Friday, March 7, 2025

DRC Refugees crisis in Pictures



Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in ZambiaCongolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
A Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
ongo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
A Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge district in Zambia
UNHCR Country Represrntative Ms Pierrne Ayira at Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
UNHCR Country Represrntative Ms Pierrne Ayira at Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees waiting for food ration at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchele
Congo DRC refugees waiting for food rations at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchele
Congo DRC refugees family meal time at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees family meal time at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees family at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees family at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congolese refugees at Kenani transit centre in the Nchelenge district Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani transit centre in the Nchelenge district Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani transit centre in the Nchelenge district, 90km from the border, where the Zambian government works with aid agencies to help them
Congolese refugees at Kenani transit centre in the Nchelenge district, 90km from the border, where the Zambian government works with aid agencies to help them
Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge


  1. Look at the settlement. The tents are well arranged and easy to access. why cant some of our settlements be arranged in such a manner? Our so called settlements are haphazardly arranged making it difficult for an ambulance to reach any of them. I hope the town planners have learnt something from this..

    • Its not town planners always to blame…grassroots corruption plays a major role in the chaos we see in Zed and Africa. Its like most Africans are ready to receive or pay a bribe…. plots and traffic issues are a clear example. Until we as citizens of Zed and Africa say no to bribing our way in everything …. chaos shall rain, no matter who in the ruling party.

    • HH is genius when it comes to business but the man can’t rule Zambia because Tonga are sick and shameless tribalists just like Bembas. Find a company where the CEO is Tonga then you will know what I am talking about.

  2. A fruit never falls too far from the tree. Like father like son.The fake war in DRC is funded by Kabila, so as to postpone elections and remain in power like his father. I hope a brave soldier does us proud again.

    This is the type of friends Lungu has surrounded himself with. Locally lungu has people like kaizer and drug pushers like findley even abroad his chosen avery low calibre people like kabila whose killing his own people.

    Let Kabila fund the refugees stay in Zambia.Are those diamonds only meant to fund wars. Even lungu thats why his killing us with his taxes all over the place, his is sponge copying all sorts of bad manners.

    • Yah why? You think HH does not have such. You think HH is an angel. Beware politicians are all the same, just look at the company they keep…who ever thought HH and Sata would pair up, or GBM and HH would ever be bed fellows. Already Kambwili is seeking a new bed mate… Please do not be so gullible as to believe in a politician.

    • @abilima, you cannot correct these charecters. That’s why they can even hero worship a know crook like Kambwili simply because he can insult Lungu.

    • So you don’t want to pay tax. How do you think the so called Donner countries raise the money they send you? Oh yes that’s why you want HH because he’s got a couple billions you think he’ll be funding government?

  3. Mathew 25:35. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in……..

  4. So far no one in congo(individual or government) seems to say there is a crisis…but we ve made it one. Africans have issues!

  5. That selfish Joseph Kabila is the cause of all this. How I wish that these selfish African leaders are made to sign that at the end of their term they will hand over power to the next President so that when they refuse to step down after their term ends they are taken to court where even the UN can come in to force them out of power.

    • In his ignorance Kabila has reportedly said he didn’t come to power through the ballot and those who who want the power must do as he did.

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