Monday, January 20, 2025

President Lungu to fly off to Congo Brazzaville on Wednesday


President Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Zambia National Service Commandant, Lieutenant General Nathan Mulenga, at Ng’onga ZNS Camp in Lundazi where the head of state went to inspect and launch the first harvest of wheat on a 120 hectare piece of land on Tuesday. Looking on are Eastern Province Minister, Makebi Zulu (in suit) and his regional Permanent Secretary, Chanda Kasolo

President Edgar Lungu is on Wednesday expected in Congo Brazzaville to attend the Great Lakes Region Summit, Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba has revealed.

Speaking in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia when transiting to that country ahead of the President, Mr Kalaba said it was imperative for the Head of State to attend the summit which he said was expected to table the Congo DR crisis.

Mr Kalaba said President Lungu was deeply concerned that the political turmoil in the Democratic Republic of Congo had a direct effect on the Zambian people, and was eager to take part in the crisis resolution summit, being hosted by Congo Brazzaville.

He regretted that the instability in Congo DR had forced over 5,000 Congolese to seek asylum in Zambia.

Mr Kalaba said President Lungu was expected to take part in the
Congo DR electoral process discussions at the summit.

The minister said President Lungu was committed to making consultations with other Heads of State in a quest to maintain peace in the region.

He said President Lungu’s contributions towards enhancing regional integration could be seen from the interactions he had so far made with SADC leaders.

Mr Kalaba called on Zambians to support President Lungu in his quest to maintain peace not only in SADC and the Great Lakes, but the continent as a whole.

“There comes a time in the life of a nation that we need to put politics aside and just push a national agenda. We need to go beyond the political divide to ensure that Zambia moves as one,” Mr Kalaba said

He said President Lungu had been bestowed with a rare honor of being incoming chair for the SADC organ on Peace, Defense and Security and need all the support in order to succeed in his quest to maintain peace.

And the Minister Revealed that in November, President Lungu would be amongst other Heads of States and governments at the European Union Africa Summit which will take place in Ivory Coast, to discuss peace and security matters among other things.

He said Zambia took cognizance of the importance that the African Continent attaches to the European Union.

“We know that the summit is coming at a time when the youth demographic is one which is being articulated on, we know that investment in the youth is investment in the future,” said Mr Kalaba.

He said the relations between Africa and the European Union were blossoming to an extent where Africa was no longer a donor recipient continent but a trading partner with the European Union.

This is according to a statement issued by First Secretary-Press & Tourism at the Zambia Embassy in Ethiopia Mrs Inutu Mupango Mwanza.


    • Yaba.

      I have no words anymore regarding Jonathan. He does not listen. How much are these unnecessary trips costing us? Who is finding these trips?

      He will probably be the only head of state attending this meeting. Surely what is it that he can contribute there?

      No wonder IMF said no to more loans.

      We have had enough of this!!


      ECL must learn to resist the pressure to be in air ALL THE DAMN TIME. Iwe ka Kalaba, there is absolutely nothing to justify over the ECL trips. No not one. This record high between the atmosphere and mother earth air travels are a real drain to out national coffers. I hate Kalaba more when he tries to justify an ECL intl trip. Each time you did a ka local trip, you discovered that either your Ministers or/and MPs are just concerned with their personal things, in other words NOT WORKING. Ukuseya ba kateka kwati ni RB.

    • Lungu has exhausted all advisors of all known languages, but still he doesn’t yelled to any advice,,,, In my last ditch effort, I would like to recommend a sign language advisor,, imwe bantu maybe lungu will sit down,listen, work and stay home with his family,,,, not travelling all the time,,,,, awe achilamo!!

    • so when I said ECL was moonlighting as a flight attendant you’all thought I was joking! His flight schedule confirms it.

    • You dull tribal *****s, these are meetings of Heads of State which Lungu being President needs to attend. Being President doesnt mean 365 days being in state house. Even the ka under 5 tribal leader would be required to attend if he won the elections, unfortunately he is a perpetual loser and reject who will never rule Zambia.

    • Bitter tongas at it again, opposing everything. For how long is your bitterness going to end you losers because your ka hh the under 5 will always remain a reject in Zambia.

    • One other travel cost under Humbly Dumbly that silently goes unmentioned is that of his wife she is rarely in Lusaka in fact it is rare that both are together at state house.

    • Zoona it’s true that Kamwendo Munjila is President of Foreign Affairs.

      He just comes visits Zambia to change bambaz & oversee his tenders.

      He holds GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for the most travelled Head of State. Yet his country is one of the poorest in the World. What a shameless man.

    • Is the first lady so ugly lungu has to be constantly on the run from his own bed, it’s simple you can divorce chiluba did it.

  1. cholera was eradicated 200 years ago in america and our people are still dying from it,person put in charge of looking into such is is always on the move every week either locally or international spending huge sums of money on allowances with his hyenna clan,i swear my heart bleeds.

    • So you expect Lungu to come and teach you to wash your hands after coming from the toilet ? Grow a brain !

    • @Bowman ‘Cryhard for Masala how do you wash your hands when there is no water? Even if it’s not the government to provide you with clean water, at least provide the means to filter it! Just imagine how many villages would benefit from the savings of this trip! My question would be: ”Is Magufuli attending this summit”? If the bulldozer is not attending, then this is another talking shop! If he was flying to DRC where the refugees are coming from that’s a different ballgame!

    • 2.2 flag MB
      Most parts of LSK are dirty. Most people in those unplanned shanties in and around LSK need to prevent cholera, yes, they need to wash their hands as per prescription. Why don’t we always win at prevention in LSK? Unplanned settlement!
      Yes ECL needs to sit himself down too. No sane individual would support ECL’s nonstop intl trips.

    • You dull tribal idi.ots, these are meetings of Heads of State which Lungu being President needs to attend. Being President doesnt mean 365 days being in state house. Even the ka under 5 tribal leader would be required to attend if he won the elections, unfortunately he is a perpetual loser and reject who will never rule Zambia.

    • You dull tribal ******, these are meetings of Heads of State which Lungu being President needs to attend. Being President doesnt mean 365 days being in state house. Even the ka under 5 tribal leader would be required to attend if he won the elections, unfortunately he is a perpetual loser and reject who will never rule Zambia.

    • The man should have been a pilot or flight steward….imagine if these thieves create a national airline…where is a lightening when you need one to rid us of this parasite!!

  2. Keep up the good works. UPNDonkeys dont understand your national responsibility coz they have never and will never rule. Period

    • @bowman my brain is grown and the right size u nincompoop government can start working on developing sewer system and eradicating pit latrines as well as proper drainage systems in compound,when it rains it is a disaster there i have lived there so i know,and what the hell does will never rule mean,obviously you referring to hh but this isnt about him , this is misappropriation and misuse of public funds, from where iam seated you are the one who needs to grow a brain hollow head numb skull, because of people like you we cant progress.

    • We have cholera ravegging our communities yet lungu buys fire trucks from his friend at $1 million whose true cost is $380k…..most of those fire truck are in areas that will never see a fire

  3. We have no opposition. u5 is no alternative.

    he is childish. corrupt. tribal. how can a normal person thank dundumwezi vote

    • Is it HH travelling non stop on taxpayers money ? Is it HH being called a corrupt theif everyday who can’t account for his wealth ?

    • Hh is a loser who will rot in opposition. He is equivalent to Maimane or Laila Odinga. In 2021 he should just stand as southern province minister for unpd

  4. The presidential challengers mileage will finish by the time he clocks 5 years in office. Does it even get serviced. If it was a business aircraft it could’ve recked in billions of dollars by today.

    • Harry kalaba it is zambia which is resuming that sadc position of chair of peace security and whatever not our ecl meaning anyone from zambia can go and represent zambia. Let’s start delegating some of these travels. I fly every week and I know what am talking about. You can afford to have a fifo president. Be serious for once.

  5. Lazy Lungu there he goes …Lundazi (2 days visit), Zuma (Escorting 1 day) CB (2 days visit) goes Congo ( 3 days visit)….why can’t this lazy bum of a man just go and come back and visit us in 2021!!

  6. “Mr Kalaba said President Lungu was expected to take part in the
    Congo DR electoral process discussions at the summit.”

    Really laughable…Lazy Lungu discussing about electoral process is like a monkey designing the security set up for a maize field.

  7. This press release from Kalaba is all over the place and sounds quite nonsensical. Trying too hard justify ECL travels.

    What does the EU summit in Ivory coast have to do with the growing youth population in Zambia and Africa becoming a trading partner for EU? I worry about the quality of the press releases from this government. If they are to be taken as a reflection of the state of affairs and how government functions then it is no wonder that there is so much confusion….as confused as the statements they release.

    • Bitter tongas at it again, opposing everything. For how long is your bitterness going to end you losers because your ka hh the under 5 will always remain a reject in Zambia.

  8. If the influx of over 5,000 refugees from Congo DR does not affect zambians then somebody somehow is not thinking properly surely.

  9. We all know lungu is trying to amass as much travel allowance as posible so when the time comes for him to account for his stolen wealth he has cover….

    • This notion of him amassing simple travel allowance has to stop…I mean Lazy can amass a hundred times more money from the Fire Truck Tender deal or a thousands as much from a contractor of the $1.2 billion Lusaka- Ndola dual road construction.
      Edgar is simply a lazy shiftless dull man who has no work ethic …i said this even before he was elected as President after Old man Sata died.

    • Bitter tongas at it again, opposing everything. For how long is your bitterness going to end you losers because your ka hh the under 5 will always remain a reject in Zambia.

  10. Tongas are very funny people, they wish Lungu to die so that their HH can take over! Even when Sata died, they thought their HH would win! Please HH is a die hard tribalist, like all Tonga’s, so will never win in Zambia! Just advise him to leave politics! Nga chashupa Ku shila ko abanobe! Not every body can be presidents! Its only the chosen ones, like ECL!

    • Lungu has never won any elections without violence and intimidation….now he is being asked daily to account for his wealth seems he can not……chosen one to steal indeed….

    • hh can never win an election in Zambia. Voting for a tonga as President is suicidal for non tongas because these chaps are tribalists and too too bitter. Its good that hh remains in opposition for ever otherwise non tongas can suffer.

  11. Wise men from the east globe trotting..

    Mwana wenewene wa RB.

    The only thing is ours are not wise and have no purpose for their travels?

  12. The presidential challenger jet is complaining of metal fatigue and too much airmiles too soon.Let’s go tour misisi and chibolya instead cuz the poverty there is real.

  13. @ ngombe ilede what makes you read any critisismn as tribal? Are you educated and just know how to use a phone or a computor. You are the only promoter of tribalismn on this blog. Bwana keep quiet if you have nothing sensible to say.

    • Bitterness and jealous will kill you tonga fuz. Let Lungu enjoy his presidency. Let hh (odinga) also enjoy being in opposition.

  14. On these useless trips by ECL,i agree with those against them.ECL travels a lot,so Harry Kalaba should advise the president well.madam Inonge Wina is the best on foreign travels as she does not travel anyhow!!!
    ECL must know that there is great danger in the air so he risks his life especially with a lot of his enemies in upnd wishing him hell.PLEASE BA ECL,REDUCE THESE FOREIGN TRIPS AS PF IS BEING BLAMED BECAUSE OF YOUR ENDLESS FOREIGN TRIPS!!!

  15. Surely if ECL continues like this,how many foreign trips will he take by 2021?
    by saying all these against my president,am not in anyway trying to support HH because in my life I CAN NEVER VOTE FOR “CUUNDU CHAITWA” CHAIRMAN HH!!!
    come 2021 ni PF nafuti nafuti!!!

  16. This Guy Kalaba from foreign Affairs making ECL make unnecessary trips abroad…he is also getting
    alot of allowances
    can you imagine ,how many trips these guys made..
    why not sit in his office and concentrate in making zambia more competitive economically…
    Zambia is going down the drain fast… Dont say you were not warned!

  17. Useless President undertaking unproductive unnecessary delegate-able trips. Trying to show some form of in-existence relevance. Not all heads of state need to, or go to these meetings. He has been to the same previously and the issues, in their complexities have always gone over his head. Lungu has no thinking acumen that can help resolve any regional conflict.

    • Bitterness will kill you tonga idi.ots. Let Lungu enjoy his presidency. Let hh (odinga) also enjoy being in opposition.

  18. What peace talks? Just wasting tax payers money. They should just tell ka Joseph Kabila to step down and pave way for elections. His term came to an end last year. He’s the one making his own people to kill one another

    • President Edgar Lungu was minister & acting president you idi.ot before he was massively elected as our President. You cant compare under 5 who has never even been councillor before with President Lungu

  19. What peace can Lungu deliberate about outside the country when he has failed to make lasting peace with his own compatriot at home? Kalaba should whispers in his boss’ ear that Charity begins at home!! The trip is another of those that are totally unnecessary and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Its not his own money he is spending, but our money. How much time does the first couple spend together in State House as they are criss – crossing the country and abroad all the time?? They give the impression they have resolved not to be together in State House for whatever reason.

  20. “Political turmoil in the Democratic Republic of Congo had a direct effect on the Zambian people, and was eager to take part in the crisis resolution summit, being hosted by Congo Brazzaville”.Looking at the topic to be tabled,i think this trip is very important for him and the country Zambia at large.See how many refugees we are receiving per day from our neighbour Congo DR.

  21. This is way too much traveling now, Jonathan needs a mental evaluation.
    I swear no other president is traveling that much.

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