Friday, October 18, 2024

HH speaks at Chatham House, calls for restoration of order in Zambia


HH at  Chatham House
HH at Chatham House

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema on Tuesday addressed the world-renowned think tank Chatham House in London and stated that there is a break down of rule of law in Zambia.

In his speech, Mr Hichilema addressed and the questions that followed after he spoke passionately about the importance of strengthening the rule of law, bringing an end to political violence and restoring the rule of law.

“These issues are not partisan, not about PF, UPND or any other party, but about the national interest and the welfare of Zambian citizens”, Mr. Hichilema stated.

He stressed the importance of sharing different opinions at such well-respected platforms both domestically and internationally.

“Even when we don’t agree, it is essential that we dialogue”.

“Zambia has historically been host to refugees fleeing violence and intimidation elsewhere, but today Zambia is an exporter of refugees. We must remedy this by releasing all political prisoners and restoring human rights for our people.”

Mr. Hichilema also covered such basic rights as the right to work and earn income, rejecting discrimination based on political affiliation, ethnicity, and religion or any other such measure.

He also covered recent abuse of the Public Order Act, which he said must be reformed to remove the opening for manipulation that is used to deny opposition, civil society and citizens in general their freedom of movement.

“The use of security apparatus to abuse citizens and deny them their rights and freedoms must be stopped”.

“Those media institutions that are considered independent have been constrained and in the worse cases shut down,” said Mr. Hichilema in reference to the closure of the Post Newspaper and threats against stations such as Muvi, Prime and Komboni radio.

“In some cases we have direct violation of the constitution by government”, he stated citing Article 104 that requires the President to stand aside following the submission of an electoral petition.

“We also see the state disobeying or disregarding court orders and the abuse of the office of the Director of Public Prosecution.”

Mr. Hichilema said the way forward must be the restoration of the rule of law and public order, as well as reform of the judiciary and to address lacunas in the current constitution that undermine democracy and democratic efforts.

“After the flawed 2016 elections we opted to go the democratic route and file a petition, rejecting violence. For this approach to work, however, petitions need to be heard and the rule of law must be respected. The presidential petition must be heard”.

Concerning the criminal justice system Mr. Hichilema called for an end to detention without charge, as well as a return to the presumption of innocence until proving guilty.

“Party cadres using police and issuing instructions to the police Inspector General cannot be good for any democracy or for any citizen of that democracy”.

Regarding the electoral process Mr. Hichilema stressed that the “lack of transparency in the electoral process has created opportunities for rigging and has therefore been a source of tension and dispute”.

Reform of the ECZ is a must, said the UPND leader, stating “Why would anyone resist a truly independent ECZ, unless someone feels they are benefitting from the current system that lacks transparency?”

And Mr. Hichilema has charged that that the levels of corruption are reaching cancerous standards.

He said only a small group of people are benefitting at the expense of the majority..

“State institutions such as ZRA and ACC are being abused. We must have zero tolerance for corruption and end the abuse of state institutions, as well as at the same time ensuring the professionalization of the civil service.”

He charged, “You cannot redistribute poverty. In order to deliver social and economic progress and create the jobs and opportunities Zambians so desperately need and deserve, these issues pertaining to human rights, rule of law and governance must be urgently and comprehensively addressed.

HH at Chatham House
HH at Chatham HouseHH at Chatham House
HH at Chatham House
HH at Chatham House
Part of the Audience
Part of the Audience
Part of the Audience



      This is only one on many untruths from his speech last night.

      Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu Appeals to International Community for Refugee Support. (I he was dreaming live in Luapula, I was watching)

      “Zambia has historically been host to refugees fleeing violence and intimidation elsewhere, but today Zambia is an exporter of refugees.(The whites he is seeking solace and help from must be confused)

      The above us the reason I cannot support this guy.

    • HH cannot make a good leader. Look at UPND. There is no internal democracy there. Since he took over there has been no elections in UPND. He has clearly ignored the party’s constitution.
      Where did he see zambIan refugees? He was lying to the world about zambian refugees.
      The Post Newaspaper was closed because of cheating on Taxes. You cannot have a company that fails to remit to the tax body even the VAT and PAYE it collects.
      On the petition HH should blame his Lawyers. They brought no evidence to court in all the 14 days they were given. The constitution allows only 14 days of hearing on any election petition.

    • I’ve said it before HH has a shockingly low IQ and fails to articulate issues. The fact he failed to express himself properly on Hardtalk shows this. The chap was a proper embarrassment to all Zambians on such a platform. How did he get his economics degree kanshi? The only wish he has is to see Zambia become a failed state. He delights in seeing people suffer with issues just so he can say “look I told you so”. Such an ego is very dangerous and shows why he has failed to provide an objective opposition. Still the govt and its ministers such as Kapyongo, Dora and Mutati from their failings are the ones that have made this HH a hero and likely the future President of Zambia.

    • House Negro…..malabishi….

      HH will never rule Zambia…..he thinks bazungu can help him…aloba ilyauma pompwe

      We will soon take him back to the big house….

      I had a conference call with my boss back in Lusaka…..Mukobeko and this time he will be locked up till 2026


      2021 vote PF ( Edgar )

      I thank you

    • Quote: “Zambia has historically been host to refugees fleeing violence and intimidation elsewhere, but today Zambia is an exporter of refugees…..”

      You just have to wonder, which Zambia this guy live in? Is it the Zambia he has “manufactured” in his own confused head? I am sure the people he was talking to were like; Whaaaaat…Zambian refugees? When? Where are they fleeing to, D.R. Congo? Why haven’t our own embassies told us about this “SERIOUS” situation in Zambia?

      Hahahahahaha…., that’s a mind of a delusional individual at work for you! Someone who thinks that these BaZungus are so 5tup!d, ignorant and uninformed as to believe this N0n5ense. TELLS YOU A LOT ABOUT THE SORT OF RESPECT, OR LACK THEREOF, HH HAS FOR THESE ‘POOR’ SOULS. It takes a “GENIUS” to lie with a…

    • HH CAN LIE THROUGH HIS TEETH, ANYWAY, HE IS TALKING TO PEOPLE WHO ARE LESS INFORMED ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN ZAMBIA “Zambia has historically been host to refugees fleeing violence and intimidation elsewhere, but today Zambia is an exporter of refugees. We must remedy this by releasing all political prisoners and restoring human rights for our people.”

    • **** To Start with…
      The Blondie woman with a colar- scuff on the 3rd Picture from the top, sitting in the 3rd Role – was so BORED, she was Fast Asleep. They say – a every picture tells a story- Er!!

    • HH was using his white Colar to inflame fire in Zambia. HH always lacked:

      1. Political Insight
      2. Grand Strategy
      3. Operational Calculation
      4. Tactics
      5. Political Judgment

      HH – If I was him, I would spend more time going to the copper-belt giving campaign speeches and winning votes.

    • 1. The Post Newspaper – Sorry it closed itself
      2. Refugees – Zambia is not Exporting Refugees
      3. HH does not believe Democracy – If he did he would allow a UPND Convention
      4. HH is lucky – in any other country he would not be free after that stupid stunt in Mongu – Which even the US & UK Diplomats in Zambia have said the – I Quote.. It was provocative

      4. He keeps concentrating on ( One Province ) which is the international media ( who don’t provide votes such as this forum Chaltham Platform.

      5. The UK audience was:

      (a) Partly hired UK White Students Researching on African Politics – ( Truth )
      (b) A few Black UPND UK Cadres – (Truth)
      (c) The room was too small for a person who just won an African Political Award is South Africa. – (Truth)

    • He goes abroad starts crying about dialogue yet he is quiet at home….also complains about reform yet his MPs are busy quietly getting fat in Parliament.

  1. I was almost there.

    He made a lot of noises but delivered little.

    Congratulations mr HH
    I wish you the best.

    Shame there is no room at statehouse until 2026.

    I was impressed.

    Yes Chatham is in Kent. Chatham house is in london. I hate Zambians.

    Round of applause for mr HH he made himself very proud. I wish him well.



    • When having its own opinion become problem in a democratic Country which respects Rule of Law and Fundamental Human Rights?

    • Mushota I have nothing against you and I think you are a smart girl but I just can’t comprehend why you make such hateful comments towards HH and the UPND….I wish nothing but the good life to you. Enjoy the UK.

  2. As a PF member, i must am proud of HH and am definitely voting for him come 2021. The PF-MMD alliance has been a bad experiment for Zambia and it lack vision to create a better Zambia for all. We need to just Zambia’s economic development agenda with a new Government. I would to urge Zambians across the country to put their differences aside and rally behind HH for a better Zambia for all. PF is taking nowhere, corruption is at grand scale, rule of law has vanished, democracy is non existent, job creation is not even a policy agenda anymore, and taxes and the cost of living are rising everyday, therefore why must i continue to support PF. HH is the man of the moment and he should work with the likes of Kambwili.

  3. From Mukobeko prison to Chatterbox House for HH ,but Nelson Mandela went from prison to residing in Union Buildings in Pretoria.

  4. HH has spoken well on things we know PF administration is doing badly. That is good for foreigners. But he has said nil or little on what his party will do when they form Govt. These will be the selling points to lure votersin Zambia. His speech could also make good agenda for dialogue back home.

    • @ Amagenge

      Just imagine doing opposite of what you say “…on things we know PF administration is doing badly…” and you will have answer “…on what his party will do when they form Govt. …”

  5. “Zambia has historically been host to refugees fleeing violence and intimidation elsewhere, but today Zambia is an exporter of refugees” TO WHICH COUNTRIES??


  6. Why should Zambia be a democracy only when it’s in favour of HH? What democratic credentials has HH got that he can boast about? HH has never accepted any wrongdoing. Personalised a party that he never founded. Forced out any potential challengers to his leadership, never had a convention for people to challenge him and you want to preach about democracy. The British are specialists in divide and rule. In HH they smell a potential candidate to impose their agenda of mass confusion on the African continent. These guys have spied on us for hundreds of years via the so-called missionaries. Next time you see one, ask them what the mission is…careful with these guys.

    • My thoughts too. I’ve a colleague who’s a Upnd tribe and he’s always accusing Edgar of corruption. His daughter had just graduated as a nurse and she already employed even before graduation at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium. I asked how she’d managed to be employed so quickly by a corrupt government when others were still struggling. He changed the subject.

  7. This guy reminds me of a work mate who used to to hide items and after searching he would “find ” the item and looked very clever until his trick was discovered. That’s is this HH. He creates chaos and creates the impression that he’s “restoring order “. Hope this Chatham House will vote for him.

  8. What you forget is that this so-called think tank serves only one purpose and that’s in the interest of the British Government. You are helping to paint a picture that will legitimately give the British government powers to do as their pleased with your country hence your copper prices are determined by the London stock exchange even though London is not known for producing copper. Imagine a London charge ordering your government for compensation for your own internal affairs? What next…You want London to anoint HH as republican president? Why don’t you go to India, one of the largest democracies in the world and rant the same way if you strongly feel for Zambia’s democracy? Don’t become an uncle Tom, and undo all the hard work done by our founding fathers and mothers.

    • Don’t forget that Britain has an embassy in Zambia which sends routine reports on the actual position of the state of all affairs in Zambia. So whatever lies HH is vomiting there, the true is already known by the people purporting to listen to him. So the more lies HH tells them, the lesser credible he sets himself before the same people. Under5 has a shallow level of intelligence.

  9. is blocking presidential mortorcader order

    is calling head of state clueless hyna order order

    is stealing via privatisation order

    is burning city market order

    is ethnic cleansin in namwala order

    • 1. No one blocked anyone ZP CONVENIENTLY forgot to organise presidential sweeper to clear the way, whilst they were fully aware HH was on that road

      2. Sue him for defaming the head of state then

      3. Arrest him for theft you have ZP and ACC take the evidence including the dossier done by Late MCS (MHSRIP). Remember to charge those who were running the country at the time

      4. You know fully well who is burning markets that are controlled and patrolled by??? Ask ZP to release the reports, findings and investigations. Why the delay

      5. On Namwala can you one again ask your PF ZP to release the reports, findings of their investigations. Who died who was tortured. Ethnic cleansing is a very big word for a cadre where did you hear it? If you dont have a dictionary in your home google…

    • You have hammered the nail on the head .

      Did he tell them about all those things?

      What about exporting refugees from Namwala to other parts of Zambian.

      Surely goodness and mercy shall not follow him all the days of his life- unless he repented

      And he shall not dwell in the house of the Lord- again, unless he repents.

      The problem is that the chances of him repenting are almost zero. The devil has completely taken over.

  10. Again HH missed another opportunity to state what his plans are for Zambia instead of just fighting the State.
    He failed himself and his Party at the “Hard Talk” show. The exhibited total ignorance of the Country he wants to rule. The only thing he knows is that ECL is the President instead of himself. Isnt that a shame not only to UPND but also to Zambia?

  11. u5 is like a neighbour who just shifted from the compound and blurs loud music in the hood you cant even sleep

    each time you want reason with him he says he wants to bring order to the hood.

  12. Yaba Dundumwezi Presido is really embarrassed himself on hard talk. You need smart minds like HE ECL on that hot sit not under5s.

    • It’s good everyone was glued to their TVs to listen to the president’s address. Why do you pretend like you don’t like when you do.

  13. let him collect all the medals globally. no one will work with him in zambia apart from add.

    forever go to polls with 3 provinces with
    no coucillor in

    eastern province

    yet he claims he is popular

    he is arrogant
    hardnose capitalist

  14. i missed hardtalk can i find on youtube lol.

    a villager from bweengwa whre and how can see the clip

  15. where is the part where he talks about the under 5 party’s priorities??? no convention since 2006. wamuyayaya candidate then you preach about democracy my foot! GET OUT!

  16. Hyperbole, exaggeration, amplification and distortion are tools of propaganda. It is not accurate to portray the country as a country devoid of Good Governance, the Rule of Law and the Respect of Human Rights. What is true is that in any modern democracy, incidents of violation of personal freedoms and individual liberties can occur at collateral level. The Mongu incident was a sad day for the country. However, the root cause of it was well documented. Any sitting president in Zambia will enjoy VVIP security. It would have been better to focus on a political manifesto that would discuss infrastructure development, job creation, liquidation of debt owed to retirees, strengthening regional peace and security, etc. It is not true that certain Zambians are living in exile because of political…

    • It would have been better to focus on a political manifesto that would discuss infrastructure development, job creation, liquidation of debt owed to retirees, strengthening regional peace and security, etc. It is not true that certain Zambians are living in exile because of political persecution. The country remains a shining example of emerging democracies. To build on these democratic credentials, it is necessary to stick to basic facts and arguments about the beloved country. Inflation is single digit, fuel subsidy is phasing out, electric power is stabilizing, food security is consolidating, freedom of expression is guaranteed under the constitution, etc.

  17. Imwe tu Lusaka Times we know that you are pushing HH’s agenda. We are watching you very well and will soon act on you.


  18. Down with the imperialists.We need to free our minds from the machinations of the imperialists. They control the minds of Homo Africanus with their technology, their language, their culture, and wealth.

    Africa needs to find its own path even it will be painful. Let’s blog in our mother tongues and we should use technology developed in Chienge using our own version of the Internet that runs on bones and roots. Lets shed the imperialist’s fashion and adorn bark clothes and go back to living in eco-friendly huts.

  19. Mamamamamama…. PF you realy waited for this speech so you could tear it apart in your comments. Paid guns…… well done HH. You give us hope.

  20. crying baby, forget about 2016 election move on and tell us what you will do for mother Zambia and let the same bazungu vote for you.

  21. I love HH for being pie-brain sized. He is actually campaigning for ECL and PF. HH has consolidated his lose for 2021 in the 7 provinces of Zambia. How I wish he would continue with such self defeating attitude. All money no brains, thats HH for you guys in UPND! What a pity!!

  22. Actually 1.4 – it was his lawyers who abandoned him since there was no evidence and due to preliminaries which took 10 days remaining with only 4 days which they have been claiming even though the all 14 days elapsed. How can you deliberate a petition case in 4 days with 53 witnesses?

  23. Wake up, if you do not know that Zambia is an exporter of economic refugees, your young Laddies are shameless prostitutes on the streets of south africa, Namibia costal towns,
    London and young men have fled the country because of poverty and unemployment to various countries across the globe, just look on Lusaka Times blog you will notice the many flags where they are scattered. These are the ones who are supposed to participate in economic development of the country, but now many of them are helping developing other country because in their own, there are no such opportunities and conducive environment that helped them succeed as their host countries.

  24. DePal which hope are you waiting from u5? Is it tribalism, displacement of non Tongas in Southern Province, burning of Government buildings and markets or may be another privatization of government institutions? Anyway keep hoping and dreaming since it is your right to do so.

  25. Ok, so what’s new??? What would one expect from badaala??? So long as PF and ECL remain in govt., badaala will and i qoute, will NEVER say anything to reflect anything positive about this country. He already spewed a similar negative speech in front of Maimane and their sponsors the minute he left prison and he still going to do it. SO, THERE IS NOTHING INTRIGUING OR GROUNDREAKING ABOUT BADAALA’S LATEST EPISODE.

  26. Now that Judicial Complaint Commission have ruled that the 14days was not observed by the Concourt, what next? The Constitution was raped by Edgar Lungu where he was the judicial. executive and the legislature before and after general elections in 2016 where he allowed ministers to draw salaries illegally, failed to step aside during presidential petition. Does ECL have the mandate to rule Zambia? We need legal experts to guide us otherwise ECL does not deserve to be in State House. If it were in other countries, ECL would have been jailed for abuse of authority.

  27. China has economic refugees in Zambia and elsewhere. This one of individual aspirations to find opportunities in other jurisdictions. It is normal in any society and should not be attributed to one individual or group of people. HH was deep in hallucinations and displaying his flamboyant ignorance of the affairs of his country because of his pre-occupations with self praise. It was just a case of OLD MAN AND THE MEDAL, OBI OKWONKO. He can fit to called HH OKWONKWO.VIVA ECL, 2021.

  28. He meant Zambia was “importer” and not “exporter” of refugees.

    Nearly all refugees, except Moise Katumbi in Zambia come from DRC. Unlike his country men, Katumbi sought refuge in Belgium.

    NB: Yes most ladies in the audience will either bored and dossed of or simply playing with their phones.

  29. Objectivity is the Key ”ROYAL & PATRIOTIC TO YOUR COUNTRY” is the variable for Statesman.. You shall know them by their fruits.

  30. Kikikiki i can only see less than 25 people here,few whites and a number of tongas based in UK kikikikikiki!!surely i didnt expect this!!!
    Now look at the issues from Kainde-same old story about petition,rule of law,corruption AND NOW A LIE ABOUT ZAMBIA EXPORTING REFUGEES!!!HH IS NOT NORMAL!!he has been saying all this rubbish since 2006!!HH HAS NO PLAN FOR ZAMBIA.READ THROUGH THE ABOVE USELESS STATEMENT AND CHECK IF HH CARES ABOUT YOU AND ME OR OUR FUTURE-NEVER!!!SATA WAS A HELP GIVER!
    am very much convinced that HH will never rule Zambia as the nigga does not know how to win neutral souls.tribal votes from 3.5 provinces wont make him win in 2021!!PLUS WHAT IS UPND MPS DOING ABOUT ELECTORAL REFORMS?NOTHING.its clear that even 2021 elections will be conducted by ECZ like before!!BO…

  31. The house negro is at it again….an agent of neo-colonialism who has tried to make a career out of disrespecting Africans and Zambians in particular.
    We are patiently waiting to send a clear signal to the west that play time is over for them down here in Africa.

  32. This is the problem if you are in a country where individuals are not given the space to express themselves. They end up going into foreign countries where they can express themselves. If the environment in Zambia was free for anyone to express themselves, I would definately condemn the U5. Those who are unpatriotic are those infringing on the rights of others and are engaged in corruption activities, intimidation etc. Look at what happened to Kambwili at MCS memorial and the president is quiet. Next Kambwili will feel unprotected and will start going to foreign countries to do what U5 is doing. Some of you will be saying Thabo Mbeke is unpatriotic for waging war against in in foreign countries like Zambia. kikikikikikikik

  33. Some of you will be saying Thabo Mbeke is unpatriotic for waging war against apartheid in foreign countries like Zambia. kikikikikikikik

  34. continue dreaming people…there shall never be democracy in zambia!!!!!!Here is HH failing to articulate sound policies that will address the current economic and political impasse in the former british colony!!!!!

  35. It is un deniable fact that under PF the rule of law has completely died but still I hate people who always want to paint Zambia black each time they are given an opportunity to speak about my country. I have said it before and Iam saying it now, the only thing HH knows is to cry the loudest without offering any solutions. All he wants the world to see is that Zambia has fallen apart in all spheres of life without offering any solutions. HH always delights to paint black to foreigners the country he dreams to rule and that is where I feel uncomfortable with him.He is too egoistic.

  36. Haters living in denial. Be objective. Most of what HH said is true. Some of you think there have to be thousands upon thousands of people fleeing for that to qualify as ‘refugees’. I know a few Zambians who have sought asylum elsewhere because of persecution (which most of you choose to be unaware of) So relatively speaking, there may have been a time when we hardly had such.
    The point is the rule of law has been eroded, the Constitution debased, the economy is being plundered by a section of society and there is no level political playing field. Until a combination of all these issues becomes a calamity that will be difficult to reverse, will most Zambians wake up. That’s our norm. We wait for disasters – we don’t work to avert them.

  37. I liked one on Hard Talk. …If president Lungu wanted to kill you he would have done it….This would by now been food for worms had it been Rwanda, Angola, Cameroon, Nigeria, Egypt or even innocent Tanzania.

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