Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nkana water ends the distribution of physical bills after launching e-billing system


NKANA Water and Sewerage Company has stopped the physical distribution of bills to its customers and introduced E-Billing.

Company Public Relations Manager Mr. Bivan Saluseki yesterday disclosed that from June this year, bills are being sent to customers through emails and mobile phones.

Mr. Saluseki explained that the decision to introduce E-Billing was arrived at after wide consultations with customers and stakeholders who thought it would be much more convenient to embrace technology in the delivery of bills.

He said E-Billing would address the complaints from customer concerning none delivery of bills.

“Nkana water is asking all the more than 60,000 connected customers to register their mobile phone numbers and those with e-mail addresses to do the same so that they receive their bills electronically. Our company website has features and links for people to check their water balances,” he said.

Mr. Saluseki said Nkana Water becomes the first water utility to introduce such a feature.

He said for mobile phones, Nkana Water would generate a mini statement to all customers on the fifth day of every month and it was incumbent upon customers to register.

To register in order to receive an SMS from Nkana Water, text: nwsc space account number space, your residential area and send to 4466. Thy can also check their water balances by typing the following: nwsc space bal space account number and send to 4466.


  1. This is great! Nkana Water leading the way! Can you imagine in Lusaka, we still receive paper bills! Over the weekend, Lusaka Water even disconnected me without even sending me the bill!

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