Friday, March 7, 2025

More than 10,000 people to benefit from solar hammer mill


Minister of Agriculture Dora Siliya during the tour of the solar milling plant in Bauleni
Minister of Agriculture Dora Siliya during the tour of the solar
milling plant in Bauleni

More than 10, 000 people in Miluji ward in Mufumbwe constituency of North-Western province will benefit from solar hammer mill soon to be commissioned in the locality.

In an interview, Miluji ward councillor, Freddy Mukelabai said about 10, 600 people would be able access power once the mill is commissioned.

Mr Mukelabai said the stance taken by government to install a solar hammer mill will improve the living standards of people in the wards.

He said the central location of the solar hammer mill which is stationed at Tukuta Uwane cooperative will also supply power to about 25 staff houses that will include Chime Mujidu Rural health center and Miluji primary school respectively.

The civic leader said solar hammer mill will enable people in the area to grid their maize at affordable prices and it will also be milling maize which would later sold to the community.

Mr Mukelabai said the coming of the mill in the ward will create employment for the youths in entrepreneurship skills such as welding, barbing and gardening among other activities.

The civic leader has appealed to government through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to provide maize shed depots in the area saying unscrupulous maize dealers were swindling farmers by maize at cheap prices as farmers are desperate of selling their produce.

Mr Mukelabai said FRA should quickly enter the ward in order to buy all the maize in the ward before the unscrupulous maize dealers mop up the maize from farmers.

He said government should also construct a boarding secondary school in the ward as pupils from Miluji, Shipandanga, Kabanga and Mulambwa primary schools cover about 200 kilometers to access secondary education either from Kaoma district in Western province or Kamizekezeke in Mufumbwe district.

Mr Mukelabai complained that due to long distances for children to access quality education, there is an escalation of early marriages of both boys and girls in the ward.

He said the only way of curbing early marriages in the area is only by constructing modern secondary schools adding that he is also busy sensitizing parents of the need of sending their children to school.

Mr Mukelabai further appealed to government to construct a health post in Miluji ward saying that one health post which is at Shipunji in Chief Mushima’s area cannot manage to carter for the whole population in the locality.

He said some expectant mothers fail to cover long distances to Shipunji clinic and just opt to deliver in their homes without the care of any health personnel posing a threat to newly born babies.


    • Progress!! when the whole thing was imported i mean 2000 of them..i wonder how much one cost.
      How are these things going to pay for themselves? This is reckless expenditure…

  1. Can one of our MPs during Veep’s question time ask for update on the following
    . how are the mobile hospitals faring
    . what has happened to the graders for feeder road maintenance
    . it is over 90 days since the IG told the nation 12 people would appear in court soon in relation with the City Market fire
    . Commissioner Katanga said there was a 17 man squad of electric pylon bombers about to be arrested. Has there been extrajudicial killing?

  2. what happens when thereis no sun. How much sun is required to make the mill function,, does it operate as soon as dawn . 10000 pipo 1 mill pipo will go hungry waiting for their turn. What is capacity yo mill daily.
    This is like fire tenders money spent but no details of capacity or technical specifications.

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