Tuesday, February 4, 2025

President Lungu at Botswana Independence in Pictures


President Edgar Lungu with Lt Gen Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama President of Botswana at the national Stadium during the 51 Independence Ceremony
Botswana defence forces Retreat Ceremony at the national Stadium during the 51 Independence Ceremony


Botswana Culture dancers at 51 year Independence
Botswana at 51 years Celebrations Banda Display by Botswana prison Service
Botswana defence forces independence day parade
Botswana at 51 years Celebrations Banda Display by Botswana prison Service
Botswana at 51 years Celebrations
President Edgar Lungu with Lt Gen Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama President of Botswana at the national Stadium during the 51 Independence Ceremony
President Edgar Lungu with Lt Gen Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama President of Botswana at the national Stadium during the 51 Independance Ceremony
President Edgar Lungu at the national Stadium during the 51 Independance Ceremony
President Edgar Lungu with Lt Gen Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama President of Botswana at the national Stadium during the 51 Independance Ceremony
President Edgar Lungu with Lt Gen Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama President of Botswana at the national Stadium during the 51 Independance Ceremony
Botswana at 51 Independence
Lt Gen Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama President of Botswana at the national Stadium during the 51 Independance Ceremony



    • Where is our supreme leader headed next? officiating at an Independence celebration could have been delegated to Gogo Wina or even turned down. Our president needs to learn to stay in the country.

    • @Mshotah
      Next move will be Congo DRC remember he advised that he was going to meet with Kabila for peace talks after they met in Angola. I don’t know why they didn’t discuss while in Angola.

    • @Mshotah you love Mushota to the extent of even plagiarising her name! Don’t you know our great leader is acquiring frequent flier airmiles to use when he retires in 20121!

  1. Lungu is so skinny , he needs to stay at home more so that he can eat a lot more and put on some weight . He doesn’t look healthy at all !!!

  2. If you don’t have what to say, just keep quiet. It’s okay to be silent sometimes…instead of Lungu needs dentist, Lungu diet, etc

  3. If the records circulating on social media indicating that Edgar Lungu is the most travelled President in less than 3 years are correct, my, my, my God! we are headed for trouble. Just last evening on Muvi TV there was this news item talking about the pathetic health conditions at Senanga hospital. The cost of just one Presidential trip can greatly take care of those problems of the Mothers’ shelter at Senanga hospital

  4. You see how our president is respected out of Zambia. Bible says a prophet is not respected in his our nation. Familiarity is a problem in Zambia.

  5. What wasted years!This clueless, incompetent and inconsequential man does not get any work done. Zambia has simply become his changing/fitting room for his expense suits before his off again to another even that does not add Zambia any value but to satify the ego of this chawama man. Shocking! What is the budget for his traveling expenses, anyone? This needs to be cut immediately. Attending these functions should be the work of gogo Inonge Wina.

  6. Lungu like visiting places where girls show exposed midriffs and nipples. He loves the sight of mammary glands. He is a bit of a freak!

  7. Somebody with some balls please assassinate this clown. He is bad for Zambia. Our people are suffering and this !d!0t is busy going for events that are costly and worthless to Zambia? What is wrong with you people in Zambia? You are suffering because of people like Lungu.

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