Saturday, January 11, 2025

Chief Sinazongwe wants Coal mine to compensate all the villagers that will be displaced


File: Coal Mine workers picking coal without protective clothes at Shaft One at the chinese collum mine
Chief Sinazongwe of Southern Province says he is expecting Column Coal Mine in Sinazeze – Sinazongwe district to compensate all the villagers that will be displaced by September month end

Chief Sinazongwe has told ZNBC news that the villagers need to be compensated as early as possible so that they prepare themselves in readiness for farming in the next rainy season.

He says the mining management has agreed to compensate the people whose houses are on top of the mine tunnels and those that are on the hanging walls.

Meanwhile close to One thousand households who are living right on top of the underground mine and those that are living on the hanging walls have called on column coal mine to quickly compensate them.

The affected residents say they want to move as soon as possible because they are not living in peace as their houses keep shaking due to the explosives underground.

But Column Coal Mining Limited Underground Manager Elvis Ng’andu has assured the residents that they will soon be compensated to allow them move.

Mr. Nga’ndu says the company has already engaged a consultant who is currently on the ground measuring the amounts of land and property so that the residents can be compensated accordingly.

Last year several houses on top of the mine collapsed a situation which was attributed to an earth tremor but the residents believe it was because of the mining activities underground.


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