Friday, February 21, 2025

Biotechnology and Poison manufacturing Corporations to target Zambia in their quest for Biosafety Policy amendments


FILE: Late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa pictured here with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in December 2007 led the charge for opposition to Genetically Modified Food (GMO)
FILE: Late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa pictured here with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in December 2007 led the charge for opposition to Genetically Modified Food (GMO)

Biosafety Policy amendments: in who’s interest?


By Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB)

Zambia has been a pillar of strength and model on biosafety in the region. Many people remember famously the firm stand taken by our government against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the early 2000s. Since then, health conscious and environmentally responsible citizens throughout Africa have seen Zambia as a shining example of good leadership in sustainability and social justice.

In the last decades, biotechnology and poison manufacturing corporations (Monsanto/Bayer and Syngenta/ChemChina predominately), have made exorbitant profits. They now hold global lobbying power to influence national scale policies. Working hand in hand with trade promoting institutions (including COMESA, ACETESA, ARIPO, NEPAD, and supporting agencies USAID, The Gates Foundation, amongst many others), they facilitate the expansion of neo-colonial industrial agriculture systems and extraction of Africa’s natural, economic and social resources.

Numerous countries around the world have been pressured into altering their agriculture frameworks – particularly pertaining to seed trade and biosafety – ultimately about citizen livelihoods, nutrition and economic justice. Across Africa, national biosafety legislation intended to uphold public interest, is being manipulated to facilitate the growing and consumption of GMO crops.

It now seems that Zambia is the next target. Our internationally acclaimed Biotechnology and Biosafety Policy of 2003 is set to be reviewed today – in Livingstone – by a very small select group of invited participants. Considering the contentious nature of a new draft national policy on Biotechnology, the short notice and limited nature of the consultation process, there is reason for serious concern and question of due process.

Once the National Policy is re-written, the current Biosafety Act of 2007, will also be repealed and replaced. There has been considerable demand from foreign profit oriented corporations for this process to go head – in order to remove in particular – the essential “Liability and Redress Clause”. The clause ensures that the technology manufacturer is held responsible for the negative consequences caused by their product. The standard practice in any industry ensures that if a product is defective or causes harm to humanity or the environment at large, then the manufacturer is held accountable.

The developers of GMO technology do not want to be held liable for the negative consequences of their products: including contamination of farmers own seed and agro-biodiversity; herbicide and pesticide resistance build up and poisoning of natural agro-ecosystems (pollinators, soil, water courses etc.); and the multiple health problems, particularly cancers, allergies and reproductive problems associated with GMOs and Glyphosate (RoundUp poison) use.

The pressure for Zambia to change its National Biosafety legislation comes the same year that 1) Monsanto was held on trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague and charged with crimes against humanity; 2) Court action in the US forced Monsanto to reveal the documentation it has deliberately covered up that gives evidence of the toxicity of its GM associated poison product, RoundUp. A recent report, The Toxic Story of RoundUp, “describes the origins and growth of the Poison Cartel and the ways in which these giant agri-business companies (Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, Chem China, Dow, Dupont, Basf) gain and keep control of their empires, in collusion with governmental agencies; undermining independent science and our democracies”. Close to 1000 court cases have been taken out in the last year against Monsanto by people affected personally or through loss of family members from the Glyphosate caused cancer Non Hodgekins Lymphoma.

Citizens of Africa are familiar with the myths profit orientated companies use to promote GMOs. The same falsehoods will be increasingly used in Zambia. Particularly the misrepresentation that GMOs are needed to feed an increasing world population, and that GMOs are beneficial in a changing climate.

Modern biotechnology does not alter the performance of a crop nor its productivity. Change is made through the insertion of specific traits that the modified genes are designed to express. Either to be a living pesticide (e.g. Bt maize that makes its own poison) or to withstand excessive amount of toxic weed killers (e.g. the herbicide Glyphosate that is linked to causing cancer) – or a combination of both of these traits. In the modification process, gene segments are inserted into hybrid varieties of crops that are already being grown commercially. These hybrids were developed from crops originally bred over hundreds of years by famers themselves and are instead now licenced to corporations.

Productivity of a plant is dependent on a wide range of factors. Unlike local varieties that are diverse and thus still produce something even without expensive fertilizer and mechanised irrigation. Hybrid and GM varieties are bred and tested in very specific conditions. If water and fertilizers are not applied at the exact time in farmers’ fields, productivity ‘potential’ (that is what makes commercial seed so expensive), is effectively made redundant. These seeds are therefore a complete waste of money for farmers. GMOs instead lock farmers into a cycle of debt and dependency on foreign agri-businesses, whilst poisoning the soil and ground water systems, and undermining rural farming community resilience.

The modified traits in modern biotechnology are “novel”. The process does not exist in nature and this allows companies to “patent” (become the exclusive owners) of the GMO. Patents of genetic resources facilitate royalty claims and profit, as opposed to ‘development’.

Once farmers use GM crops, there is widespread contamination through cross pollination and in storage facilities. The organic market is critically constrained by this contamination. To lessen contamination the GM scientists still talk of “terminator genes” that are designed to switch off the reproductive capacity of seeds. There is always a percentage of escape and malfunction of any technology. The concern worldwide is the spread of ‘terminator genes’ through cross pollination of crops into the wild. The consequence of its eventual effect on food availability and biodiversity is too terrible to imagine.

It is for these and numerous other reasons that Zambia has maintained the globally acclaimed ‘Precautionary Principle’ in its guiding policies.

Faith leaders, agriculture training institutions, civil society organisations, farmers and consumers alike, raise our voices in concern and distress. We support our President Mr Edgar Lungu, in his efforts to prioritise the rights of small holder farmers in Zambia, over and above foreign neo-colonial agriculture systems that extract wealth from the poor and from the country, and undermine the health of our families, our farming systems and our environment. We ask Zambia’s leaders to remain strong; to resist and reject the unjust and unethical efforts of foreign pressure to weaken national laws for the benefit of corporate profits.

ZAAB is a united network of concerned citizens, faith and farmer based organisations, committed to a common cause of upholding just and sustainable food and ecological systems in Zambia.


    • Dre? I am sorry I understand this story and from what I gather ZAAB are trying to propose these Ideas which quiet frankly wont work.

      In summary, I don’t agree with ZAAB and I am questioning their existence. What do they stand for ? Why use the Late Mwanawasa picture too?

      Again I understand everything on this article!

      I hold a PhD and live in the United Kingdom.



    • And some gur called carlos was trying to debate me that its not about us and them. here is another classic example of how they targetus for their own benefit.anyone who does not see the brewing war between us and them is living in a dream world. wake up african

    • Where is that Miti Lady who is making noise about the fire trucks. These are the real issues she should be holding demos for. But I doubt if she can even say anything about this,it could be too technical for her. She would rather waste peoples time on Corruption Rumours.

    • Where is HH and UPND you people claim you are educated and will make this country better. Here is a real issue which has to do with policy not politics. Can you come out and defend us on this matter. This meeting is being held right on your nose..Livingstone..Please send Pilato to stage a demo there.

  1. It is imperative that we stand resolute in our objection to the introduction of GMO’s into our agricultural system. These evil multinationals are hell bent on imposing neo-colonial slave conditions on us so that we are perpetually dependent on them for everything, from Seed, Agro-chemicals, Agro-markets, etc. They want to hold us captive with their patented products after they have gotten rid of our indigenous varieties, which would have been lost for good! It is my sincere hope that the PF government will stand with the Zambian people on this one to safeguard our future! We do not need the GMO’s in our country! Let Trump and his cohorts keep their GMO’s in their countries! We will continue growing organic crops and mitigate the effects of climate change, which Trump denies!

  2. Only a crazy government would sacrifice its people at the table of profits by supporting GMO rubbish. This is why we must tighten the qualifications for one to become a leader…they must be able to read and understand the scientific journals clearly present the dangers of GMO. We must not be colonized via our food!

  3. Notice that army worms favor these Mosanto and other ‘hybrid’ seeds.. Its all in the plan; they sell you the seed, they sell you the fertilizer, they introduce the pest and sell you the pesticide too… Its organised multinantional crime and we must say NO!

  4. Let us be very careful and look at things from a wider angle: all the food you eat from the developed world or made with ingredients from the developed world have some GMO component. When you go to the developed world for visits, education, conferences, you eat GMO – and carry some of it in your stomachs which you come to offload here — and it gets into the system. So, just because you have said “NO” to GMO maize does not mean that you have blocked GMO materials from your system. However, our Biosafety Act of 2007, should not be repealed or replaced. If anything, the review should look at how best to improve it – and must be strictly reinforced.

  5. The clandestine nature of the revising body us beginning to be sore point with PF, who are under wrong impressions that they can make this type of change without even citizen notification.

    **You can’t trust PF on Immigration, Mines and now GMO machinations. Also borrowing,These issues I have noted, PF showing poor judgement in relation to seeking citizen consent. There was NO MANDATE proposed or given for these type of disconcerting actions.

  6. Sanity & dignity are never taught but appreciated along the way. However, increasingly some educated Africans see life as mere projects & have seemed to lead “indignified” lives thinking living/staying or studying abroad is the only thing any African should crave for.

    Thank you ZAAB, Stay alert, GMOS promoted by the Gene giants = Neo-colonialism, Zambian leaders should act fast and stay on course.

    Once again Asante sana, alta continua.

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