Thursday, January 9, 2025

Esther Lungu irked with politicization in Ndewe village in Petauke over water


First Lady Esther Lungu  greets Petauke residents during the Commissioning of  a borehole donated to Esther Lungu Foundation Trust by Nyimba Investments at Ndewe Village in Chief Kalindawalo’s Chiefdom on Sunday, August 20,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA/STATE HOUSE
First Lady Esther Lungu greets Petauke residents during the Commissioning of a borehole donated to Esther Lungu Foundation Trust by Nyimba Investments at Ndewe Village in Chief Kalindawalo’s Chiefdom on Sunday, August 20,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA/STATE HOUSE

First Lady Esther Lungu says she’s disappointed with reports that a named political party has claimed ownership of a borehole in Ndewe Village in Senior Chief Kalindawalo’s Chiefdom in Petauke District in Eastern Province.

Mrs. Lungu says she’s particularly disappointed by the reports alleging that the named party officials in the area were even denying vulnerable women and children access to the water from the bore.

ZANIS reports that Mrs. Lungu expressed her disappointment before she handed over a borehole to the community in Ndewe Village in Petauke District today.

The First Lady has appealed to all Zambians to love one another above political affiliation if the motto of one Zambia one nation is to be upheld.

And the same function, Senior Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga speaking people of Petauke urged the community not to personalize the borehole but to use it has a community.

The Traditional Leader thanked the First Lady for the gesture, complaining that the area has been sharing water with animals.

The borehole was sunk by Nyimba investment in collaboration with the Esther Lungu Foundation.

Chief Nyamphande
Chief Nyamphande

And SENIOR Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga people of Petauke district in Eastern Province has commended government for
constructing a technical secondary school in his chiefdom.

The Senior Chief has however bemoaned lack of development in Ndewe area in his chiefdom.

He said Ndewe area had lagged behind because of lack of services such as schools, health facilities and lack of clean drinking water.

Senior Chief Kalindawalo was speaking when First Lady Esther Lungu paid a courtesy call at his palace today.

He said most of his subject people in Ndewe area mostly walk distances between 30 and 40 kilometers to access health
facilities, among other social amenities.

The First Lady is in Petauke District to commission a borehole constructed by Nyimba Investments.

Mrs. Lungu later addressed villages that welcomed her at the Chief’s palace saying that she was humbled that they turned out in large numbers and that
showed that she should step up her works in helping the needy people.

First Lady Esther Lungu
First Lady Esther Lungu


  1. Ba First Lady be also non-partisan by endearing with all political parties (like the Chief in the second picture). When you only allow PF cadres, then it becomes another political event. In the photo of Chief Nyamphande, we don’t see any party regalia!

    • I don’t like this woman, Ba Ester, she has never cared over Edgar’s behavior at all.
      I still like Christina Kaseba and Charlotte Scott, who are better than their husbands.

    • @MB, Well said, why should she be political on matters affecting social change. It just shows how desperate people become when in Power. Lungu himself has not even a mad house in the village he comes from because he lacks traditional values. A borehole to be commissioned by the first lady?? Very cheap and worst of resources as her trip alone, costed more than even 5 boreholes. Zambians don’t think properly and just accept every nonsense given to them.

  2. Like her or NOT she is OUR MOTHER OF THE NATION, AND DOING VERY GOOD WORK SO FAR preaching the gospel of LOVE every corner of ZAMBIA. Even in her home she is leads by EXAMPLE of keeping ECL,s children from different mother/women and keeps them as equals

  3. I thought Mama Esther is more approachable than the ‘some of us’ Christine and Charllottes of this world. She is a ‘one of us’ kind of person, the type that you just like because they are simple and relaxed and donot carry an air of exaggerated importance. Same with her family including ECL, he is just like a guy next door and his famous daughter Tasila is equally approachable. I should say even Mutinta HH is also a likeable person but unfortunately HH is a ‘some os us’ kind. Just my opinion observing from afar ofcourse!
    As for the politics, its no surprise because people join politics in Z to abuse common property resources. So you make a bore hole in my village I the party chairman owns it and requlate who uses it. That beautiful reqular user becomes my wife or girlfriend for…

  4. …..unlimited access to the resources. Its the story of all public resources be it markets, bus stations and even public toilets! Our politics are still for personal agrandisement not for service and legacy. And this goes all the way up and tricles all the way down to the cadre who even controls the grave yard now! Yaba!

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