Saturday, March 29, 2025

Zambia secures land for the establishment of a new refugee camp for Congolese


Government has secured land for the establishment of a new refugee camp for Congolese asylum seekers in Kawambwa District – Luapula Province.

And Refugee Officer Mwika Musakazi says the number of asylum seekers running away from skirmishes in the Democratic Republic of Congo may hit 20 – thousand soon.

Speaking during a meeting with a delegation from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -UNHCR- led by Mr. MWIKA, Kawambwa District Commissioner IVO MPASA disclosed that government has found land in 47 Miles farmland area of Kawambwa for the sett

ng up of a permanent camp for the asylum seekers.

The District Commissioner explained that 1-thousand hectares has so far been demarcated with an option to increase the size.

Mr. Mpasa said Kawambwa had in the past hosted refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo and has no problem hosting them once again.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mpasa has appealed to the UNHCR not to build makeshift structures but consider permanent ones that may continue standing even after refugees are repatriated.

He said the UNHCR has in the past built temporary houses, schools and hospitals in Kala refugee camp which collapsed immediately after the Congolese refugees were repatriated in 2010.

And Mr. Mwika said the population of the asylum seekers at Kenani One and Two transit camps has hit 5-thousand 3-hundred and 99 as of last week with the number expected to rise.


  1. Kagame and Kabila should be arrested for crimes against humanity. This silent genocide cannot continue unabated. Kagame boasts of development in his country at the expense of killing innocent children. The prescious minerals they are looting belongs to the people and must be made to account for stealing. These ruthless dictators need to face the law ASAP.

    • Lombe, Kagame and Kabila can never be arrested for “crimes against humanity” because they are proxys for the Americans. Kabila became President with the support of the Americans so did Kagame.

  2. There is NO NEED for permanent structures because these people MUST go back to their countries of origin. In addition, Lungu MUST break all relationships with Uganda, Rwanda and DRC for causing mayhem in the DRC due to their plot to distablise the DRC via Kabila whose undemocratic decisions are causing death and destruction.

  3. These people will return shortly after UNHCR gives them pots, blankets, tools, food and other materials. My cousin is amngest the group claiming to come from DRC but he stays in Kaputa. Easy way to make money.

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