Friday, September 6, 2024

Shiwang’andu- mass distribution of mosquito nets launched


Women posing with their newly donated Mosquito nets
File: Women posing with their newly donated Mosquito nets

The Shiwang`andu District Health Office in Muchinga Province has launched a mass distribution of Insecticide treated mosquito nets in a bid to eliminate Malaria in the region.

Shiwang`andu District Commissioner Evelyn Kangwa said launch of the mass distribution of insecticide treated mosquito nets and Indoor residual spraying exercise is to achieve a 100 percent Malaria free nation.

Ms. Kangwa said government is determined to eliminate Malaria by the year 2021, as well as reduce cases of other related diseases to the level where it is no longer a Public Health problem.

She was speaking in a speech read on her behalf by the District Administrative Officer Noah Simulunga at the official Launch of the Mass distribution of Insecticide treated mosquito nets and Indoor residual Spraying in Shiwang`andu district.

And Shiwang`andu District Health Director, Webster Kambinga said the district is among others with high Malaria incidences across the country.

Dr Kambinga said that the Medical Office will ensure that it strengthens all malaria activities in the district in a view to eliminate Malaria occurrences in line with the Malaria Elimination strategic plans.

Dr Kambinga added that the Medical office has received a total number of 63, 160 insecticides treated mosquito nets which is more than what was expected.

The District Health Director further revealed that the mass distribution of insecticide treated mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying has since started in the district with Mulanga area being the first target.

Meanwhile, Shiwang`andu District Malaria Task Force Chairperson Edwin Kikamba who is also Shiwang`andu District Fisheries and Livestock Coordinator has advised people to sleep under mosquito nets and not to use them for fishing or fencing gardens.

Mr. Kikamba said those found misusing the mosquito nets will be visited by the law, because government has spent huge sums of money for the exercise, hence the need for proper use from all beneficiaries


  1. Here we go again, we aim to eradicate malaria by 2021.. 2021 is a magical number for pf everthing is aimed being completed by 2021….. ms kangwa how much has pf government spent on research into the eradication of malaria, which research Institute undertakes the research, what are the results of that research, which government donated these nets.
    Ms kangwa the western scientific world has spent decades and millions of dollars on research into the eradication of malaria , without success, yet the pf government without research will eradicate it by 2021. Wake up,to this constant propaganda it is ALL TALK no substance

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