Expelled Former Copperbelt Minister Mwenya Musenge has disclosed that he is seriously contemplating forming a political party following his expulsion from the PF because of the advice he gave President Edgar Lungu on the arrest of UPND president Hakainde Hichilema.
Mr Musenge said in an interview that he has received several requests from members of the public including some PF members to go it alone.
He explained that the formation of a new political party is aimed at providing a credible alternative to the ruling PF.
The former Chimwemwe Member of Parliament has since asked the PF not to block the registration of the party.
He said the PF should not hinder the formation of his party since PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has urged those expelled to meet the PF in the battlefield.
Mr Musenge said he is not working on the formation of the new party alongside expelled Roan MP Chishimba Kambwili.
“We have decided not to put all eggs in one basket so Kambwili wants to fight it out but for me I am contemplating forming a party to challenge the PF,” Mr Musenge said.
Find something you can do Ba Musenge nangu ichiyenga.
Now this is hard for me. I can never vote for Mr Lungu but in a situation whereby Mr Lungu, Mr Musenge and Dr Kambwili stand for presidency and there are only 3 candidates and they say you must vote. I am sorry mr Musenge and Dr Kambwili I would vote for Mr Lungu.
You two are some of the most useless Zambian politicians this country was cursed with. You are all useless and bakabolala
What ideas do you have that are different from PF or UPND? No ideaology, just want a vehicle to steal money. And please go to the gym you are poisoning our children with that image. Kids think it is ok to be overweight. Africans are predisposed to high BP and being overweight just adds fuel to the fire. You and Kambwili ought to start taking care of yourselves and potray a healthy image to our children.
Am selling beans…. Meda K45. Someone told me that bloggers on this site loves too much Chilemba. Hurry hurry while stock last.
Just do it.
Doubt you have money to, if you were waiting for CK to give you money and do his errands.
Thats the only thing these empty tins can do …they have such simple minds that they can do nothing else to save their greedy skins Lazy included.
There so many political parties in Lusaka, only 2 are stable ; UPND & UPP.
There is need for a copperbelt party, not Green Party, but some revolution from copperbelt.
Even Kambwili knows that political party can’t work when rallies are forbidden.
All you gents above are missing the point. The is a role opposition parties play in a democracy, it not all about becoming a president. The reality of the matter is that this will be a break away from PF. Need i remind you that the disputed results was over 100,000 votes.
The is one thing which is certain, any votes Musenge/Kambwili (if he forms a party) will get will come from CB, Northern and Luapula (maybe Lusaka). You can also bet your last penny that the will be a 80% turn out from Southern, Western, Northwest if an election was held tomorrow….
The reality is that the end of PF has just been ignited
Now these are men. Good choice. Stand by your principles and fo the right. Not CK when a girl refuses you continue forcing matters. Forget about her and move on.
Go on my brother this is apparently democracy so you are free to form a party. Only think I say is that please invest in high level security technology or even meet with katele because lungu will clear you my friend. That so called humble ugly teeethy rat is an evil chap who will assassinate you. Be careful because we need you to further split the vote. Amen.
NEZ really?
NEZ, just for the sake of winning the best blogger on LT!
Ugly people are a problem because they are very angered by their ugliness. Look at Davis mwila mumbi phiri and lungu. Very ugly chaps. Babi aba bantu
even HH is ugly
Wonders will never end in life!!if Chimwemwe voters rejected this dull Mwenya Musenge while standing on a Mighty PF on the Copperbelt,how would he beat PF with his new party?amazing.plus its clear that the said party will be led by Chishimba Kambwili.but believe you me,the same new party wont go anywhere.
I repeat,CK or ECL are nothing minus PF!!the support they receive from voters is due to the love voters have for Michael Sata’s PF.Musenge and Kambwili will learn it a harsh way!!!Miles Sampa tried it,but where is he today?Wynter Kabamba is lost in the political bush too!!”POLITICS TEYA BANA BA MUSENGE!!”its earsier said than done.moreover,CK would be wasting his time and energy fighting inside PF because he will be crushed left,right and centre by PF members.the best CK can do to…
Those of us who are based on the Copperbelt knew that even if Mr. Musenge was to compete against a frog in the last elections, he was going to loose big time. He is now contemplating forming his own Political Party! My foot.
NEZ the ugly Satanist in is mukobeko
Mwesenge Musenya briefcase political party.
Lazy Lungu will even put him on his payroll as thats what the cowering Bum likes.
If you ask me the only devil I know is in state house. Knock the door will be opened, ask you will be told.
to hell
With new technology we may see dogs growing horns and frogs growing pubic hair. Good luck and hope that the reasons that made you lose Chimwemwe have been rectified.
And make sure those Congolese working at your bar in Kwacha are properly documented.
Mwenya Musenge has just kissed his political career goodbye.
In Zambia all these Parties have policies that change like traffic lights…
Mwenya Musenge forming a political party! Who are the members? Did this man have any political impact on the Copperbelt when he was provincial Minister! Where will he get his strength to run a political party if he failed to effectively administer the Copperbelt Province! Just continue with your smuggling business.
Ba Nez,please take note that Musenge’s party with Chishimba Kambwili cannot split PF votes unless you dont know how Northerners vote!!in 2015 Nevers Mumba,Edith Nawakwi both from the North stood but failed to split PF votes.in 2016,GBM,Miles Sampa,Nevers Mumba,Mulenga Sata backed HH but still failed to split PF votes in the North!!SO WHY DONT YOU LEARN?
CK OR MWENYA MUSENGE CAN ONLY DO BETTER UNDER PF IN THE NORTH.MINUS THAT,THEY ARE LOST!!ask Miles Sampa how hard it is to win in the North on a different party than PF.am sure its the same with upnd in 3.5 provinces as its almost impossible for any party to defeat upnd in its strongholds-ask Siamunene and Greyford Monde!!
Don’t compare Nevers Mumba with CK, I am also from the north CK can split votes there he can act as a spoiler if he likes but he has said that he loves PF that is why he is going to the courts. We know the courts are comprimised but it will be on record that it tried to fight. Coming to the Bemba vote ofcourse we voted for Mr Lungu because of the love we had for MSC’s PF but if he doesn’t want to reciprocate that love do you think we can still continue supporting him? Most of the Bembas he has remained with are cowards and political novices, who is Kabanshi on the political scene? My brother things change the way I was thinking about Mr Lungu in 2015 and 2016 is not the way am thinking about him today because he has changed completely .
Wrong analysis. Look at figures again ba Njimbu. GBM has helped UNPD improve especially on CB. Just that when water is leaking, you wont notice until you get to check the water levels of kariba dam. Otherwise this is a grave mistake which also works against reconciliation and national healing. In the midst of reconciliation, we have expulsions?? Only time will tell.
S.t.upid decision.
Ba Mwenya (o is it mwenye) we know you just a front. U can’t fool Zambians. So your ka strategy is to register a ka party fo kambwili while he tries to go & recover ka gratuity Ku parliament. Once the gratuity yapasa he will become president kambwili in this ka party. Kaeli you two are small time, you go to a province with K100,000 ati to campaign. Your politics must be cheap. Ask echilema your friend, he is now a bitter man bcoz he found out that it takes more than millions, year in year out. Asuka alifulwa. You have an uphill battle guys. Tiyeni though!!!!
This is a serious JOKE!. In the 2016 General Elections Musenge had the advantage of being a former MP for Chimwemwe backed up by being a former Minister for Copperbelt Province. The PF Central Committee prevailed over the preliminary selection process to support Musenge but he lost. The Central Committee could have missed the point that the grass roots voters of Chimwemwe had rejected Musenge because they had inside treacherous information about that the PF was not aware. Which platform will Musenge use to mount the new party which was decided upon at Kambwili’s residence? It will not surprise us that real leaders of the new party will mushroom from UPP, UPND and Nevers Mumba faction.
his is a serious JOKE!. In the 2016 General Elections Musenge had the advantage of being a former MP for Chimwemwe backed up by being a former Minister for Copperbelt Province. The PF Central Committee prevailed over the preliminary selection process to support Musenge but he lost. The Central Committee could have missed the point that the grass roots voters of Chimwemwe had rejected Musenge because they had inside treacherous information about him that the PF was not aware. Which platform will Musenge use to mount the new party which was decided upon at Kambwili’s residence? It will not surprise us that real leaders of the new party will mushroom from UPP, UPND and Nevers Mumba faction.
Elyo lwanya! What have we done that even ba Musenge thinks he is presidential material? Wonders will never end…!
Get some advice from the right people bosses.
I am loving this; Musenge you’re the kind of person Zambia needs; let the ball start so that Lungu will get zero in 2021
I now believe that Nez is Larry
Typical of Zambian politicians needless to say that’s how
their political lives are extinguished.
Zambian primitive politics!
Mr musenge, just organise a farewell party, and enjoy your exit from pf. And invite your 13 supporters.
Shame that even clowns think they can rule Zambia and some people take them serious to the extent of cheering them on in the hope of “splitting votes”.
It is time to be principled enough not to vote for clowns and muppets regardless of which party ticket they stand on.
Good entertainment from these two clowns. ..at least it’s taken us away from the sad stories of HH
One man by the name of njimbu I like his beautiful posts on this forum ,I thank mr njimbu for reminding some tribes that BEMBA tribe is not to taken for the granted.ask GBM he can answer you who otherwise…..
When the so called founding fathers of the party were the last to be considered for positions should have sent a good message to them. Except that he ,Chishimba, campaigned almost alone but using the PF boat did he manage to win. We all know he is a fighter because his fights started before the elections. Until he is bruised shall he know there are better fighters on this planet.
African Metro
Donald Trump: “There Is No Shortcut To Maturity, Africa Should Be recolonized
Added by Senior Reporter on November 10, 2016.
Speaking last week in Nebraska, Trump said that Africans are slaves living like slaves in their own land yet they claim they are independent.
Trump was responding to a question by a South African journalist on whether he thinks African leaders were right to seek mass withdrawal from the Hague based International Criminal Court.
“It is shameful for African leaders to seek exit from ICC. In my view, these leaders want to have all the freedom to oppress their poor people without anyone asking them a question. I think there is no shortcut to maturity and in my view, Africa should be recolonized because Africans are still under slavery. Look at…
Look at how those African leaders change constitutions in their favour so that they can be life presidents. They are all greedy and do not care about the common people” Said Trump
“When I saw them gang up against ICC yet they can’t even find an amicable solution for the ongoing quandary in Burundi, I thought to myself these people lack discipline and humane heart. They can’t lead by example. The only thing they are interested in is accumulating wealth from poor tax payers. Before they think of exiting from ICC, they should first restore peace in Burundi and other war-torn countries rather than gathering like hyenas with the aim of finishing the poor people” Added Trump.
with *****s like you africa has no chance
Mwenya Musenge! Are you a presidential material sure? What about insults and no regard for anyone below your status when u were PF Chair? You could insult and bully anyone in your path. By the way, you are extremely dull and arrogant to run a party on your own. My friend, just retire as u did not even deserve the positions you held in PF before. Atase Mwenya Musenge, you will be a laughing stalk in politics.
We’ re in for comedians! Surely is Mwenye Musenge a presidential material?
It is his democratic right to form a party. Mulyokela, Miles, HH, Winter, Peter Sinkamba and others have their own political parties, so what’s the fuss about Mwenya musenge forming a party? Don’t vote for him, it’s your choice.
Surely we’re in for comedy. Mwenye Musenge stood as a parliamentary candidate on the PF ticket in Chimwemwe constituency but he was shamboked by an independent candidate in Chimwemwe. What makes him confident that his so called political party can defeat PF?
They should join Highvie Hamududu in his Party for National Unity (PNU). it has good ideals and he can bring Southern Province while they deliver CB, NP and maybe Muchinga. This would a formidable collaboration if they put their minds to it. There are so many frustrated people in both PF and uPND, just tap into that.
Zambia the country of political parties. Very soon PF will be as forgotten as UNIP and MMD and there will be another party ruling
We have decided not to put all eggs in one basket says Mwenya Musenge. The questionis, with who? Ofcourse with Chimbwili. Its laughable.
Political comedy!!! Every Jim and Jack wants to go to plot one. Na mbuzi zonse?????
Imwe shuwa! na mbuzi na nkhumba zonse ati mfyomfyo, tiyenda ku statehouse ndise manje.
Comedian Musenge with the worst comedy presentation.
Joke of the year
“We have decided not to put eggs in one basket” sounds familiar. Sounds like one guy travelling with his son on bicycles and tell his son not to mention that they are carrying fish when the people ask. Alas the son goes to say, “we are carrying charcoal but in our minds we know we are carrying fish”.
elo lwanya nomba, earsier said than done. ask HH if you want
Batata Ba musenge find something today, not politics maybe try farming or javelin something that will be of beneficial to you. as for ba kambwili, your time is now to seek for forgiveness remember telling people that Tongas cannot vote for jesus but rather vote for a tonga. that was a very wrong of you, do not you ever put God in vain matters, Please ask for forgiveness.
This is the end of Kambwili and Musenge. Ask Winter or Sampa.
What is the purpose of forming a political party? To form government. Surely is there anyone in his right mind who can vote for Musenge? Who is Musenge? Surely there are better parties out there? There is UPND, MMD, NAREP, Heritage, FDD, UNIP not forgetting the ruling PF. Wait even Kabimba has a party. What is special about Kambwili? Kambwili I can assure you is no Sata. Someone is cheating or using Musenge and Kambwili!
UPNDonkeys never learn, up to now they have failed to learn that in 2016 for every scumbag who joined them, it was a loss of votes for them instead of splitting votes for PF. People simply consolidated their support for ECL and PF for every alliance underfive formed with GBM, Mmembe and his hated Past news, Sampa, Mulenga sata etc. The damage that underfive did to himself with his poor and desperate political strategy is immeasurable, can only be measured in the amount of tears underfive has shed since August 2016 and continues to shed to this day.
2016 exposed the fallacy of splitting votes if people have no confidence in a presidential candidate, underfive is a good living example where it worked against him and UPNDonkey party.
Forming a political party seems to be the easiest way to make and own a company in Zambia. USA which is more than 200 years old has only 2 parties compared to +50 parties in baby Zambia.
Check your information
Good attitude, very powerful and resourceful. Good wishes.
take a break to reflect why have been expelled and even people never voted you as mp. you might be experiencing a buffering process of situations.
Mr. MWENYA Musenge. PLEASE UTILIZE THE MONEYS THAT YOU HAVE WITH SOMETHING ELSE. ASK MPOMBO were he is now, he is now walking instead of driving
I think Mr Musenge should start farming for now till 2021 when politicians will be desperate again, now it’s a bad time time.
some bloggers are useless if you don’t have anything constructive to say just keep quiet, the same people are busy rubbishing might just become the presidents can bet on that, people that don’t even vote want to have the loudest to say. please stay where ever you are let us voters speak through our VOTES.