Friday, January 31, 2025

President Lungu and former Presidents hailed for upholding Christian values


President Edgar Lungu Praying at the National day of Prayers at Nkana in Kitwe

Northern Province Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba has praised President Edgar Lungu and ex- Republican Presidents for upholding Christian values in the country.

Speaking when he officiated at the Day of National Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation held under the theme: “ Promoting peace and Reconciliation Consolidating National Unity in Diversity” in Kasama today, Dr. Kalumba said President Lungu has shown that God is supreme in the affairs of the country by bringing together Zambians into collective prayers.

He noted that the annual observance of the Day of National, Fasting and Reconciliation is reinforcing the unity of purpose in the nation.

Dr. Kalumba also said late president Frederick Chiluba did a noble thing to declare Zambia as a Christian nation in 1991 after assuming the presidency.

He urged Zambians to always remember Dr. Chiluba in prayers for committing the country into the hands of God.

The PS also praised late Republican President Michael Sata for showing genuine forgiveness by not taking revenge against those who ill-treated him when he was in the opposition.

Dr. Kalumba has since challenged Zambians to emulate Mr. Sata in observing true reconciliation with those they perceive to have differences with in their daily lives.

And the provincial permanent secretary paid glowing tribute to first Republican president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda for releasing the country from the bondage of evil.

He further stated that the deeds of President Lungu and former presidents in upholding the Christian values in the country must be sustained by all Zambians regardless of the backgrounds.

And speaking at the same function, Bishop Francis Mapalo urged Zambians not to relent but continue seeking God in their daily lives.

Bishop Mapalo also thanked President Lungu for setting aside a Day of national prayer and fasting which is working miracles across the nation.

He wished the Head of State good health as he continues to lead the country into prosperity through the help of God.

Bishop Mapalo further said Zambia must continue to be guided by the biblical principles in order to achieve tangible development.

Scores of Kasama residents braved the October heat and turned up for the observance of the Day of National Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation held at Kasama Boys Secondary School Hall.


  1. Stop corruption and violating human rights.

    These prayer sessions are meant to distract people from what is really going on. You are asking people to fast, when they fast everyday coz they have no food.

    Enough is enough.

    • What repentance and forgiveness are you praying for when ECL’s cadres strips women in broad day light without any remorse because that cadre belongs to a different part in full view of of the VEEP. ECL kills by command through his policemen without regret. And upto now all these deaths are still under investigations. The former presidents are not bold enough to tell him his wrongs because they hail from one province SHAME!
      Above all corruption is very visible in his ministers, talk of nepotism and tribal hatred exhibited in his governance system. You only call for prayers of forgiveness if you repent from such sins.

      God loves our land. God please forgive all haters of our president. They know not what they do. God bless our land. God bless Zambia.
      Next time we hold and host this noble day, we should thank God for his mercies. No loadshedding in 2017.

    • If this Lungu chap is feeling this holy in order to STEAL, it’s a shame. It seems so real in the picture, the man is feeling blessed and appears to be in genuinely absorbed in prayer. But is the is all a lie in order to steal (fire tender, £3m per km and future elections from HH and CK in 2021) like KC told us before then this man is bad NEWS. Then again ECL store from a client before. But what we do not know is whether he prayed before he store from the client in the past. Lungu is you are cheating us, STOP IT!

    • @Nubian, why is Edgar praying at Nkana stadium, are people in Kitwe/copperbelt the top sinners now or he praying for Kambwili & Mwenya?
      Bible says go in dark, quite and peaceful place to pray.

    • IWE Ka @Nubia whatever, Your Ka Lungu has it all wrong. Leave the God thing at you millions of churches and manage with people’s lives separately by managing their economies honestly and diligently. Not this mambo jumbo that your kama leader is doing. If he’s not up to the job, especially since he stole the 2016 election and he did not have a clue what he was getting into, let him step aside. To use his own words aseleko bambi babombeko!

    • Tomorrow everything is back to business as usual. Corruption will still continue.

      The police will stop you at a check point and demand a bribe.

      The cost of fuel will not go down.

      We won’t get the true value of the firetenders.

      With all these prayers medicines will not appear magically in hospitals.

      Our debt will still grow like cancer. Our misleaders will still refuse to step down on moral grounds.

      And Zambia will remain a poor nation as Jonathan becomes richer. Open your eyes Zambians these people are “eating Masuku fruits on our heads”. These politicians are just acting. In the evening Jonathan will be so drunk that he won’t even remember what today was supposed to be about.

      Haterz wanna hate, Zambia ni forward na ECL.
      Ni leadership na Lesa not Shetani bane!
      Go ECL go!

    • If God listened to these prayers our nation would have Africa’s biggest GDP by now. the Kwacha would be 1 to 1 with the US dollar. Zambia wouldnt be over indebted. No Zambian road would have potholes

  2. WHAT CHRISTIAN VALUES ARE THESE?? Leaders who are lacking integrity and care for the poorest can be described as “upholding Christian values”? DISHONEST, THIEVING, CORRUPT, CRUEL PEOPLE IN LEADERSHIP, CAN NEVER, and NEVER WILL THEY EVER UPHOLD CHRISTIAN VALUES!! Kalumba is saying it for his “belly” as his job as his name closely suggests, he is doing his “jobbicks”!! We REALLY TIRED OF THESE TRICKS and NOW WANT PROPER ACCOUNTABILITY. We HAVE ALWAYS PRAYED, WE DO NOT NEED POLITICIANS TO OVER EMPHASIZE IT FOR US!! STOP CORRUPTION, LEAD AN HONEST GOVERNMENT and WE SHALL BE HAPPY and PRAYING FOR YOUR LONG LIFE but the opposite is true!!

    • @4.1 Thorn… I have NO HATRED, I always supported Lungu on grounds that , he was “learning the ropes of the Presidency” and that he took over at a bad time of drought leading load shedding, low copper prices leading to lay offs and divisions within his party after Sata’s death! Now I HAVE SEEN THAT he is a pure pretender, LOOKING HUMBLE BUT CONDONING CORRUPTION! IF you are saying I AM A HATER OF CORRUPTION, THEN YOU ARE RIGHT, I AM A HATER!!

  3. I thought the men of God were the ones to lead these prayers. Although Dr Kalumba sounds genuine when talking about Dr Chiluba’s and Mr Sata’s forgiveness, he is not the right person to speak at these gatherings.

    • Matthew 12:33-37; Luke 6:43-45
      15Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20So then, by their fruit you will recognize them.

      21Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many…

    • 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’

  4. This is where upnd gets it all wrong. The majority voters are Christians and you are busy castigating them. If they don’t vote for your shetan leader you’ll start accusing the winners of rigging and burrying upnd ballots.

  5. God does not answer such prayers, its like putting him to test. Mwanya, you are wasting your time and productivity!

  6. While you pray, pray to forgive lungu for his stealing …..the most recent brazen theft is the $42 million corrupt fire tender deal while Zambians struggle and others die of cholera…this corrupt PF GRZ sanctioned a buy of $1 million per truck , 42 times , a truck that costs less than $380k…..

  7. @Spaka , No 9 we are praying for the person who store money during privatization of the mines and other industries in Zambia! He became very rich and today he pretends as if he did not steal from Zambians! Hazaluza Hagain Under Five WILL NEVER be president in Zambia!

    • Stole money from Zambians during privstisation while Zambians are suffering ??

      That person should be investigated and arrested asap… that not so Sharon?

  8. @spaka like lilo: I totally agree with your post…Lungu is a master manipulator he knows that everyone is talking about the corruption and the thieving going on in the country…this is why he decided to call for the National prayer day.but I can assure you that the only people that went for fake prayer day…belongs to the PF..Lungu has failed to Rule the country and my eyes he has failed as a leader he fooled everyone with the 2015 prayers people are now realizing that. This guy is a phony and everything that comes out of his mouth is all fake news…

  9. Zambians love to be deceived and they never seem to learn. In fact the easiest people to deceive are the so called born-again Christians because they don’t read their bibles for the saving knowledge and truth. Believers don’t think! They believe everything! The bible says test the spirits! How do you test them? The written scriptures as Jesus did – it is written! Looks like Zambians will be the first to receive the Mark of the Beast written in Revelation 13:16! Stop being deceived by Politicians and Men of Gold! When you see Church and state coming together, just know that error is not far, and so is persecutions! The Church is the most dangerous entity. It is the one that crucified Jesus through the state! It is the one that burnt people in the dark ages. It is the same Mystery Babylon…

  10. LT,the fact that you have not shown us the pictures of the public in attendance , is a clear fact people have heard our calls to stay away from this demonic gathering called the nation prayers for thieves.

  11. Christian with unbearable poverty roaming around. It is a fallacy to pretend and want to make people believe that Zambian leaders have been upholding christian values. It is simply because we are petty and want to praise the leaders for other thing but forgetting how they misusing our resources and forgetting about the common sufferer roaming the streets. Upholding christian values is only on the lips in Zambia unfortunately. This Christian business is just making the citizenry more desperate and naive. The leaders know what you people need but they are making you blind with christianity issues just like the missionaries did before their govts colonised you. Wake up people christian values do not exist in Zambia!

  12. PF hypocritical leadership paying lip service to Christianity while they clean out state coffers! They thrive on the naiveté of the Zambian people. Another time will come when the majority of the people will wake up and smell the coffee, then the centre of power will shift!

  13. For goodness sake! Leave religion in the private realm. Genuine Christians don’t clamour to be seen praying in public corners like the hypocritical pharisees – and trying to drag everyone to do the same. No one is obliged to attend these ‘prayers’ and those who decide not to, should not be pointed a finger at. This is really ridiculous. The posture of Lungu in the picture is not even convincing. Many a nation have had unending strife because of mixing religion and the state. We don’t seem to be remotely enlightened to realize this. In any case, practice is what matters and on that score, Zambia is clearly mostly a nation of pagans and evil doers. Using prayer unashamedly to perpetuate the subjugation of an already down trodden people.

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