Ruling PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has confirmed the expulsion of Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili and Former Chimwemwe Member of Parliament Mwenya Musenge.
And Mr Mwila says Mr Kambwili and Mr Musenge are free to challenge his expulsion in court.
Meanwhile, Mr Mwila has disclosed that the Central Committee which met yesterday at State House resolved to back President Edgar Lungu as its preferred candidate for 2021 subject to ratification by the General Conference to be held in 2020.
Addressing a media briefing at the party headquarters in Lusaka, Mr Mwila said Mr Kambwili and Mr Musenge were expelled for engaging themselves in destabilization activities against the Party particularly in Central and Luapula Provinces, including Luanshya District.
He said that evidence was adduced that showed that the duo was working against the party and that Mr Kambwili and Mr Musenge failed to defend themselves during the disciplinary hearing called by the disciplinary committee which was constituted in line with Article 37 of the Party Constitution:
Mr Mwila said the party is on firm ground in expelling the duo and will defend itself in court if Mr Kambwili and Mr Musenge decide to take that route.
He revealed that the party will on Tuesday be writing to Speaker of the National Assembly requesting him to declare the Roan seat vacant.
Mr Mwila said the party is ready for the by election and that the nation will have a chance to see who is popular in Roan when a bye election is called.
Answering a question from a Times of Zambia Reporter who wanted to get the party’s comments on assertions that Mr Kambwili and Mr Musenge are political heavyweights on the Copperbelt, Mr Mwila reiterated that there is no individual who is bigger than the party.
“Let’s meet in Roan and see who is more popular,” Mr Mwila responded.
He also revealed that the Central Committee adopted the motion to have President Edgar Lungu as the Party’s preferred candidate subject to approval by the 2020 General Conference.
Mr Mwila said the Central Committee believes this measure was important in consolidating the Party’s unity of purpose.
Below is Mr Mwila’s full statement
In line with provisions of the Patriotic Front (PF) Party Constitution, the Central Committee sat on the 22nd July 2017 from 09:30am to 19:40hrs. In line with Article 61 (c) and (d), the meeting was Chaired by the Party President His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
During the Central Committee meeting, various representations were made regarding Party unity, internal democracy, channels of communication and the need for Party discipline.
I wish to report to the Patriotic Front structures and membership across the country that several resolutions were arrived at in providing for continued Party growth and preserving the much-cherished unity of purpose.
The Central Committee meeting received reports from the Chairman, Secretary General and Party Sub-Committees as well as deliberated the minutes from the previous Central Committee meeting held on 4th February 2017.
As announced last week, Hon Prof Nkandu Luo was appointed Chairperson for Education, Science and Technology; Hon Jean Kapata was appointed Chairperson for the Women’s League and Child Development, and Hon Yamfwa Mukanga was appointed Chairperson for Elections. Besides these changes within Central Committee, the following members of the Party were appointed to serve as members of the Central Committee:
Hon Christopher Yaluma MCC, and Chairperson, Mines and Mineral Development
Hon Vincent Mwale MCC and Chairperson, Local Government and Housing
Mr. Kebby Mbewe MCC
Hon Lawrence Evans Provincial Chairperson, Southern Province
Central Committee also adopted the motion to move the date for commencement of elections for Party structures in North-Western Province starting from 1st October 2017.
The Central Committee also directed the Secretary General to streamline Communication between the Party and Government and ensure Party policies are implemented in line with the 2016-2021 election manifesto.
One of the major issues that emerged was the question of Party wrangles in Luanshya, particularly between Mayor Nathan Chanda and Hon Chishimba Kambwili. The Central Committee heard the report by Her Honour the Vice President Mrs. Inonge Mutukwa Wina who had been tasked to reconcile the two on 4th February 2017. It was clear that despite these efforts, reconciliation had not yielded the desired fruits.
The meeting also heard the report on Central Committee’s resolution to drop from the structures those members who had supported Independent Candidates to maintain discipline in the Party. It was heard that added to his decision to support an Independent Candidate for the position of Mayor in Luanshya District, Hon Kambwili had refused to recognize Party structures in Luanshya District.
Extensive debate took place where all members including Hon Kambwili and Hon Mwenya Musenge were allowed enough time to put across their views on this matter and others which came to light.
During the Central Committee meeting, inimical activities involving Hon Kambwili and Musenge came to light where they were reported to be carrying out destabilization activities against the Party particularly in Central and Luapula Provinces, including Luanshya District.
Following these revelations, the Central Committee resolved to reconfigure itself into a Disciplinary body to hear cases against the duo in line with Article 37 of the Party Constitution which states as follows:
(a) The Central Committee shall be responsible for discipline of the Party members. It shall hear appeals from the appointments and disciplinary committee of the Central Committee;
(b) The Central Committee shall have power to review decisions of the Appointments and Disciplinary Committee and shall have original jurisdiction”.
In other words, the Party’s disciplinary committee draws its authority from Central Committee and as such the original powers to discipline lies with the Central Committee.
Central Committee further addressed itself to the powers of the Party President to discipline any member, subject to Central Committee approval.
The charges laid against the duo were supported by Article 29 (c), (d), (h), (i), (n) and (p) as follows:
Article 29. Offenses against the party shall include: –
c. acting in the manner that is likely to bring the name of the Party into ridicule or contempt or disrepute;
d. disobeying any rule, direction, order or instruction of any organ of the Party;
h. spreading false information or rumours which tend to injure the reputation of the Party or any of its officials;
i. acting disrespectfully to the party or any of its officials at any meeting of the Party;
n. publishing or causing to be published, orally, or in writing any matter which is the opinion of the Central Committee or the National Council, is an attack on the Party, or on a member or official of the Party in relation to the discharge of his functions as a member or official of the Party.
p. committing any act, which in the opinion of the Central Committee is not in the interest of the Party.
In addition to these Party destabilization reports, Hon Kambwili was in receipt of two letters of reprimand over his indiscipline in the Party. The first letter was written to him by former Secretary General Hon Davies Chama, now Minister of Defence and the second one was authored by myself following his activities in Luanshya District.
During the hearing, evidence was put to both Hon Kambwili and Hon Musenge and both failed defend themselves. When he was given an opportunity to further exculpate himself, Hon Kambwili admitted that a former minister who was an MP from Muchinga province proposed to him to form a splinter party to undermine PF. He claimed he declined the idea but this was only after he was challenged to deny whether a meeting took place at his home comprising himself, Hon Musenge and three other former MPs. His response was “I was sick and they came to see me and one of them proposed that idea but I refused”.
Another report raised by Hon Nickson Chilangwa, Luapula Province Minister showed that Kambwili went to three places and distributed money and criticized the party as failing. Further the meeting heard that Hon Musenge went into Luapula Province allegedly carrying K110, 000 given to him by Hon Kambwili to destabilize the Party and had just returned from the Province less than 24 hours before the Central Committee meeting. He could not deny the charges either. He accepted visiting chiefs but denied money issue.
Hon Kambwili made matters worse for himself when he stormed out the MCC meeting shortly after it resolved to reconstitute itself into a disciplinary committee to consider the charges against the duo.
Let me inform the public that in line with PF’s internal democracy, the duo was provided with an opportunity to exculpate themselves during the meeting and could not deny the allegations laid against them. While the meeting was sitting, Hon Kambwili stormed out of the meeting, walking out on the President and the entire Central Committee in a clear effort to save his ego – a fact he confirmed in his interview to News Diggers. This was ultimate contempt by the Party President and the entire Central Committee!
At this point, Central Committee once again deliberated extensively and regrettably, a decisive action to expel Hon Kambwili from the Party was taken to send a strong message of discipline in the Party. The extent of misconduct and other destabilization activities sponsored by Hon Kambwili had reached intolerable levels and posed a danger to internal party cohesion.
Hon Musenge was also facing other sanctions following his appearance before the Party’s Disciplinary Committee Chaired by Hon Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula on 18th May 2017 which had recommended as follows:
“…That Hon Musenge must be disciplined in accordance with Article 19(d) and 19 (f) of the Party Constitution.
Article 19 (d) provides for “suspension from office or function in the Party”. The Committee recommends indefinite suspension.
Article 19 (f) provides for the “suspension from membership of the Party”. The Committee recommends indefinite suspension.
In addition, the Central Committee may impose any other sanction it may deem fit”.
End of quote from Disciplinary Committee report.
This was before being jointly charged with Hon Kambwili under Article 29 (c), (d), (h), (i), (n) and (p). After extensive debate, a Central Committee decision was reached to expel Hon Musenge from the Party.
Lastly, let me warn the membership that the Party will not take to any forms of indiscipline. On this score, I am directing all Party structures and members to watch out for those sowing seeds of discord in the Party and ensure they are exposed. To those whose allegiance lies with the expelled duo, I am reminded of a portion of scripture in the Bible.
1 King 18:21 – Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”
I wish to pose the same question to you. How long will you waver between two opinions? If the expelled duo be your leaders, follow them. If indeed you are PF, stay committed and defend the Party interests. The PF will not tolerate any form of indiscipline and no one is untouchable when it comes to protecting the interests of the Party.
Let me also announce to the nation that Central Committee adopted the motion to have President Edgar Lungu as the Party’s preferred candidate subject to approval by the 2020 General Conference.
Central Committee believes this measure was important in consolidating the Party’s unity of purpose.
Thank you!
what happens when PF loses? Or they will use any means possible to ensure CK is beaten..they will employ all tactics just to save themselves from embarrassment. These are politics of pure hatred and greed.Very destructive politics being witnessed in Zambia. It’s very disheartening indeed.
Davis Mwila who lost as MP last year is now talking of popularity against someone who won. Anyways, he must be talking from experience.
But it’s just that these people never learn from other people’s failures.
This Mwila will face the same humiliation as Kambwili.
We shall see as the story develops. Serious money will be involved. If Musenge can flash out K100,000 to chiefs in Luapula, what more for election. I will be there in Luanshya to enjoy the campaign money.
I have just spoken to kambwili on the phone for 5 hours,,, he is high spirit, I have advised not make any statements for now,
@Nostradamus, I need you my bro on this one, kambwili wants to talk to ba GM, he says he is sorry to him and ba kachema,,,,,
Kambwili you have just seen now that MMD rejects have hijacked PF. We, Guy Scott and the rest saw this long before while you defended Lungu as a democrat. Now you can test your own medicine. It’s a shame that for you you have to be interviewed by Muvi TV, which you campaigned to close from underneath you bed, just one year on.
@Ndobo, as usual am neutral to announce we will be at the August inter party rally immediately after HH acquittal. Kambwili and Saviour will be MC. It will be epic.
That will be the launch of campaign of Luanshya by-election….
Karma has its way of getting back (history repeated). I wonder why Bemba politicians can’t learn lessons. Kapwepwe went through the same at the hands of KK.
Seems Kambwili is all the scribe had to write about.
My free advise here: The essence of internal party discipline, cohesion, a culture of respect, constitutionalism, and vibrancy cannot be over emphasized as more critical than now. As i keep saying, “democracy is not the absence of rule of law”. The killer of opportunity is a reckless sense of entitlement.
Its hard and expensive to rebuild lost trust, peace and unity. Value to foster virtues for a strong, united and disciplined growing party that has a vibrant system.
In all collective decisions, best wishes.
The divide and rule tactics won’t work in Zambia. Only Peace, Love,Unity, Honesty and Hardwork will ill Zambia
God bless Zambia
This is quiet frankly embarrassing, Kambwili is the last person you should eb focusing your effort and resources on FFS
@1 Tondo, TIMES ARE DIFFERENT, We are NOT UNDER THE ONE PARTY STATE as it was at Kapwepwe’s time. If it was not for the one party state, do you think KK could have ruled Zambia for that long? Things are different now, today you can even use online media to communicate your views! I BELIEVE THIS MOVE TO EXPEL KAMBWILI and MWENYA MUSENGE WILL CERTAINLY WEAKEN PF, much to their regret!!
It’s an intra-partite rule of law. Well no party would like an unruly member among them. Time for sympathies in the political arena is long gone. People should be managed and governed. With wild political presidential ambitions, this surely has not come as a surprise. But ACC kindly hastily avail the public the finding on the corruption investigation on CK.
CK not a factor! Life goes on. I say this like I said when WYNTER, GUY, SAMPA and SATA jr left PF. Politics sometimes is pretty much squarely predictable.
@Senior citizen:You say “democracy is not the absence of rule of law”. BUT, Why was there a deafeningly silence from law enforcement agencies and ECL when chief tribalist Kambwili went bombastic on ZNBC reducing our Lord Jesus Christ to a hypothetical candidate in Southern Province whom Tongas would vote against? I do not support Kambwili. He is not Presidential material just like EL (personal opinion)! But there is No rule of law in Zambia Period! What law has visited ZDDM’s Edwin Sakala’s inflammatory/genocidal statement to chiefs in Eastern province to ban UPND in Eastern province. Why are MPs whose seats have been nullified still serving as ministers? Which minister has repaid illegal salaries and allowances as ruled by the ConCourt? Look at yourself in the mirror and answer…
He big mouth has cost him. Good riddance
Time and again business undergo Business process re-engineering to ensure fluidness, quality and greasing in the operations. All party business should and must evolve and look to positioning themselves appropriately prior to the 2021 polls. The faces of all parties to date are different from 2011, 2015 and will continuously evolve. CK has refused to accommodate change in the PF claiming that him and his uncle founded the party. Well parties as they form, should be accommodating to incomers and supporters. Being about numbers, democracy has a harsh face against all non-transformative organisations on the face of the earth. I hate people who resist change. They make me wanna puke. Just take a look at UPND.
All real PF Founders are kicked out. PF is now the New MMD.. Sad
@Politico Sumo: Going back to UNIP’s state of Emergency, One party dictatorship, banning publications/politicians is “change for you”. When were you born? My Foot! Tongas and Bembas must strive to love one another and stay out out this Nyanja hatred of Tongas. Bembas have been used for easterners advantage and are still being abused/ used! Period! Ask Kambwili and Musenge! People please learn from history!
@ Tondo 2.11 When was I born you ask.
Well when you were half a person, I mean you were just discrete eggs (You were both Unfertilized and Unfertilizing). Under UNIP your party UPND was not there. Your party was born 10year after MMD’s rule (late 1990s and in 2001 contested first) ECL, other chaps and I became members of the now use.less party UPND. We Bembas and you Tongas were still enermies. It’s looks like your tribe and mine will continuously treat each other with a suspicious eye. Bembas are less corny than Tongas though. You can not dismantle the Bemba-Easterner bond of cousin-ship. Wachepa sana iwe mumbwe palukolo. From Easterner we are going for our own. Period! Eastern province is our strong ally. How dare you drive me in tribal talk, Id.i.ot.
@ Politico Sumo alias Senior citizen: Quote:”From Easterner we are going for our own. Period!” YOU ARE VERY TRIBALISTIC and driving this country backwards (dununa reverse). You hated Sata’s PF in opposition with a passion only to embrace it after EL and RB took over. Tribalist Koswe iwe. Shaa!
Never mind about politicians, they are cut from the same cloth, they never learn lessons. CK will now be a darling to Muvi TV and I am sure he would like to see the Post newspapers in full operations.
If Chimbwili and Misango are the devil reincarnated follow them else follow god Lungu. Lungulation Chapter 20 vs 9.
Very bad for SG to compare that scripture with their party politics. Very bad indeed and leaves very sour taste in ones mouth.
Radio Phoenix 13:00 main news, PF Secretary General Mr Mwila to write to Speaker of National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini to declare Roan constituency seat vacant.
no bye election in this new constitution unless one dies so PF mwaloba iya bola GO GOO CK dont worry
Its interesting to see these guys fighting each other less than two years into the 5 years term of office. We need development than the b***sh youre doing.
Elyolwania……watch the space
IF KAMBWILI and MUSENGE did what you are accusing them, a genuine judicial system would throw out such case because a report written by one of you is not sufficient proof that things had happened as you have put them. ALSO NOTE that your lack of democratic approach of wanting to push Lungu for Presidency in 2021 is WHAT IS ATTRACTING A REVOLT FROM KAMBWILI and OTHERS! Certainly if you go with Lungu again in 2021, it will be TOUGHER FOR YOU since some of the support you had in last elections have evaporated due to poor leadership in Lungu, who hardly confuses being in-charge to using repression. In ROAN, YOU CAN ONLY WIN THROUGH RIGGING, otherwise KAMBWILI THERE IS VERY POPULAR!
Not a factor, believe me. People grow big headed because of parties.
@6.1 Thorn in the flesh, HOW possible is it to prove that Kambwili distributed money to chiefs? WHILE IT IS TRUE that the party platform amplifies individuals, there are also those who are popular as individuals! I have seen many individuals who win seats as independents since the return to multi-party politics. Kambwili MAY loose the by-election this time around bcoz the entire party machinery will be mobilized against him in that election. But believe you me, with out Kambwili campaigning for PF even some MPs that the party has could not have been!
I hear you well well, but please also be reminded that CK breathed a sigh of relief in the immediate past General election after wining. Constituencies have a way of giving parliamentarians limited terms. For how long has CK served in Roan. He took over from Hon. Pwele; people on the Copperbelt speak to the popular Parties to give them credible candidates. PARTY + RIGHT CANDIDATE culminates into a Win.
I have always told you people that CBians are ripe. They vote with eyes open. Just take a leaf from the Mwenya Musenge example. People in that part of Kitwe pointed out and warned the PF that Mwenya was a failure. The reaped what they swore. People on the ground communicate with parties unlike other provinces.
Way out for CK is joining other part, become independent and since he has the AMBITION; form his own opposed to hoping for a go back in PF. Did you see how GBVM swindled the young stars of the like of SAMPA and SATA jr. ? They are decimated right now. I like what SATA jr. is doing right now though. He has opened some kind of NGO, I think.
@7.3 Thorn, DO YOU KNOW WHAT PF DID TO MWENYA MUSENGE, MUKANGA YAMFYA etc where INDEPENDENTS WON? Since some of these candidates were in Central Committee, it was hard not to adopt them so they adopted them and then sent underhand independents with financial support to undermine the adopted candidates! This was the case with NKANDU LUO too, who survived because KAMBWILI came to campaign for him! What is was the difference between Kambwili and his closest rival if at you could have the figures? By the way DOES THE NEW CONSTITUTION ALLOW BY-ELECTIONS IN SUCH CASES? Even then if Kambwili takes the case to court, that could even mean a greater wait!!
Evil dictator lungu can’t stand any dissenting view.
With HH the main external opponent abducted at mukobeko & CK the main internal opponent expelled, he’ll be the only candidate as he goes for an illegal 3rd term. What an evil d0uche bag.
what does the new constitution enacted by PF say regarding MP bye elections. May I be educated
They will invite the fooool during campaigns and he will do so. Watch this space too
Yes to drop corruption charges and investigations….
Lungu for 2021 is asking for too much. He’s over stretching his borrowed time.
The circus at the state house was meant to silence threats to Lungu.
When you are insecure and incompetent, you will spend time fighting imaginary threats and enemies.
CK cannot lose in Roan. Only through rigging.
Banda destroyed MMD, Lungu is wrecking PF. It’s a matter of time before all the normal people are expelled from PF.
Beware of these Easterners.
What goes up must come down. Isaac Newton’s law of motion. Even those who are up today will difinitely come down one day. Wish you well CK. Take these as lessons for your past mistakes. If you are wise enough, you’ll build on the past to become great. Great men do not become great easily. Next time you become govt spokesman, do not discriminate people on tribe. Best wishes.
I wish Kampyongo and Davies could wake up to the fact that the same way ECL used CK is the same way he is using them now. Kapwepwe never ruled because of this mentality of supporting Easterners blindly. Remember that Eastern Province is the graveyard for all political parties, first UNIP, MMD and now PF! Watch the political space.
This goes to show what goes around comes around. I am sure we ain’t seen nothing yet. Those Luanshya Golf Club plots he acquired in a questionable manner, AND the questionable source of money to build those mansions will come back to haunt him.
In a similar manner, sooner or later Lungu will also face the same music with the K20 million+ he questionably ‘acquired’ in a period of ONE year whilst at plot No.1. Tax free.
Fi upnd stay away from this matter because its for PF members.
Look,CK and Mwenya Musenge pushed themselves too far in PF.any wise Zambian would tell you that the two were frustrated and wanted to be causing confusion in PF-a move which has since flopped!!
Any bye election in Roan would be won by PF under Mr Chanda-a current Luanshya moyor even CK himself knows this very much!!
The sad part for CK is that many bembas do not follow politicians blindly.many from the North,loved CK because of PF.but since he is out,he must expect to lose that love from many in the North!!LETS FACE IT,CK OR ECL ARE WHAT THEY ARE TODAY BECAUSE OF PF.MINUS PF-BOTH WOULD STRUNGLE TO WIN ANY POLITICAL BATTLE (ELECTION)!!!at one point,Miles Sampa,Guy Scott,GBM,Sylvia Masebo,Mulenga Sata,Wynter Kabimba thought…
LOL – Ati “Fi upnd stay away from this matter because its for PF members”? Are you serious?
What on earth makes you think that the money CK and ECL have embezzled (i.e. CK’s mysterious Golf Club Mansions and ECL’s questionable K20million+) originates from PF Party confers thru fund-raising and not from Tax payers at national level, who include UPND supporters, and international lenders from Taxpayers like me?
This useless language you are using is what is diving the country you cun..t. Are you so dull that you cannot use civilized language, what kind of creature are you, you organutan.
Wynter Kabimba thought they were more popular than PF.but time showed them a harsh reality that infact PF is much bigger than any indivindual!!BY 2021 CK MAY END UP FINISHED LIKE WYNTER KABIMBA IS TODAY!!
‘many bembas do not follow politicians blindly’. Good point @ Njimbu which should be worth a million to some political upstats.It should actually read ‘most Bembas…’
Moral of the story is : vote for party policy and not for a tribe. So now they are threatening each other, next thing they will be fighting amongst their own families? I am not affiliated to any of the parties, by the way , I am just an interested observer, and I am astonished!!!
CK, pick a leaf from what happened to Sampa, and Mulenga Sata. Be careful
I like a very confident leader who’s not afraid of the media and opposition.
I like a leader who’s very confident about their election victory, regardless of what the opposition says.
I like a leader who will not use the police to silence and harm the people.
I like a leader who stays home and works on pressing issues.
I like a leader who treats he’s opponents in a very civilized way.
I like a leader who has a very clear vision for he’s country, especially rural farming communities.
I like a leader who doesn’t surround themselves with corrupt incompetent advisors.
I like a leader who inspires he’s country men and women to work hard.
I like a leader who stays away from foreign borrowing and does not sell he’s country to debt.
I like a leader who’s truly God fearing and…
I like this there …wise words, my friend !! So now does it mean that Bembas will start insulting the eastern tribe ? Only yesterday the two were insulting the Tongas?? this is a lesson my dear fellow Zambians … we are all one and Zambia belongs to all of us, and remember that most of us are born from mixed tribes and we like ” one Zambia one nation “
I couldn’t agree with you more. A polarising figure, all told.
He stormed out of the meeting showing disrespect and contempt for his betters. Incredible!
Hahaha haha so MR NECKLESS and musenge had a scheme to form a splinter party aim at causing disturbances in pf. Why waste that money to bribe the chiefs for stupid reasons. Kambwili you are not cut from a material that makes presidents just like hh. People who are presidential material font make such noise rather force their way. The big mistake youll make is to continue fighting pf because even your business now will be on stones. Just thank pf and move on . You are a patient of stroke already so just lokk after yourself. Ubupuba bubi.
@17 Njimbu,
LOL – Ati “Fi upnd stay away from this matter because its for PF members”? Are you serious?
What on earth makes you think that the money CK and ECL have embezzled (i.e. CK’s mysterious Golf Club Mansions and ECL’s questionable K20million+) originates from PF Party confers thru fund-raising and not from Tax payers at national level, who include UPND supporters, and international lenders from Taxpayers like me?
Now we clearly have three political factions in Zambia; Easterners, Northerners, and Southerners. The issue is who exactly belongs to what section?
UPNDonkeys are easily distracted. Clearly they have already forgotten that they have a big battle on their hands preparing the defence for their underfive donkey. The treason trial is on in three weeks time and I bet they dont even know where to start from. To make it worse they are in denial about the seriousness of the case. The donkeys and underfive really have a shock awaiting them, they will what the Presidency is as everybody else in the world treats that office, same everywhere because it is the embodiment of a nation, just like the king in medieval times..
Undeefive is in maningi trouble. When the truth dawns on him he will wish that he had pleaded with Telesphore and his team of Catholic bishops. But now its too late, he will be confirmed in Mukobeko as a permanent resident and his followers will continue enjoying their sleep and forget about underfive as he becomes history gradually.
The lessons we all should learn from this is that when we have a privilege to be in power let’s use it to the benefit of people.
CK is joining UPND and his press conference was cancelled cos. UPND is preparing a welcome party for HIM at crester Golf View. He shall win landslide victory in ROAN against a PF candidate. Never the less, HH will be charged with treason hence no chance for him tp be president then CK and GBM shall compete
The PF constitution reads like a dictators user manual. It’s all don’t do’s and threats. Where is room for self criticism? Any divergent view in the PF equals being undisciplined. I don’t support CK, but this meeting turned into a sorry sight of unbridled lack of respect for natural justice. The central committee meeting quickly metamorphosed into a disciplinary committee. Are the accused not supposed to be informed in advance, to enable themselves time to prepare a rebuff to the charges if need be? Why were they not given a decision from the first disciplinary hearings? They had to be made to face further charges in front of the GREAT LEADER.
i used to wake up as early as 04 hrs am to go and line up and made sure i voted for the Pf, what am seeing today can never make me disturb my sleep to go and waste my vote on this pf again..It is very unfortunate that ECL has surrounded him self with wolves who would want to see him crumble in the next election..Mr president work up open your eyes and shine them well well, if you heard what mr Ngwale the blind senior citizens words on znbc news then atleast you will have an idea of what am talking about. You have embraced more of foreigners in pf than the orijaba members, to tell you am a staunch pf supporter but i dont think i will continue being on because of the happenings within the party. Politics is about numbers but if you keep on chasing people from the party were do you think…