Friday, October 18, 2024

Chishimba Kambwili was cancerous and had to be cut off to save PF-Frank Bwalya


Frank Bwalya
Frank Bwalya
Patriotic Front Deputy Spokesperson and Member of the Central Committee (MCC) Frank Bwalya said it was regrettable that the party had expelled Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili and former provincial minister Mwenya Musenge.

Speaking on the breakfast show on Muvi TV, Fr Frank Bwalya that the party had to take a difficult but stern action to instill discipline in the party

He however likened Kambwili to a cancer whose limb or toe needed to be cut off from the main body to survive.

He said Dr. Chishimba Kambwili was like a diseased part of the body that needed to be cut off.

He defended the legality of the expulsion and said when the meeting was turned into a disciplinary committee, the party Constitution was followed.

He said even if Kambwili went to the Courts of law, he was confident that the Court would not overturn the decision of the Central Committee as the decision to expel him was done properly and within the party statutes.

He said Kambwili had been written to for acts of indiscipline in the past and disciplinary action was taken by two Secretary Generals.

And Mr. Bwalya defended the decision by President Edgar Lungu for welcoming new members into the party and those that came from the Movement for Multi-party Democracy, as healthy for the Patriotic Front.

“When you are anemic and doctors give you blood transfusion, it might be referred to as new blood. In fact that is old blood because it has come from another body. So there is no such thing as old and new members especially if the party is working with cohesion and unity” he said.


  1. YOU ARE NEXT. Don’t be happy ba Bwalya, In PF all is possible, maybe you are next, because you are not much different from Kambwili.

    • Frank is insulting the sick. Is advising Chimba to cut off his balls? PF has brain disease, and you scoop off left-bottom of brain = Kambwili. Now look the way you start thinking, as if you never preached before.

      It’s May 3, 2013 then Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili and Fr. Frank Bwalya (a president of some party) on Radio Phoenix vicious exchange. Chishimba accused Fr. Bwalya of being a confused and ambitious priest. CK claimed that the Father would not go anywhere. Fr. Bwalya denied CK’s friendship, said the government was to be made to sit up and promised Zambian a book about CK’s accusations at that time. Fr. Bwalya told CK not to call him a friend and said Lusambo, HH, Milupi and Nevers were good on account that God created them but CK maintained that these people were bad. You see CK the Fr. has what he wanted now.
      I wonder whether this fight ended there…

  2. What a pagan… Frank just because you “hate” part of you body then you cut it, not even your diiick. And you don’t invite your friends to help you in pregnant your wife. Your gospel Ex-priest is wrong.

  3. Please note that when you form a party expect people to join it. When you allow them to join expect them to one day hold positions. The notion that “only original members should hold positions ” is primitive and retrogressive. Even in church choirs you’ll find people who don’t want new comers especially those with better voices. Kambwili is that type.

    • But not pipo from a rejected party MMD like Dora na Bowman who used to insult PF leaders on a daily basis.

    • So you’re a judge of other people except you and Kambwili? Wishing you good luck in your future endeavors.

  4. You do expect new members to help you reach greater heights a one member party doesnt mean anything ,some new members bring good ideas in politics it is about numbers.
    When you form aparty you need people to join, if they dont you then you will cease to exist so CK must work on the dynamics that makes parties popular self centeredness doesnt work, however there are also people who would not respect those who work hard to make things move , without these you fail to reach your goal.
    My advice to CK is not to join any party let him just form his own party and let those who like him join and we shall see what we have never seen before .

    • Exactly my point, these pipo who are disparaging CK today will be surprised how formidable that party will be, he may not be presidential material as some pipo here are saying but he will definitely change the political landscape in PF strongholds.

    • Why is tribalism so much rife in upnd. There perception is tribal. Why should you only think that ck can split votes in bemba regions not in tonga lamba nyanja kaonde regions. If ck is an heavyweight as you claim he should make an impact nationwide southern inclusive. Ati splitting votes in bemba regions my foot. Desist from thinking in terms of tribes. I expect ck to make a breakthrough in southern.

  5. If bwalya is the one who baptized you my friend you are still a pagan I suggest you look for another priest to baptize you

  6. Can Frank Bwalya stop the nonsense he is talking about?This priest is a disgrace while he can not even feel ashamed of himself he is busy vuvuzeling to appease his masters without realising equally himself and many others including his PF party one day will be kicked out unless he is telling the people of ZAMBIA that PF wants to change laws and become a one party and every begins to praise Lungu wamuyayaya.PF time will come so he should mindful that ukesa sabana sana once they are no longer inn GOVT

  7. terrible to say that by likening it to the sick. its so disrespectful and insulting, stigmatizing, and uncaring.
    Frank has offended many by his references

  8. mr bwalya the liar remember what you promised former zamtel retrenchees in copperbelt during campaigns and now you are loughing at ck next will be you and those you told lies will lough at you kikikiki

  9. Its hard to believe what really goes on in politics. if today 100 people were interviewed in the streets of Lusaka and Copper belt they will definitely reject the likes of Dola, Bowman and many others from MMD but these people are not nominated members of parliament. They are elected members of parliament. So who votes for these people or maybe there are some sections of the society that find these people useful compared to those who stand against them. Dola has being returned as MP in petauke for the third time now. Bowman is an elected member of parliament right here in copper belt. My point is the fact that these people have not done well in ministerial positions or are too talkative does not mean they do nothing in there constancies. The secrete in politics is work hard in your…

  10. I am sure comrade Kambwili, accepts this as it was expected.

    Time to form his own Party and be Party President. No need to cry over spilt milk. He goes away with good wishes and he is big enough to turn this around. Let Peace reign.

  11. Its PF’s time now so they are celebrating. Everything they touch is turning up trumps for them but we all know he who laughs last laughs longest.

  12. My advise to you Frank Bwalya, you are next and don’t be excited…

    May be you have forgotten… Rupia Banda has a memory of a Hippo… and right now he is the owner of the show… Your Red Cards that resulted in Rupia losing the 2011 Elections has even cost you any meaningful appointment in ECL’s government.

    Mpombo wibilima…. Ichili pamunobe…, echili napali iwe… but unfortunately you are so dull to read the situation… Same thing naka Mumbi Phiri… Mark my words if you will be smiling by 2021..

  13. Where in the PF Manifesto or Constitution does it say that a CC Meeting can turn into a disciplinary hearing? Kikikiki! Drama yaba.

    The report is that the President was advised that what they were doing was illegal, but he said that he’ll fight it in court. CK recorded it and it’ll be played in court. So what is Pope Bwalya saying.

    What happened to Red Card campaign? Blow the whistle Mr. Priest. Central Committee is off-site.

  14. Somebody’s icumbu is too much mushololwa these days. Why not sacrifice a chicken again to save PF

  15. The time he disbanded his so called party with only one member he should have gone an extra mile by getting himself checked at chainama

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