Tuesday, February 4, 2025

President Lungu during signing ceremony of the framework and Loan agreement for communication towers


President Edgar Lungu looks on whilst Secretary to the treasure Fredson Yamba and Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming signing the agreement  on framework and Loan for communication towers phase II at Hotel Intercontinental
Secretary to the treasure Fredson Yamba exchange documents with Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming shortly after signing the agreement  on framework and Loan for communication towers phase II
Secretary to the treasure Fredson Yamba exchange documents with Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming shortly after signing the agreement  on framework and Loan for communication towers phase II
President Edgar Lungu speaking during the signing ceremony of the agreement on framework and Loan for communication towers phase II
Secretary to the treasure Fredson Yamba shakes hands with Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming shortly after signing the agreement  on framework and Loan for communication towers phase II
President Edgar Lungu speaking during the signing ceremony of the agreement on framework and Loan for communication towers phase II
President Edgar Lungu confers with Secretary to the treasure Fredson Yamba shortly after signing ceremony of the agreement on framework and Loan for communication towers phase II
President Edgar Lungu with Communication and Transport Minister Brian Mushimba during signing ceremony
President Edgar Lungu confers with Secretary to the treasure Fredson Yamba (r) whilst Communication and Transport Minister Brian Mushimba listens shortly after signing ceremony


  1. H.E.president Edgar Lungu means business!!
    If PF rules Zambia for more than 20yrs,this country will develop very much!!i know haters in upnd cannot agree with me because for them only Kaili # 1 HH has a monopoly of wisdom to turn Zambia into America!!
    Once this project is completed,the whole Zambia will have phone and internent network!!THIS IS VERY GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHER ZAMBIA INDEED!!

    • “…If PF rules Zambia for more than 20yrs,this country will develop very much!!i..”

      6 years and we owe $10billion , 20 years and we will owe close to $30 billion…

  2. Signing for Zambia’s annexation to China. Zambia is now unofficially a Chinese colony. Mailo na Mailo debt until fyalakosa muli chimbuya. Aleni.

  3. How many loans is lungu getting in the name of communication towers….at first it was the name water and sanitation where loans on top of loans amounting to $800 million , only when people started asking questions they stoped using that name now it is communication towers…..

  4. Building of communications towers should be left to the private sector …and stop this wasteful practice of doing gov’t business inside hotels .

  5. This PF piece of work cannot differentiate between signing and singing? Because mediocrity is only associated with PF.

  6. Whats interesting is that Zambia is getting loans from China and the Chinese companies do the work and take the money back to China. To make even things bad they use your resources to do the work.

  7. The kaloba boys all the way from chawama . The chap lungu has never run his own business to understand the dynamics of responsible borrowing.

  8. Some places in Zambia do not have a TV signal in a country that attained its Independence over fifty years ago. Today we are singing another song about communication towers. Is this going to be a success ?

  9. Fredson Yamba is an intellectual and so is Brian Mushimba..my sincere hope is that these signings of communication towers will bear fruit because the govt signs a hell lot of documents year in year out but we don’t see the benefits..

  10. you have just signed off zambia to the chinese. They will now eavesdrop and spy on everything you guys do….
    dont we have security experts?

  11. Even picture stories should be informative. What are these communication towers? Who will run them? How will we benefit? Where will they be constructed? Why are they being constructed now?

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