nothing constructive to say), or threatening. I watched them all and let me quote a few

a) Nganawina muka mona ifyo nkamuchita HH” (when I win you will see what I will do to HH.

b) “Sonta apowabomba” (point at where you have worked).

c) “Dununa Reverse” (kicked it backward) which he danced, sweated, and celebrated at those rallies.

Little did his hearers know it would be indeed a reverse, taking the country backward. A return to a one party dictatorship and the perils of a Kaboke state. Despite being a leader of a very poor and struggling country with many difficulties and challenges Mr. Edgar Lungu had no message of hope for our people in all his campaigns only threats. Even his last press conference at Statehouse [July 8th, 2017] the only time he showed passion for his topic was when he was accusing and threatening his countrymen. We are into nearly 2 and half years of his reign, and there are rumors that he wants to go for the third term in 2021, but I have struggled to locate Mr. Lungu’s up lighting message for the people of Zambia in his speeches. Okay, here I must sympathize; usually, a message is a based on a compelling vision for the country, what can you say if you have no vision, nothing! Maulesi!

Third, leaders worth remembering are those with a character worth considering. The outcome of their way of life. All great leaders have to show in public and private a higher level of personal discipline so that we can look at them the way they do life and aspire to be like them. They are human, they can make mistakes, that’s a given, but we learn from their momentary mistakes as much as from their disciplined life overall. This is not asking that leaders are perfect or flawless, but they have to be exemplary in their conduct. They have to behave in a manner worth their position. They lead a disciplined lifestyle, for example, the Bible says:

“It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to desire strong drink, for they will drink and forget what is decreed, and pervert the rights of all the afflicted.” [Proverbs 31:4-5, NASB]

In the light of these passages and many others, the question is, has Mr. Lungu shown us a lifestyle that we should aspire to be like? Where is the evidence of personal discipline of a leader worth following? We are not talking about a mistake or a momentary fall into temptations we talking lifestyle and character. Where is it? Please fill in the blank….. Mr. Lungu has been in government for nearly six years from the day the PF took over the government. In fact, I heard that he himself told the President of Tanzania for his love of the drink that he should be called “Edgar Pombe” (beers) [Please watch minutes 15 and 16 of this video for evidence

In a nutshell, Mr. Lungu brought NO VISION, NO MESSAGE, and NO CHARACTER to the most important job in our land. He has consistently scored zero out of three. In the end President Kapoto kaku bumukilapo, ukupakasa baOpposition no tuma trips (Position for drinking, persecuting the Opposition and making trips to other countries). Therefore, the Lungu presidency leans itself more to a treat from the kingdom of darkness, and we must start our prayers against it. No wonder the tensions, the injustice, the fires, lack of peace and lack democracy in Zambia. No wonder Mr. Lungu has imposed a dictatorship, a Kaboke state and government with no morals and no ideas for the brighter future of our country. The Bible says:

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. “[ Proverbs 29:2, KJV]

We Zambia we can do better! This is why from the beginning I opposed the installation of Mr. Lungu, first as President of our party the PF and second as President of our Country! Please join me in a prayer for a government of the people, by the people, and for the people to be raised in our country. So that the people of Zambia can rejoice again. We don’t need a brutal, cruel dictatorship we need a government from God. We sure didn’t get one!

By Jones K. Kasonso, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA, MBA, BSc., NATech
The author is a Zambian, An Accounting Professor in Washington DC and Dubai.


  1. People who understand the bible will say Ecl presidency is a gift from God and those that think their man is suppose to be president will say it’s not from God. My question is, can a man change God’s plan? And the same bible says all authority is appointed by God. Therefore my conclusion is that Ecl is God’s appointed whether you agree or not.

    • The author of this article is upnd. Please the bible again. David was appointed by God but look at his life style, he slept with another man’s wife and later caused his death. Look at Solomon full of wisdom from God, he had many wives. What life style do you want to copy from lungu at you age? Please the bible and understand it very well stop hiding in the scriptures in name of supporting your evil parties. Your article is full of nothing but political. Shame on you.

    • Proverbs 29:2
      When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. It is clear from the scripture that even the wicked can be in authority, just like Hitler, Shaka, Mugabe, Lungu, Museveni, etc

    • The problem with Africans is we do not like to read.Read the article and make an informed comment.The author has laid his points very clearly with supporting evidence. Its clear that Lungu has not articulated his vision to Zambians,neither is he one to emulate,neither does he have a clear message. My conclusion-Lungu is the leader Zambians chose. Lets not spiritualize our choices.

    • The beauty with the Bible is that everyone could interpret it to suit their needs or to drive home their opinions like the author of this article has proved. It is the reason why we have so many churches around. Well done ba Kasonso for doing what billions do.

    • Could we be clear on why Edgar Lungu was debarred from practicing law. Is it true he defrauded a widow? Does God condone and reward such?

      John 10:10
      If Lungu is building, wadya chibelo chankuku iwe writer but if HH is destroying, then he is the thief right? There is nothing “we zambians can do better” we are already doing good, thanks very much. Dull Kasonso, you are a let down. Having Ph.D., CPA, CGMA, MBA, BSc., NATech does not make you a genius or credible. Leave the game of politicking to politicians. You dumb-azz academic self praisers who can not even contribute positively to any cause of common good. I am also doing my Ph.D 2 year but I want to use it well for my country.

    • The context and spirit of this monologue is childish and reactionary. Again, he has mangled and misused some mythology which is enough evidence that the author is just a disillusioned pervert in the practice of making unscrupulous, malicious attacks against President Lungu. He is more of a raving self-deceiver without ability to understand his smear works let along glean any facts to use for his political purposes. Better enter the race and prove your mileage among the people.

    • @ Musonda Kateule. God in his sovereign power raises individuals for a purpose. Pharaoh in Egypt who enslaved the Israelis and suffered persistently was raised by God. In the end it took Moses by the appointment of God to tell the Egyptians ‘Let my people go’. Jews left Egypt in bizarre Egyptians giving them all they needed on their journey. What happened to Pharaoh? Eaten by worms (cancer).

    • If hate of fellow human being is what drives you when you wake up you’ll never get anywhere. There are those who couldn’t stand KK, FTJ, LPM, RB, MCS & now ECL. They waste 27yrs, 10yrs, 7yrs, 3yrs, 3yrs & could be 12 yrs respectively hating. What a waste of time & sorry form of existence. Every season comes with its benefits. Each hour, each day, each year matters. There is no profit in being consumed by such bitterness. A lot of things have happened under all these Presidents that you can take advantage. Making talking them down your lifelong occupation only makes you a loser. Sober up & be positive child. It’s not worth it. God Bless Zambia

    • Senior Citizen- you must be suffering brain damage from old age. You honestly call the Scriptures mythology? Which race is there to enter? Are there elections in Zambia? You characters who support an empty head, empty heart for President cant stand a reasoned argument against the ECL regime. Shame on you!

    • In the first place the title of this article is wrong. Secondly there is nothing in the Bible like “permissible will of God”. That’s heresy. All what God does is His will and at no time has anything happened that is not permissible or permissible, it’s His will finish. Life began with God and only ends with God. So if someone creates a thing, it can neither be permissible nor not permissible, it’s his creation. When you are not a bible scholar I would suggest you avoid writing articles on the word of God. Leave it to experts. When you read scripture in isolation is a problem. Paul told Timothy to allow people to take a little bit of wine for their stomachs sake. In the Old Testament, to be physically circumcised was a must for Israel. Paul comes in the New Testament and tells the…

  2. Mr has kaizer Zulu morals…..attcking and assaulting a police woman in front of a packed international stadia by his political advisor is normal for him……his senior party officials calling for stealing council plots and taking over public places is normal for him… mr lungu pf thugs attcking mourners at a funeral is normal…….Mr lungu is the worst example as a President for our youth leaders of tomorrow to follow. God save Zambia.. …..morally bankrupt to the extreme…..he pays lip service to the fight against corruption and only uses it to fix anyone thinking of plot one…

  3. Even buying that new presidential jet shows how selfish Mr lungu is…..those pointing to other countries where a national airline contributes to GDP will not tell you that those countries have a well functioning railway system to cater for goods and the poor…..ZR is bankrupt and people are dying like flies in bus accidents because of lack of a decent railway transportation and they go and borrow money for jets which are only for the rich.
    The other 3 jets were only got to silience critics of a new presidential jet.

    • Get over it. You can’t undo what has been done now, can you? Get over it. Whoops! to much bitterness!

    • @ 5.1 Thorn in the Flesh
      Lol! Pwaahahahahahahahahahahaha! I like that.
      @5 Spaka like lilo
      “ZR is bankrupt and people are dying like flies in bus accidents because of lack of a decent railway transportation”. Do you live in Zambia? What does people dying like flies on roads got to do with ZR bankruptcy? Zambia also had accidents on rail, man. If drivers and bus operators are careless, what has that got to do with the purchase of 3 Russian jets. You will die with your bitterness honey! Grow up and pull yourself together. The prof’s article above is both emotionally charged and highly academically political.

    • 5.2 Politico Sumo – Ain’t ’bout fists but polic

      You are as thick as dogs… many people have died in bus accidents ?? If ZR was not bankrupt half of those deaths would not have occurred as more people would be using rail transport…..

      ati people also die on rails …….you are indeed thick.

  4. A ***lungu means a better free democratic Zambia. I hope my vision for 23 November comes to pass. Amen

  5. Which version of Christianity is being displayed here ? We’ve all seen how the so called ISIS kill and opresss others in the name of Allah, so let’s watch and see the same in the name of Christianity.
    Here is an example of a leader from hell :
    1- one whose vision is to lead the country into distraction, causes tension, instills fear and lands us into poverty while his/ her chosen few enjoy our hard earned income.
    2- One with a divisive mind in order to gain popularity. Look at the trend now – instead of electing a credible leader with a good manifesto, we now have tribal voting of useless ones.
    3- Examples of devilish behaviours : Oppressive, drunkenness,divisiveness,greed, using threatening words, intimidation and never admitting to your mistakes, dishonesty etc.
    It’s a shame…

  6. Not all leadership comes from God. Lucifer/satan is a great leader in his “world”. Its better to swallow false pride and admit, zambia now is a failed state. What is our president’s vision for this country, for us? Surely u shud answer this simple but a defining issue for any leader!

    • Get over it. You can’t undo what has been done now, can you? Get over it. Whoops! Too much bitterness!

    • Get over it. You can’t undo what has been done now, can you? Get over it. Whoops! Too much bitterness! You have been blogging since HH lost statistically!

  7. Appending a list of 6-10 qualifications to a statement does not qualify one to be endowed with wisdom. The expulsion of Kambwili and Musenge will soon reveal lots of hidden skeletons that were embedded within the PF’s system.

    What credible explanation does Dr. Jones Kasongo offer when Kambwili openly and brutally attacked his colleagues in the Copperbelt Province – to include even the MP for Mbala? May be the ACC should now fast track its investigations on alleged corruption practices by Dr. Katongo’s mentor – Hon. C. Kambwili.

    • That guy is a cut above his peers do you know there is ACCA & MDiv that he doesnt even include in his listed credentials? He aint no spokesperson for Kambwili, go and ask CK for queries about his own behaviour.

  8. What credible explanation does Dr. Jones Kasongo offer when Kambwili openly and brutally attacked his colleagues in the Copperbelt Province – to include even the MP for Mbala? May be the ACC should now fast track its investigations on alleged corruption practices by Dr. Jones K. Kasonso’s mentor, the Hon. C. Kambwili, MP for Roan.

    • Prof K is no follower of any politician in Zambia and owes no such explanation. His President MCS died many moons ago!

  9. This is a useless article by a disgruntled wannabe intellectual who has a bone to chew with President ECL. Hopelessly shallow and devoid of any intellectual articulation. The writer’s loathing for the President can be easily seen in his ability to address ECL as President. These are the people who give credence to those who question the value of education.

    • Address the specific point you disagree with kabili. The truth is its a very convincing the article a discussion on the good profs education? ubukopo tabwama. That guy is a cut above his peers do you know there is ACCA & MDiv that he doesnt even include in his listed credentials?

    • Daktari …the professor’s analysis of the events leading to ECL adoption at Kabwe is full of inaccuracies. Ironically the Professor is conveniently omitting to tell us how Guy Scott fought hard to block ECL …denied him adequate compaign time while HH was busy compaigning. The learned Professor omits to mention how the popular HH was beaten by an upstart who compaigned for half the period. The man was poor with no money for cpmpaignsThis was a classical Goliath and David scenario and true christians saw the hand of God here…by the way these elections were declared free and fair. Do not forget Guy Scott was in charge of the system…but ECL still won the elections.. if you can not see the hand of God here…kaya

      This where the professors hidden ill feeling for ECL is exposed …

    • @15.2 Chiweme, your little story is also full of inaccuracies! Don’t you remember how the power and might of the state put pressure on Guy Scott (Security chiefs and ministers went to “talk” to him at his farm). Basically, Lungu ascended to power with threats of violence against anyone in his way. He has continued with that modus operandi and he will never change. Prof. K is right. This man is not the right man for our country. God allows even evil people to reign, sometimes to punish his disobedient children! Lungu is not a righteous man by any stretch of the imagination! But yes, God has allowed him to be our president for the purification of the church.

    • Lombe (MA) “writing style is boring” then why his articles are always trending in the top reads and most popular on the day?

  10. The advantage with the Bible is that you can refer to it, or find a chapter to relate to any situation under the earth. This is not the first article Prof/Dr. Kasonso is writing against or condemning the leadership of President Lungu. Prof/Dr. Kasonso may have the privilege, of good writing or the power of the pen to condemn President Lungu’s leadership, but he is only an individual whose dislike of President Lungu cannot move mountains. We have been ruled so far by various Presidents and they were not all liked by every academic, or every other individuals. I personally did not like President Chiluba (mhsrip), but I had no privilege to condemn him. His personal condemnation surfaced when he was taken to court during Mwanawasa’s Presidency. Therefore all I can say about Prof/Dr. Kasonso…

    • @17, as a Zambian, I have a right to contribute to the public discourse. If I don’t like Mr. Lungu’s style of leadership, I should be free to say so. Don’t censor me because you think I am not worthy to talk about your preferred president. We are all equal before the law, and we all have the same rights. If you want to dispute what Dr. Kasonso has written, you are free to do so. But to stop him from speaking, no! That’s not right! We live in a democracy.

  11. Lungu said he he has No vision.We all agree the Man has No Vision. Its Chipante pante all the way for ECL. Apart from lacking a Vision Lungu has defined himself with the way he has mistreated HH. Lungu has shown that he is not only a Dictator but a Sadist who enjoys inflicting pain and suffering on other human beings. To love God is to do Justice and to do Justice is to love God. Lungu cannot claim to love God or to be a Christian. Lungu is a hypocrite and a Devil Incarnate on a Mission to establish a One Man Dictatorship and Rule Zambia with an Iron Fist.

    • “To love God is to do Justice and to do Justice is to love God” so you say: Saturnia, a pension scheme which hh has shares has been holding former BP pensions for over 11 years while using the same funds for offshore investments, is this the behavior of a God given leader who loves his country and his people??? Insulting judges, the speaker, no respect for authority-is this Godly behavior from a leader; upnd has NEVER been to a convention since hh took over in 2006, who is a dictator???

  12. Spot on Mr Kasonso! This is not from God going by this deep reflection, where you use the bible and not your feelings!

  13. The author is an SDA UPND. Just a reminder the Presidency of Edgar is from God. The other guy, Hazaluza Hagain.

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