Wednesday, March 12, 2025

First Lady saddened that Children’s bed capacity at Arthur Davison has remained at 250 since 1966


First Lady, Esther Lungu, speaks at Ndola Teaching Hospital where she donated various items including mattress, wheelchairs and hospital equipment, among others
First Lady Esther Lungu is saddened that the bed capacity at Arthur Davison children’s hospital in Ndola has remained at 250 from its inception in 1966.

Mrs Lungu says this has deprived a number of children access to services that the children’s hospital renders to the public.

The First Lady made the remarks when she received a briefing from Arthur Davison children’s hospital Senior Medical superintendent Jonathan Mwansa.

This was on the occasion to mark the hospitals open day.

Mrs Lungu however expressed gratitude that an expansion programme to increase the bed capacity from its current 250 to 1000 is on the cards.

She also noted that the open day at the hospital provides an opportunity for members of staff and the public to interact on various services that the health facility offers.


  1. Go to UTH mama you will cry, no water in the bathrooms or toilets and cholera is already here,people sleeping on the floor. Now you have the right to be sad while your husband is boasting, puffing his oily cheeks and a mouth full of maize seed like teeth whose only interest is roads.

    surely health should come before leisure.

  2. Mum when the Great leader of this great nation returns home from his endless trips share with him this story. Tell him to feel for the poor children by returning just one fire tender and use the money to finance the hospital.

  3. Well what do you expect from these under 5s? Just look at the name of the Hospital, Arthur Davison? Who the hell is /was he, why can’t we change the name to perhaps; Thomas Mtini?

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