Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hubby kills wife and her lover in front of his children


The victim Charity Namuko


Police in Lusaka have arrested a 33 year old man identified as Peter Siwale, a clearing agent of Lusaka’s Mean Wood Phase 2 for allegedly shooting dead his wife identified Charity Namuko aged 30 together with another man identified as Andrew Chibesa aged 27, whom he suspected to have been having an affair with his wife.

This happened on Thursday, 27th July 2017 between 18:00 and 19:00 Hours in Mean wood.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said brief facts of the matter are that the suspect trailed the victims who are both teachers at a named school in Kaunda Square to some place in Mean wood using a friend’s motor vehicle where he saw them in a romantic state.

“He then picked the two whom he took to his home where he is alleged to have shot both of them dead in the presence of his children. His wife sustained a wound on the right shoulder and right side of the chest while the other victim sustained a wound on the left side of the chest,” Mrs Katongo said.

The suspect later went to the neighbour with the children and requested that he be taken to the police.

A shotgun has since been recovered from the scene with three empty cartridges.

The suspect is detained in Police custody while the bodies of the deceased are in UTH mortuary awaiting post-mortem.

Victim of crime of passion-Charity Namuko
corrected:Peter Siwale alleged killer


    • LT, get your story right. Firstly, the surname of the woman is Namukoko. Secondly, in the picture you put the name of the murder victim Andrew Chibesa as the alleged killer. Check the first paragraph:
      “Police in Lusaka have arrested a 33 year old man identified as Peter Siwale, a clearing agent of Lusaka’s Mean Wood Phase 2 for allegedly shooting dead his wife identified Charity Namuko aged 30 together with another man identified as Andrew Chibesa aged 27, whom he suspected to have been having an affair with his wife”.

    • What a sad end for the Ben10 and his Cougar. But the husband is stupid, who does that? Going to jail over pus**y? Now the children will suffer because of lack of good judgement

    • Victim of ‘Crime of Passion’…

      This is not a Nigerian movie LT.

      The man Siwale will likely be sentenced to death and rightfully so.



    • @Mushota Thank God you are alive and still blogging! For a moment, I thought the photo and circumstances are similar to the way you got ‘nicked’! Or perhaps your nemesis is acting on your behalf! Watch this space!

    • That made me laugh MB. You have a way of making it hard for me to ignore you.

      Not sure I like that.

      I’m organic and the epitome how a woman should act, behave,be raised. I may be a grain that sailed the wrong way and trust me behind these two shoulders is one smart Btxh and I can see though you.

      Take that as a warning 🙂



    • what a waste of good shingananani. ba siwale kutekanya mdala, i know it hurts. but you should have atleast tried to labako for the last time then you would have realized ati hmmm mdala, kaliwamisha techi twipaye

  1. SAD story indeed…but Ba LT, your story and pictures are contradictory, you say”…..Police in Lusaka have arrested a 33 year old man identified as Peter Siwale,…or allegedly shooting dead his wife identified Charity Namuko aged 30 together with another man identified as Andrew Chibesa aged 27,..” and then in the 3rd photo you say “Andrew Chibesa the alleged killer”. That aside, these issues of spouse killings are increasing at a very worrying rate! We need to re-examine the changes happening to our society and wherever possible start addressing the real causes!! It appears some people who are in marriages are not sticking to the tenets of this sacred institution!!

    • Gut wrenching sad happening! Such is blinding ire blocking rational thinking to let go! Now many lives are left scarred for life!

  2. It’s important to understand that infidelity must never be entertained.
    When you marry if you were in any girl-boy relationship before, cut those ties or else it’s these consequences.
    Now the children are orphaned and the names of both the dead and killer are under shame.
    So sad but ladies and gentlemen, let’s learn to stick to our God given partners. Him alone knows why He gave us such a companion.

    • There is the sweet embrace of forgiveness. The more sinful, the more deserving of it. Love conquers all, yes even the pain of promiscuity. True love forgives. True love forgets.

  3. The problem is with us men.God has given us a position of authority but we fail to utilize our brains.If a woman tells you that she is married or committed with another person,you are better off refraining from proposing love to her.A woman has a point of weakness which a man has to take note of.She will continue saying no but with persistence she changes her no to yes.A man should be in the shoes of his friend whenever he proposes a woman who is married.Think of it,you wife is being bonked by another man!!It is a disgrace and heart breaking.Women also should tell their husbands immediately a man is making persistent advances to them which will break their marriages.Infidelity,in most cases results in homicide and suicides.

    • Ba Mbaluso the same can be said about a man. In fact Islam identifies the man as the weak one not the woman.

    • The problem is not the problem. It’s how the problem is resolved. A man who is truly a man, must have to acknowledge the frailty and frugality of all humanity. The killer and the killed both dead, what happens to the children? Is that just anger or something else?

  4. Sad reading. But the guy is not normal, why should one go to mukobeko for just love for a prostitute spouse?? Just tell her or Him to pack and go.

  5. Why say that the woman is a victim. She is an adulterer. The husband and the children are real victims here.

    Even in the Bible adulterous people used to be killed. We don’t kill them now because we choose to divorce instead. But in the Bible there was no divorce.

  6. Well done young man. We spend so much effort to maintain these women. She deserved it. Lesson to other adulterous women. Go well to prison with one heart.

  7. As Hindus, we have a different philosophy. We view the body as an outer garment that is dispensable. It’s the soul that matters. As a result, if a partner has an extra-marital affair, we perceive it as a means of spicing up a marriage. It is for this reason that divorce is scarce and murders non-existent in India.

  8. It is so painful and disheartening to see married women and men going after other married or unmarried people. Peter, Iam sure was so much disturbed to see his wife in romantic situation by another man! Iam sure he has had a wind of that what remained was to see for himself which he did! Iam sure the wife was on the defensive side as I know some women behave. Love for expensive things and lavishly life by some women results in such incidences!

  9. Marriage is an investment which takes time to grow and mature.In marriage,couples invest happiness,children,education and other minor things.If an intruder comes and temper with such investment,death is inevitable.It is pointless to wreck other peoples’ marriages because of luck of control.Investments in marriage should be guarded jealously by either parties.A person who has no regard for other peoples’ property should face the wrath of his own doing.Couples will do anything in the world to protect their investments in marriages.Investment in marriage should not be trashed by reckless behavioral traits.

  10. Ladies and gentlemen, the real issue is infidelity!!!!!! Adultery no matter how smart one is always has consequences. Done in private but the consequences are public and sometimes spilling to generations.

  11. I never knew NEZ was a Namwanga …ati kikikiki…

    Condolences to the bereaved and sad for the kids the State should set up a fund for such matters where children are the ultimate victims of such tragedies!

    • so that more women can do vigororo, what a waste of tax payers money naimwe 2020visionles. THE WOMAN WAS A PROSTITUTE WHY THE MISPLACED SYMPATHY.

  12. This makes sad reading. No matter how gravitating the circumstances, there is no explanation that can suffice for killing a human being. The best is to divorce. Indeed the proverb, he who has never committed sin before should be the first one to cast a stone at her and everyone disappeared. We have all sinned before and no need to judge others in this manner.

  13. Stolen bread is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel~Provide 20:17

    Very sad. Three wrongs don’t make a right.

    I wish the shooter could read this. In trying to end the misery your wife put you through you have just amplified it. What have you achieved? You thought your sorrows had ended but they have just begun. Your soul will forever be in anguish for this act. Because of a lousy wife you have lost everything you ever worked for. You have effectively written a bad epitaph for your gravelstone by this one act. Very sad.

  14. Women what’s happening with you? Married ones are competing with prostitutes. I think men should stop marrying so that the women can go on looking for satisfaction. Weeks ago, she thought of leaving her husband now it’s her. All teachers or cheaters

  15. You will be shocked to know how many girls this boy has.

    Is that how you end a love relationship.

    Tell her to go and keep the kids

    Now You have created double orphan s.

    You are now going to mukobeko and shake hands with him.

    My heart is paining.

  16. Mumbi-Phiri and Dora Siliya must learn from this incidence and stay away from illegal conjugal activities with other women’s hubbies or else they too risk being “Penzared”.

  17. There are so many single, beautiful, willing girls everywhere. Why go for a married woman for heavens sake. This animal called Andrew Chibesa, and Charity Namukoko are nuts.

  18. Were this monster a Homo sapiens, and not a Nakalipithecus nakayamai, he would have known of a safety valve called divorce.

  19. Sad indeed. But the man acted like a man. Only hope he is faithful himself because if he is not may the blood of his wife haunt him to death as he goes to Mukobeko, As for the children, they probably knoew no peace and love already in that home. God will take care of them.

  20. In my case I found them literally kissing and waited for them to finish that part of the act. When she saw me standing in their front, she almost sank into the concrete shelf they had sat on. I went to the counter and bought 4 Mosi and gave it to them to share. The next thing they witnessed was a cloud of dust as I sped the Mukango 504 going back for work. I had information and was waiting for such time to strike. I just had to take her back to her parents and that was the end of our marriage. She was equally a teacher and Nachizya by name.Same tribe and teacher via my sponsorship messing around with a fellow teacher. Sorry she is now the late because she was all over with who ever and how ever got sick and kissed the dust for ever.

  21. -he thought he was just acting,is that the way they do it?
    -plz ladies naimwe bene namucilamo this is not the Zee Nation learn from the departed one stop -doing what you are watching on Zee world.
    -country men dont keep guns at home if you cant control your anger……

  22. Too bad for the Children,the trauma,brutal way of exposing them to unwarranted killing of their mother is a permanent damage to their lives .Do we have a working Childcare department to sue the killer for traumatizing his innocent children or Zp should include it on the charge sheet.

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