Sunday, September 29, 2024

President Lungu flies back to Lusaka


PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu on arrival at Lumezi Mission hospital in Lundazi where he addressed members of staff and inspected the construction of a nursing school by the community
Republican President Edgar Lungu has flown back to Lusaka after concluding a two day working visit of Lundazi district in Eastern province.

Mr. Lungu , who left aboard a Zambia Air force plane around 15:25 hours, inspected and launched the first ever wheat harvest at Zambia National Service, Ng’onga camp in Lumezi in Lundazi district.

The President who held several development meetings while in Lundazi District also addressed members of staff at Lumezi mission hospital before inspecting the construction of a nursing school at the health institution.

Defense Minister Davies Chama, Agriculture minister Dora Siliya, Eastern province Minister Makebi Zulu and minister at State House Freedom Sikazwe were part of the Presidential entourage.

Eastern province permanent secretary Chanda Kasolo, senior government and party officials saw off the President.


  1. What a headline ba LT nabo. HAs he flown back abruptly? Did he fall sick? Was this a scheduled flight back home? What is the news?????

    • Amagenge
      I thought they are telling you that finally he is back in the office.I hope we wont hear that he has left for another trip.Who is doing his job?Agogo Inonge surely.If the man knew that he will not be readily available he should have picked a performing Veep,not Agogo who surely should be in retirement now sippling tea at home and not at her advanced age and limited capacity being the one doing the bulk of the job.

    • Very right Amagenge. Like I have said elsewhere this is not news. News is something out of the ordinary. LT might as well report that Lungu has woken up today. In the evening tell us again Lungu has gone to sleep

    • LT you are alarmists! When I read that Lungu had flown back to Zambia I thought he was going back to Lusaka to meet Harvey Weinstein the controversial American film producer who has been very very naught to tell him off! Then again I can understand you are avoiding to write about Kambwili, the broken record and thought hang of a minute, Lungu is flying back from Lundazi let’e avoid covering Kambwili and tell the people about Lungu who is flying back to Lusaka. WELL DONE LT. You are not like these others who can’t tell when the joke is stale!! Chi CK stop it and shut it!

    • But again ba LT can you tell us if Lungu has arrived or he has crush-landed somewhere mumanenekela between Chongwe and Nyimba. You should finish the story, that’s proper Journalism. These are the questions that Mushota who has a PhD (or a phd 0r a pHD or a pHd or a Phd [have I covered all combinations 3 to the power of three] might be asking.

  2. Inspecting works that his ministers can do , lungu is just trying to dodge the corruption allegations flying around…….

    #Bring back our $42 million.

  3. President Lungu flies back to Lusaka? And this is news!!!! Kamwendo Munjila is always flying back to Lusaka. According to the journalism rule when a dog bites a man it is not news because dogs always do that. Its when a man bites a dog that it becomes news. So stop creating news where there is no news mwebantu. Give the people real news

  4. “Mr. Lungu, who left aboard a Zambia Airforce plane around 15:25 hours, inspected and launched the first ever wheat harvest at Zambia National Service, Ng’onga camp in Lumezi in Lundazi district.”

    2021 is coming this is going to be repeal.

    Please just ponder about this article.

  5. Too many goings and coming, am losing track of he’s movements.
    This man needs to sit down and do some actual work for a change.

  6. LT get your act together.
    We know ECL is NEVER in the office “a flying Mr Kupe” with no leadership style but no more alarming headlines please.

  7. That is the problem of today’s journalists in Zambia (mostly online ones). No schooling! I guess they can’t even differentiate the title they have from “President Back After Eastern Province Tour!”

  8. IMF deal flopped. Save money ukuseya no. Save money that the Freedom Sikazwes, Kaizer Zulu’s, Lusambo and other cadres are wasting on useless trips in the name of presidential entourage. What does Freedom Sikazwe and other bring back to Zambia from those trips? Only their pockets full of allownces please Mr president delegate Ministers and our wonderful vice president I wish she was driver number 1.

  9. And mama Inonge and whole cabinet were there at KK airport to welcome him; what a waste of the nation’s resources;

    • Those (Inonge and the cabinet) are not the nation’s resources so no waste there. May be you mean the fuel used to drive this useless cabinet to the airport?

  10. If the President just stays in state housing eating good food and drinking expensive wine you, the same people will start saying he’s just enjoying himself in state house instead of visiting places so he sees for himself the challenges facing his people. Maybe you can condemn his foreign trips but as for local trips leave him to undertake them so he sees for himself the suffering of the masses

  11. It’s the frequency of doing so. do an economic cost analysis. Each time his his excellence travels. His local trips should be around US$50,000 while foreign ones a million plus. Multiply this by 12 trips per fortnight. That’s what worrying us. I have no problem with prioritised trips. like responding to Disasters, Meeting farmers in Northern province resolve maize marketing failure. Resolve fire tender corruption allegations. if travelled to verify the price. Am sure you know the old adage. Too much of anything is bad. Even Oxygen can kill you if its too much.

  12. Oh these critics ndipo chiminyongani pela azayenda nafuti mushiyeni a sebeze wina azafa na chikonko. Do you want him to getting paid for doing nothing? And what work do you want him to do at State House? when the majority are in the rural areas who needs attention from the President. It will be sonta in 2021.

  13. Commissioning tutembas’s, that’s what he thinks the job specification of a President is. What is the role of all those district commissioners, provincial ministers, perm secs etc.? The ‘entire’ President officiating at a road works, maternity annex opening, wheat harvest, inspecting construction of a nursing school etc. For goodness sake! Really?
    Can we demand under the freedom of information act (if it is operational) how much has been spent on all these Presidential travels externally and internally. I am sure its astronomical and mostly unjustified.

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