Minister of Higher Education Nkandu Luo has warned Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) to desist from misusing skills development funds.
Professor Luo says she will not allow TEVET to misappropriate funds meant for the development of human skills in trade training centers.
The Minister says it was shocking for TEVET to ask for approval to use the TEVET skills development funds to host conferences and pay board members sitting allowances.
She explains that government is focused on using the funds to develop human skills in the country.
Professor has LUO advised trade institutions to use the funds to purchase modern equipment.
This Minister said this at a workshop on the utilisation of TEVET funds at Mika Convention Centre.
This minister said… OR the minister said??? kaya ba LT
This is the state of affairs in this country under Lazy Lungu were “warn” as stealing has now become the norm…even highly educated people like Luo see nothing wrong with this.
This is a country where traffic police officers fight each other over money and are restrained by the very persons they have impounded their vehicle…what is a Christian nation may I ask? Really laughable!!
Very soon you will warning people about murder!!
I don’t like her.
Shaka if life was based on who like and don’t like I’m.sure we would all be dead by now