Friday, March 14, 2025

Coffin assaults two elders in Solwezi District


Two elderly men aged between 70 and 76 years of senior chief Mujimanzovu’s area in Solwezi district have been assaulted by a moving coffin locally known as ‘Chikondo’ on suspicion of practicing witchcraft.

 The coffin carried by pall bearers for burial allegedly diverted direction towards the duo ‘s place  and made the mourners led by the pall bearers to assault them.

 ZANIS reports that Northwestern province commissioner of police, Auxensio Daka has confirmed the incident in Solwezi today and identified the assaulted as Richard Salimu 76 and Oswald Chakaba about  70 years.

 Mr. Daka says the duo were assumed to be behind the death of Patrick Salimu, 42, who died after he  drowned in Mushingami stream in Kabunene area.

 He said the duo sustained multiple deep cuts on the heads, painful ribs, backaches, and injuries on the legs. 

He said Chakaba is admitted to St Dorothy rural health center saying his condition is critical.

 Mr Daka said the pall bearers only identified as Tito, Mukwenda, Malama, Richard, Francis Nshimbi and Stanley Mulonga are currently on the run and a manhunt has been launched.

 The provincial police chief has warned members of the public to desist from practicing ‘ chikondo ‘ as it was  a crime and whoever will be found assaulting another person on allegation of practicing witchcraft will be arrested and charged accordingly.


    • Stop this nonsense you i.di.otic people! All of us will get old, does that mean you become Wizards? Very backward ubupuba.

    • Some chaps like this Nubian Nonsense. Do they ever have anything else to do other than commenting on ‘each and every issue’. Get a life!

      Solola Bye!

    • In the colonial era the Easterners were employed as police and soldiers. This was the colonisers way of divide and rule that is putting people in professions even residences according to tribe

    • @ Nubian princess,Am impressed, For the first time you have spoken wisely. I guess it’s because this is a non political story. This makes me think you just suck at politics.

      Can someone get me a vid of this fairy tale?

    • How do people’s memory fade so fast???
      Wise men always come from the east.
      No questions about it. A cmomisioner definitely must be wise as it were.

  1. Oh please. This is a case of coffin bearers going to the old folks and hitting them with it ati chikondo atase! The criminals should be caged when caught. That’s why they even ran away they knew what they did.

  2. Barbaric! It’s 2017 and others are thinking about how to put a man on Mars and we are doing this… teach people how to swim at young age and there will be less drowning.

  3. This tradition is very common in lufwanyama. They pretend that the coffin is the one pulling or pushing the bearers. In reality the witch find will have instructed these people how to act. Very evil

  4. I don’t understand why should police arrest pall bearers? You are reporting these people were led by the coffin. Let the police arrest the coffin

  5. Police commissioners are from eastern province because thus where the wise come from, this chikondo is reaL PEOPLE , IT DIRECTS THE YOU TO AWITCH if the late was bewitched

  6. No coffin can move on its own. Otherwise leave it on the ground and let it move. The pallbearers are the ones who dictated directions. They should be arrested

  7. In Zambia, Old age means you practice witchcraft, Wealth means you are in a secret society. In other words, credit for aging and having wealth is unduly given to the devil in most cases.

  8. Ba LT that headline gives credence to superstition. Did you see the coffin attacking people? If not why are you repeating and reporting hearsay?

  9. Its very amazing or crazy Kaonde mentality of believing in witchcraft. If the deceased drawn in a stream what connection is there with the two accused elderly persons. Even a mere road accident it is always associated with witchcraft. In fact Commissioner Daka should bring the suspects to book and charge them with attempted murder. A lot of innocent people (especially the elderly) have been victimized for not even practicing witchcraft. This “chikondo” practice is very primitive way of sorting out death issues. I witnessed it in the late 70’s in Solwezi some where in Chief Musele’s area. It was total nosense how does a coffin being carried by men who are normal lead them to only the old peoples houses. The police should involve community leaders, the church etc to do away with the…

  10. Hello the best in life is to live a peaceful life with other people, such things should be taken seriously without fail…not va chanechane…..ahhh…

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