Monday, March 3, 2025

Independence day in pictures


Cheshire primary school pupils perform durng the Independence celebrations in Solwezi
Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and Chilikuiwe drama club chairman Shimpundu Kaoma performing a dance during this year’s independence celebrations at Kaole stadium in Mansa.
Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa and Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya cutting an independence cake at Kaole Studium in Mansa
Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa and Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya cutting an independence cake at Kaole Studium in Mansa
Kapita welcomed by Wisamba during the 53rd Independence anniversary celeb in Solwezi
Kapita with wife Astridah Solwezi DC and Wisamba follow proceedings during Independence
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with President of Botswana, Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama, at KK international airport in Lusaka arrival ceremony
Part of the freedom fighters that attended the Independence anniversary celeb in Solwezi
Part of the solwezi residents during the Independence anniversary celeb in Solwezi



  1. Please ba Editor, Serese Khama was the father to President Ian Khama, two different people! So don’t say President Serese Khama Ian Khama!

    • The editor is very right here. I’m currently living in Botswana and that is how he writes his name and that’s how he is addressed where ever he goes: PRESIDENT SERETSE KHAMA IAN KHAMA. Sounds strange but he likes it that way, a matter of choice I think.

  2. Are all old people freedom fighters? I have said so because to my knowledge not every body was involved in the freedom struggle. In fact some people were even “Inde bwana” Luckily, I was born four years before the attainment of Zambia’s independence, truthfully, I cannot call myself a freedom fighter because I was still too young. Equally, some people who were old enough at that time and NEVER took part in the independence struggle DO NOT qualify to be freedom fighters!

  3. Independence day pictures are very nice. It is always proud to celebrate & perform on the occasion of Independence Day. That is very different feeling one can’t explain with words. Happy Independence Day.

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