Saturday, October 19, 2024

Mpezeni vows never to step foot in State House


PARAMOUNT Chief Mpezeni ( centre), Senior Chief Mwata Kazembe ( left) and Paramount Chief Mbelwa of the Ngoni people of Malawi at this year’s Ncwala ceremony in Chipata on Saturday. PICTURE BY STEPHEN MUKOBEKO/ZANIS
PARAMOUNT Chief Mpezeni ( centre), Senior Chief Mwata Kazembe ( left) and Paramount Chief Mbelwa of the Ngoni people of Malawi at this year’s Ncwala ceremony in Chipata on Saturday. PICTURE BY STEPHEN MUKOBEKO/ZANIS

Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people in Chipata district has vowed not to visit State House again.

The traditional leader told journalists at his palace on Wednesday that he has attempted to meet President Edgar Lungu for about four times, but that he has been denied access.

He said his intention of meeting the Head of State is to explain challenges people are facing in his chiefdom.

The Paramount Chief said he will not visit State House again, adding that it is sad to note the bad perception officials at State House have about traditional leaders.

He said traditional leaders do not go to State House to ask for money, but to explain what the people want in communities.

And the Paramount Chief says people in communities are currently experiencing economic hardships due to the poor policies in the agriculture sector.

He said farmers did not realize profit in last year’s farming season, because of poor policies, adding that some farmers, who sold their maize to the Food Reserve Agency, have not been paid.

He further says traditional leaders are the voice for the voiceless in society, stating that if chiefs are denied access to meet the head of state, development cannot be seen in communities.

Breeze FM


    • Yet anaza free loading chief denied access to the cooky jar.

      Please take example from Mukuni and friends who do not depend on government salary or handouts.

    • This story doesn’t sound genuine in my ears. How can witch be the voice fir the voiceless. Where is the area mp to address that problem. That’s not the business of the president to attend to. He is busy flying from one country to another.

    • 4 times…..what is it that you want ku state house?…..ala!….follow the chain of command….talk to your area MP iwe mambala….and MP goes and tables your concerns in Parliament…no short cuts…and no special treatment just because you are from the east….just like Mwanawasa used to ignore you

      2021 vote PF (Edgar)

      I thank you

    • This MPENZENI also is foolish, me I would like to go to State House at the earliest opportunity, To REPLACE THE FOO>L THAT IN CURRENTLY THERE!

    • As long as Lungu is controlled by Rupiah who thinks Chewas should ride over Ngonis, this is to be expected. Mpezeni also advised Lungu against the firing of Kambwili from his position and his expulsion from PF. But it looks like Lungu would rather listen to Rupiah than Mpezeni. Rupiah has managed to drive a wedge between Lungu and Mpezeni, as we expected, knowing Rupiah’s disdain for Mpezeni.

    • @Mushota your spelling is siht (sic). The morning sickness must be naking you uncomfortable! Please take the chief a little something!

    • Kaili he has seen how others are getting rich, and he has not been given his share promised to him during elections. There some sharks who immediately grabs the bags immediately they leave statehouse. So on 4 occasions, he wanted to get his share personally from ECL, but Amos continued to block him, he is now frustrated…..he didn’t get his share.
      Come 2021, forget it that he will bore to other promises.


    • Mr. Mpezeni crying foul. Probably Chagwa knows that your mission to State House is to beg for money, which may be true.

    • What His Royal Highness Mpezeni Nkosi wama Nkosi has said is very true! Well said your highness- the MPs have failed to raise this issue, even opposition MPs have not raised the issue of the low maize floor price! Come 2021 we will see what happens but remember we had spoken about it, farmers have been let down this year and the majority of farmers are in the rural areas – the majority of Zambians live in the rural areas! Farmers will not forget the way they have been treated this year!

  1. He was used to enter State House as and when he pleased during Sata’s reign! There is a different cadre at the helm at Plot One whose priorities lie elsewhere – perhaps fattening his bank account through corrupt activities than attend to a hungry Chief intent on pushing his own agenda!

  2. Even Mwanawasa never entertained Mpezeni. At one time Mpezeni stayed in a Lusaka hotel and passed the bill to the state but Mwanawasa threw it out. I don’t know what followed afterwards.

  3. Chiefs should not be given the attention they are given. They have contributed to the destruction of this country. Look at how they issue out land without any professional qualification in land administration. They have sold all the land, now they free things at State House. What a shame. Should I become president, chiefs will be no more.

    • Look at developed countries, they don’t have chiefs selling land. Chiefs just consume and never produce and yet most land is in their hands. Africa cry.

    • Ever heard of the Queen of England Kid?

      Or the King of the King of Norway, Belgium, Sweden etc etc

      The Emperor of Japan etc etc all these are so called developed countries with Kings and Queens.. it’s one of the best and most stable forms of governance.

      The trouble with Africa is that we don’t appreciate the good that we have and instead appreciate the bad bits ie institution of the presidency, a faulty electoral system, a faulty form of governance as opposed to the traditional age old one held by our Kings who we v now reduced to the status of a mere chief or slightly better a paramount chief etc etc

  4. There’s an area Member of Parliament, District Commissioner, Provincial Permanent Secretary, Deputy PPS, Provincial Intelligence Officer, District Intelligence Officers etc…Party Members from PF !!!!!!!!!!!!You mean all these do not know what people in the communities want? Eish ba wesu that’s harsh!

    • It’s a fake story people. If it’s true that’s good treatment to show people that tribalism doesn’t exist in the DNA of other tribes. If it was hh in plot 1 south chiefs would’ve been having express entrance into plot1.

  5. ITS OK!!! This Chief wants to appear as thought he has passionate concerns for his people kanshi nika personal visitation ilefwaya. Yachita fye bwino infumu iyi!

  6. He is not making sense to me. How is the president going to answer for the agriculture and FRA? Why not engage the relevant authorities

    • The president is the ceo of Zambia.. literally one phone call from Lungu to FRa and voila!!!! All farmers will be paid and on time but nooo it was one phone call to grand view to purchase 42 bloody wrecks of fire tenders…

      Literally the president in Zambia is a god who gets worshipped on 18 October every year.. don’t pretend you don’t know

  7. Chiefs are so easy to entice. In 2021 Edgar Lungu will just go back to Mpezeni with a thick brown envelope and they will be back in good books

  8. This chief is about Money grabing alone. What kind of chief who collects brand new cars every day (cars like brand new Range Rovers, X5s, Bentleys, X6s etc) then claims to be a voice of the voiceless? Go to his palace there is tens of brand new vehicles unregistered. Every month he acquires the very lastest models of different cars. For what it does not make sense.

    • There’s no law against that to be honest is there ?

      Remember The Ngoni are in large numbers in Zambia, and I’m sure every single car their King owns was bought either by His Majesty or by his subjects all across Zambia and other parts of Southern Africa as a tribute.

      Literally, there’s no harm in that.

  9. So who will suffer, now that this chief has sawed off relations to state house?

    Are traditional leaders the only ones qualified to explain what the people want in communities? Will he not change his mind as soon as he receives a delegation with a fat bonus to appease him?

  10. He should part away with some of the wealth he has accumulated from presidents and give it to his people. Most of these chiefs just want to receive all the time without spearheading meaningful development in their chiefdoms. Some of their villages don’t even have toilets and people squat in the bushes followed by pigs waiting to feast on the waste. In any case he would be very lucky to find the president in state house.

  11. Just watch a step , RB will pour a bottle of honey and milk and the chief will swim in happiness . Only that PF must be very careful mpezeni has influence on people on the ground . But upnd don’t clap your hands lungu is a domestic child of mpezeni.

    This thin Impi, known as Nkhosi ya makhosi loves freeloading, & really does NOT have his subjects concerns @ heart!
    Just bosha Kaizer or Amos, & you will be sitting in Plot #1 next to ba Jona Pombe.

  13. If this was said by one of the chiefs from southern the haters would have roundly condemned and insulted him.But now that its one of their own the silence is very loud.Your royal highness, i appreciate your frustrations but i feel you should have condemned the human rights abuses occurring in our country. That’s a more important issue.Besides you can still contact the president by writing to him.we all know the wrong things going on in our country and we pray for the day to come for oppressors to be held to account.You cant divide the country this way and imagine that the affected will applaud you.

  14. A nkhosi, Ba President nibasu ndipo nibana banu.Akalete manzi lombapano and nkhukhu kupepesa. Tisamuse mpata HH. Napao sitipaziba uko ku Monze. Bayete nkosi! Dr. Miti there at State house you have heard the issue that His majesty Nkosi has raised, please make the necessary arrangements and mop state house, some people could be on the opposition’s payroll.

  15. The only chief in Zambia who knows his/her role is the Kalonga Gawa Undi of the Chewa of Malawa, Mozambique and Zambia. He is the only chief (King) that doesn’t entertain polytricians because he knows that his influence is international.

    • With all due respect to Kalonga Gawa, I feel he should do more to open up, lobby and negotiate for development in his kingdom. Look at Chadiza, Sinda and Katete districts, they are the least developed in Eastern Province because of this same policy of isolation by Gawa.

  16. Nkosi ya ma Nkosi is one of the most liberal and progressive chiefs that I have ever met, he’s self made and a man of integrity. Besides that he’s financially sound. He doesn’t speak from without, there’s a lot in what he has said. Just wait and see. Perhaps even the stories we hear about people selling appointments to see the President might be true


  18. Like someone has already stated, there’s the House of Chiefs, MPs etc so why does Mpezeni want to tell the president that all these can’t handle? No chief and we have many has complained of being turned away from States House because they respect protocol and etiquette.

    • There is a lot of red tape in Zambia if you follow all those protocals and things move at a snails pace. The nkosi can move things. Already the MP for Chipata Central has failed the people, so how does a chief entrust him with developmental issues. Nkosi does not need any brown envelope from state house, he is well taken care of by his subjects in and out of Zambia.

    • It’s not about envelopes. No. So how many MPs has Chipata since Mr Jere ascended to the throne and how many times has visited State House especially during Chilubas and Satas tenures? Is he the only Chief facing challenges?

  19. Why don’t we just abolish these chiefdoms? They have not helped to unite us but have been successful in dividing us. Fifty three years after independence sure we are still entertaining these systems? No wonder we are not developing. Why should our NRCs be linked to Chiefs and villages? Is it not enough to be classified as male or female Zambia? Let us abolish them the way Tanzania did! No wonder things are getting better in TZ! Their forefathers were wiser to do away with some of these primitive system that are like parasites on the central government. Worse, they control 70% of land which individual Chiefs are selfishly selling at a give away to foreigners at a very worrying rate. We risk becoming squatters in our own country. We must put a stop to this and manage our land resource like…

  20. Awe elyo chabipa nomba kikikikikikikiki! Ndemona Chitimukulu kuti abafwako ba Mupeseni. Sata aleumfwana sana naba Mupeseni nombo mungoni munabo abakana

  21. Public Service Commission should be professional.Mr Inambao Chief Planner now UPGRADED to Assistant Director was transferred from Western province to Southern but because the PS Southern wants a Mubanga who runs personal errands for him as a friend,Inambao was chased like a dog.Now this Mubanga is working tooth and nail to get the position at any cost.Was Public Service commission supposed to be getting orders from a PS who wants to employ a friend to that extent ? During the Kaunda days, Heads were supposed to roll but now anybody can choose who he or she wants to work with……too much corruption,nepotism and favoritism.Where is the the so called govt machinery which was supposed to see and put things right ? its so frustrating and flabbergasting.

  22. Too much smoke of ifyamba ba chief. All these things you have mentioned are not your business. Whats the job of MPs in your chiefdom, what about councillors, governors etc. Just wait for reports and sound to them (MPs) what u want.
    Why not just ban chiefs. They a thorn in the back.side and ass.hole. Yesterday mukuni had his own smoke of dobo. Atase bane!
    Let him go to hell and continue drinking blood.
    What a disaster of a chief.

  23. UPND is the most useless party with Under Five supporters to ever grace the political landscape in Zambia! They need a prefect to help them get into State House! That is why they trash-talk their country and write Amnesty, UN etc! Under Fives need a prefect or a monitor (from Amnesty or Commonwealth) but they will NEVER enter State House! They are tribal thugs and arsonists!

  24. Imwe ba kembo respect the chief. And don’t insult the president. Imwe fyonse mapolitics mwaba shani kanshi? What is wrong for a chief to see the head of state if he has some concerns? He wants things to be fixed quickly and you are condenming him. Some of these people you are mentioning are very slow to react. Think before you say anything.

  25. Imwe na imwe mwe bangoni cant you modernise that outfit your king is wearing? Look at the beautiful one the aid on the right is wearing. Move with the times you dynosaurs

  26. It is unfortunate i think that The Paramount Chief, Nkhosi ya Ma Nkhosi himself has to be directly attributed that disavowal of the President. A more diplomatic, politically correct channel through a Palace spokesman, Tyson Jere would have sufficed. I would hope this will be a learning process for future interactions with Govt. It is also hoped that whatever is ailinng the Supreme Ruler will be cured and fences mended. Ba yethe NKHOSI YA mANKHOSI!

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