Friday, March 14, 2025

Twinning of Lusaka province and Sichuan province to transform livelihoods —  Veep


Vice President Inonge Wina.
Vice President Inonge Wina.

Vice President Inonge Wina says the twinning of Lusaka province to Sichuan province of the Peoples Republic of China has opened the way for unprecedented economic, trade and tourism ties that will expedite the  transformation of Zambia and improve the lives of people.

Mrs Wina says the cooperative agreement between Lusaka and Sichuan Province’s is the tonic that was needed to spur the socio-economic landscape of Lusaka province.

The Vice President expressed optimism that Sichuan province will bring the necessary investment and best practices for Lusaka to adopt and employ in the Zambian province’s development agenda.

ZANIS reports that Mrs Wina said during the establishment of friendly and cooperative relations between Lusaka and Sichuan provinces in Chengdu in China.

Lusaka province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe signed for Lusaka while  Vice Governor Zhao Hexin signed for Sichuan province.

Mrs. Wina directed Mr. Mwakalombe to ensure that the twinning programme is a success so that other provinces follow the lead Lusaka has taken.

The Vice President said she looks forward to seeing the transfer of technology from Sichuan to Lusaka to help develop Zambia’s technology industry.

She pointed out that Sichuan province whose population stands at 91 million had invested in infrastructure and Science and Technology to spur its development and make it China’s gateway to the western world with an economy boost of over US $500 billion .

The Vice President stated that the twinning programme should take the warm friendly relations between Zambia and China to another level for the mutual benefit of both countries and their people.

Mrs Wina pointed out that China has continued to be an all-time friend of Zambia demonstrated through the financing of various developmental projects among them construction of TAZARA , new airports , hospitals and hydro power facilities .

And Secretary General of Sichuan Province People’s Congress Party Wang Pongming said Zambia and China can no longer delay the twinning programme as it offers tremendous economic,  trade and investment benefits.

Mr. Ponging said Sichuan Province remains eager to deepen economic and trade ties with Lusaka province and assist Zambia as had been done in the past by the founding fathers.

Mr Mingyong recalled that Sichuan province sent 8,000 of its people to help in the construction of the Tanzania Zambia Railways and that several Sichuan based companies are in Zambia contributing to the country’s infrastructure development.

And Mr Hexin said time was ripe for his Province to twin with Lusaka province to  spur economic growth and improve people’s lives in the two provinces.

He paid glowing tribute to Zambia’s Ambassador to China for designing  the Zambia week initiative which has subsequently opened the country to more Chinese investments.

And earlier in the day, Chongwe District was twinned to Mianyang City, which has a population of 5.4 million people and is Sichuan’s second largest city as well as China’s only designated Science and Technology city.

Mianyang City is China’s hub for Science and Technology while Chongwe has comparative advantage in agro and has been designated for education and technology research and development.

During the signing ceremony in Mianyang city, Vice President Inonge Wina said the twinning of Chongwe Municipal Council to Mianyang City will spur the development of Chongwe district and improve people’s lives.

Mrs Wina said the twinning programme will also help propel and consolidate the development of Zambia’s technology industry.

She said Mianyang city’s status as China’s Science and Technology city will bring enormous benefits to the Information Communication and Technology ( ICT) sector.

Mayor of Chongwe Geoffrey Chuumbwe and his counterpart for Mianyang City signed the cooperative agreement.

Mrs Wina said the twinning programme is part of the Economic Trade Consensus between Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Edgar Lungu.

She said the twinning programme will help realize the vision of the two leaders of promoting local government cooperation between provinces and cities in China and Zambia.

The Vice President stressed that China remains a strategic and valued partner for socio-economic development dating back to the leadership and partnerships of China’s Chairman Mao and Zambia’s Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

And Lusaka province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe expressed optimism that the twinning programme will augment development in Chongwe.

The Minister said the development will open up trade, investment and economic development cooperation opportunities between Chinese businesses and Zambian businesses and locals.

And Mayor of Mianyang City Liu Chao said his City will work towards deepening mutual trade and economic ties with Chongwe District and Zambia as a whole.

Mr Chao said his City will help develop the economy of Chongwe and Zambia to improve people’s lives.

He is expected to lead a delegation of Chinese businesses and government officials to assess and explore trade and investment of Chongwe District.



  1. Can this woman’s bones be carbon dated so that we can figure out how old the fossil is. She is so useless and very boring. Deliberately put in that position because lungu knows she is too weak to make known her presidential ambition.

    • The benefits of twinning will be far less than what Gogo VP and her team are spending on this trip.

      Useless exercise if you ask me, there is no town in Zambia that has benefited from being twinned with another town in Europe or Asia and we have a number of them.

  2. After borrowing and spending so much , you would have thought the begging would stop but it seems to be increasing, the way they are going on is like things are given for free…. …… are ready to sell everything now.

    • Very funny……

      On a serious note This is the best way for China to get rid of criminals and the unemployed…..send them to desperate Zambia.. .

    • They should bring in their own supply of dog meat. Do not eat our dogs please, leave our pets alone!!

  3. Yeah ,twinning a dirty ,disorganized & poor Lusaka with rich ,highly developed and efficient Sichuan is good , right?
    Like mixing A+plus and F grade students ,right Wina? A monkey in a forest will still be a monkey when you put it in a clean city park.

    • You are right, Chinese people are rather clean people and this Lusaka province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe has no shame leaving a city so dirty to go and beg…..its like he has in his trousers while begging.

    • On cleanliness, Lusaka province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe, instead of using call boys and other kaponyas to attack UPND should train and use them to ensure cleanliness in lusaka…….the PF thugs roaming the streets are every where and should be trained and used to make sure people dispose of rubbish in a orderly manner instead of being used to attack funerals and harass the opposition.

      That way you will see a cleaner Lusaka……


    • Too many d.ull people in Zambia.. .the other day LT run a story of someone proposing more toll gates…and we had PF kaponyas calling him a genius !!!

      That is the level of thinking in Zambia.. …instead of looking for innovative industries they dance for free money from the over taxed citizens…

    • @wanka like lilo charity begins at home what has your own tribal Lord Human Hyena (HH) done even on his ramshuckle farm where his workers run around like pikininis in King Leopald’s Congo while their slave master HH reaps huge profits to enable him live in Kabulonga mansion and trek to and fro to SA. Further to that what have your UPND MPs and mayors done to improve their own towns???? Nothing! I’ve never seen any town except for Livingstone in Southern province as well planned and clean as towns such as Mpika and Kasama! Why??? Proper cowbrains mentality at work with UPNdunderheads!

  5. Google sri lanka and chinese loans and investments…sti lanka given loans investement money without checks to build airports, malls, tourism factorie. When they couldnt pay the chinese just took over all that they had built…. look at topstar and znbc. Are we thinking why we are given loans even though we are in debt upto our necks. They loan, they build we pay for the building then we have to repay loan and interest…who is the winner madam wina
    …information released a statement that the $285million for digital migration phases 2 and 3 will not be paid for by government as a loan. TRUE topstar gets all income from ZNBC for nextv25 years and pipo have to buy topstar set top boxes. So we the pipo are paying which ever way you look at k

  6. Gr8 News for mother Zambia, who knew Chongwe would be Mapped for I T Greatness, WOW. mostly we would call a backward thinking personal to be from chongwe, chongwe!
    Now Most of above comments are coming Outside Africa, Dont Be Selfish and Below Centered Bane u are enjoying there, Ngaifwe.., US here in Africa, even if it Means loans, if we are legible why not! especially that the loaned Cash Is going to a tangible Development Plans, Mukabwele elyo muka komente,

  7. I think with the housing crisis especially in Lusaka, this twinning must include building of multi-storey building apartments so people can afford reasonably priced accommodation. I think that could possibly be the only thing that we could genuinely benefit from. These people know how to utilize space are complete their projects fast.

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