Tuesday, February 4, 2025

This week in Pictures


Health Minister, DR Chitalu Chilufya (R) stressing a point on the newly launched  HIV /AIDS mandatory  testing and counselling that President Edgar Lungu launched on Tuesday. Listening (middle) is Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Kampamba Mulenga and Presidential press aid Amos Chanda (left)
Vice President Inonge Wina shake hands with Patriotic Front General Secretary Davies Mwila whilst handing over the cheque worth K 60,000 towards the reconstruction of City Market during the Handover of the cheque
Chieftaines Chanda Mukulu  the queen mother of Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba Speaking people leads her subjects in a  2 km match past during the commemorations of this years HIV Counselling and Testing  held at Chanda Mukulu area in Kasama district.looking on is deputy PS Boniface Mbuzi
President Edgar Lungu (Left) presents a certificate to  Brown Daka, a pupil during the “First Lady for a Day Mentorship Programme” at State House
President Edgar Lungu and Vice President Inonge Wina pose for photo with the  newly appointed  Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health Dr. Kennedy Malama and his family shortly after swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu receive the letter of Oath from Dr. Kennedy Malama during the swearing in Ceremony at State House
Lusaka Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe speaking when he received Chinese Peoples Consultative Conference Chairman Hon Wang Rong at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
First Lady Esther Lungu with former Thandiwe Banda at State House during The First Lady for a day mentorship Programme at State House
President Edgar Lungu (Left) talks to Ronald Penza during the First Lady for a Day Mentorship Programme at State House
President Edgar Lungu  (Left) poses for a photo with Norah Chileya, a pupil whose birthday falls on 15th August, during the First Lady for a Day Mentorship Programme at State House.


President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu, former First Lady Thandiwe  Banda poses for a photograph with Pupils during the First Lady for a Day Mentorship Programme at State House
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Chairman Hon Wang Rong and Lusaka Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe shaking hands after signing a Memorandum of Understanding on various aspects with Guadongu Province at Pamodzi Hotel last night
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Chairman Hon Wang Rong and Lusaka Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe signing a Memorandum of Understanding on various aspects with Guadongu Province at Pamodzi Hotel


    • I wish Lusaka Times can capture non political photos. For example, life in Itezhi-Tezhi or about work of voluntary groupings and traditional leaders in Kalabo in Western Province, Tafelansoni in Eastern Province or about traditional knowledge.

  1. Having constructed Africa’s first electric transnational railway from Djibouti to Addis Ababa, when will these Chinese do something similar in our country to link our capital with others in the region?

    China’s wealth continues to swell and I hope our leaders seize the opportunity to demand infrastructure expansion and industrial upgrading in exchange for our natural resources. This is the type of investment that is most welcome in Zambia.

  2. Upnd are celebrating their first ever win since the formation of the party about 2 decades. And this win is a nolle something they did not even labour for but just given to them.

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